43 research outputs found

    Integrated forecasting models of pesticide concentrations and environmental monitoring campaigns

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    By integrating agri-environmental databases, mathematical models and geographic information systems, maps showing the potential vulnerability of soils to the leaching of plant protection products can be generated. However, these forecasts may not be subsequently corroborated by monitoring data. Here we present a case study based on glyphosate in Lombardy (Italy) and triazine herbicides in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (Spain). Glyphosate was found in the groundwater of Lombardy, despite modeling results clearly indicating the non-potential risk of groundwater contamination. Among the triazine herbicides in Valencia, simazine, although present in surface waters, was not found in groundwaters, contrary to its expected behavior as a potential leachate. The discrepancy in the behavior of glyphosate can be explained by infiltration and point contamination sources, and the absence of simazine by the facility of its degradation. Our study highlights the importance of integrating monitoring modeling and mapping approaches to improve knowledge and to obtain quality data. [Contrib Sci 10:151-160 (2014)

    Multi-actor approach and engagement strategy to promote the adoption of best management practices and a sustainable use of pesticides for groundwater quality improvement in hilly vineyards.

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    The adoption of pesticide mitigation measures and innovation at farm level, are seen as a drivers to reach the sustainable water policy objectives. With the aim to prevent the pesticide pressure of hilly vineyards on groundwater contamination, a stepwise approach in Tidone Valley was applied using different consultation mechanisms and involvement strategies throughout the overall process. Face to face meetings, direct surveys, participatory monitoring and planning of several activities aiming to inform, educate, improve skills, change of individual behaviour or raise awareness, or even initiatives to build institutional trust or support for new investment in innovation are some examples. These activities allowed us to involve key actors of water use and governance (such as farmers, advisors, representatives of drinking water management, farmer's associations, Winemaking cooperatives, local Health Authority), and to have a deeper knowledge of the context agricultural practices, of farmer's knowledge and skills concerning factors influencing water contamination and also to promote the most suitable Best Management Practices aimed at limiting the pesticide occurrence in groundwater. Indeed, the surveys results highlighted that the majority of the farms are small (64% of vineyards10 ha), that most of the farmers (62%) are not aware of the current legislation on water, even if 64% of them declare to participate regularly to training courses for the prevention of water contamination and that there is a low to moderate level of adoption of Best Practices able to prevent contamination by pesticides. At the end of the overall process, it can be stated that the multi-actor approach and engagement strategy adopted were successful in improving attitudes to more sustainable practices. This is supported also by the monitoring data that show in 2019 a decrease by 44% of pesticides occurrences and a fall by 68% of values above EQ

    Gli insetti, una fonte proteica alternativa per la zootecnia

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    SOSTENIBILIT\uc0 Ricerca, opportunit\ue0 e criticit\ue0 di una nuova tipologia di allevamento. L\u2019aumento globale della richiesta di proteine animali: un problema da affrontar


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    BACKGROUND: In October 2009, the Council of the European Union adopted the Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides (EU 128/2009/EC). This Directive establishes a framework to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides by reducing the risk and impacts of pesticide use on both human health and the environment, and promoting the use of integrated pest management and of alternative approaches or techniques. These risks thus need to be assessed using appropriate risk indicators. The OPERA Research Centre organised an expert working group and has had several consultations with stakeholders in order to identify a common way of thinking in evaluating and identifying the factors that should be considered in selecting each indicator. RESULTS: Harmonised criteria has been suggested to allow the selection of the most appropriate indicators focusing on the use phase of pesticide as requested by the Directive on Sustainable Use. CONCLUSION: The proposed methodology has led to a sharing perspectives and knowledge between the experts involved, and some principles have been identified to help national regulatory institutions to estimate general trends in pesticide-risk reduction

    Share knowledge for a Sustainable Management of the Agricultural Productions: an Italian experience in the Sustainable Use Directive perspective

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    Share knowledge for a Sustainable Management of the Agricultural Productions: an Italian experience in the Sustainable Use Directive perspectiv


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    Pi\uf9 responsabilit\ue0 nella difesa delle colture

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    La scelta della strategia impone di conoscere le conseguenze su salute, ambiente e organismi non bersagli

    rischi da agenti chimici nelle coltivazioni in serra

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    Valutazione del rischio uso agrofarmaci per gli operatori in serr

    Ingresso nella catena alimentare, bioaccumulo e rischio per il consumatore

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    food chain bioaccumulation and risk to the consume