25 research outputs found

    Incarcerated Health: Profile Of The Multidisciplinary Team Provider Of Health Assistance In Prisons

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    Objective: draw a profile of the multidisciplinary team provider of health assistence in prisions. Method: an exploratory and descriptive study developed at the Instituto Libertador Penitentiary SĂ­lvio Porto, a medium security establishment, located in the municipality of JoĂŁo Pessoa-PB. Results: the health care of prisoners has not been developed in order to comply with the legislation established in the National Health Plan of the Penitentiary System (PNSSP), since it does not meet its numerical prerequisite. Conclusion: it is urgent to propose and implement differentiated forms of work organization that have an impact on the process and on the quality of care provided to individuals with deprivation of liberty. Keywords: Health; Prisons; Patient Care Tea

    Information and communication technology for obstetric good practices

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    Objective: to investigate the use of information and communication technologies in good obstetrical practices. Results and Discussion: the studies found have dealt with the use of different information technologies, demonstrating that they are essential to good obstetrical practices because they provide security and greater access to information, as well as provide a more efficient diagnosis and consequently an adequate treatment. Conclusion: It is essential to use the technologies to achieve good obstetric practices throughout the health team. However, it is still necessary to carry out studies, as well as the creation of software that gives greater security to the welfare practices.   Descriptors: Information Technology; Obstetrics; Software; Professional Practice

    Cuidados no perĂ­odo gravĂ­dico puerperal de mulheres que convivem com HIV/AIDS / Care in the puerperal gravid period of women covering HIV/AIDS

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    Introdução: No Brasil, cresce o número de mulheres em idade fértil com HIV, com isso, o Ministério de Saúde brasileiro implementou políticas de atenção integral a saúde da mulher preconizando o cuidado humanizado desde o pré-natal, parto e puerpério, para prevenir a transmissão vertical (TV) do HIV de mãe a filho. Objetivos: Identificar como os estudos desenvolvidos podem contribuir nos âmbitos nacional e internacional, sobre os cuidados no período gravídico puerperal de mulheres que convivem com HIV/aids. Metodologia:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com ênfase a responder a questão de pesquisa “Qual a contribuição dos estudos desenvolvidos em âmbito nacional e internacional, sobre os cuidados no período gravídico puerperal de mulheres que convivem com HIV/Aids?”. As bases de dados utilizadas para a coleta de dados foram: MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF e CINAHL no período de 2003 a 2012, onde foram selecionados e analisados 22 estudos. Resultados: Foi evidenciaram percepções positivas e negativas para com o cuidado recebido. O cuidado recebido pelas mulheres é de fundamental importância para a promoção de sua saúde e proteção da saúde dos seus filhos, assim como direcionam para a necessidade de um maior envolvimento dos profissionais da saúde acerca do cuidado da mulher acometida por HIV. Conclusão: Acorda-se a necessidade da realização de novos estudos, no sentido de melhorar e explorar estas questões que podem contribuir na melhoria da qualidade de vida destas pessoas.

    Agentes comunitários de saúde: a síndrome de burnout em discussão / Community health agents: burnout syndrome in discussion

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    Introdução: A relação de trabalho do Agente Comunitário de Saúde tem desencadeado sobrecargas físicas, emocionais e biológicas que decorrem do processo de trabalho, uma das patologias do meio trabalhista é a síndrome de Burnout, que é uma resposta ao estresse prologando, e traz sequelas negativas em nível social, profissional e familiar, e que tem acometido ACS.Objetivos: Evidenciar as publicações em periódicos online de caráter nacional e internacional que abordam as temáticas da Síndrome de Burnout em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde. Metodologia:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura vigente, que teve como questão norteadora: “Quais os fatores que predispõe os ACS para o desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Burnout”? “E quais as estratégias de enfretamento utilizadas pelo ACS”? A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), nas bases de dados LILACS e BDENF, no período de 2009 a 2015.  Resultados:6 artigos compuseram a amostra deste estudo; as seguintes categorias temáticas apareceram para o estudo: I – Formas de adoecimentos pelos ACS (quatro estudos) e II – Estratégias de enfrentamentos pelos ACS. (dois estudos). Conclusão:Os estudos evidenciaram que os formas de adoecimentos pelos agentes, não podem ser modificáveis ou evitados, já que constituem em aspectos essenciais à atuação desse profissional. E com relação as estratégias de enfretamento, parece haver, um desconhecimento por parte dos ACS das amplas atividades que podem ser desenvolvidas com o objetivo de diminuir o estresse no ambiente de trabalho.

    Evaluation Of Pain In Newborn In Intensive Therapy In The Vision Of Health Professionals

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    Objective: Evaluate how health professionals perceive the pain in the NBs hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Method: This is a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach, developed in the maternity hospital Instituto de SaĂşde ElpĂ­dio de Almeida (ISEA), in the period from February to March 2016, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CESED), where the technique of data collection was through an interview with a prior script divided into two parts: the first part deals with socio-demographic issues, while the second part deals with issues related to pain in the NB, where they were recorded and transcribed in their entirety, using the content treatment through content analysis of the thematic type proposed by Laurence Bardin. Results: The results show that all health professionals perceive the pain in the neonate, where three categories emerged: "relates the evaluation of pain with physiological and behavioral measurements"; "know, but do not evaluate with pain score", "do not evaluate with pain score". Regarding the use of some method for pain relief, two categories emerged: "use of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief"; "Use of simultaneous pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods". Conclusion: All the professionals contributed to the growth of this research, being necessary more studies about the pain, mainly with regard to the use of multidimensional scales, since there is a lack of knowledge on the part of the professionals and teams that work in the NICU

    The Family Health Support Core (NASF) And Health Practices: Are There Many Challenges To Be Overcome?

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    Objective: Describe and characterize NASF health practices. Method: It is a review of current literature carried out by consulting the database Lilacs and Virtual Library of SciELO in the period from December 2016 to January 2017. Conclusion: It is concluded that, although the NASF is recognized as a support to the Family Health Strategy (FHS), still does not act in an articulated way, being fundamental that changes take place in the organization of the services and in the conduct of the health professionals who contemplate it. Descriptors: Primary Health Care. Family Health; Public Health Policies. Nursing

    Access Of Women In Jail To Cytological Exam: A Quantitative Analysis

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    Goal: to know the access of women prisoners to cytological examination. Method: exploratory-descriptive quantitative study, carried out at the Maria JĂşlia MaranhĂŁo Female Rehabilitation Center, in the city of JoĂŁo Pessoa/PB. The study population was of all closed regimens, and the minimum sample was 168 (one hundred and sixty-eight). Data collection was formalized through approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperança (FACENE), CAAE: 18363713.8.0000.5179, besides the official referral of the Coordination of the Course to said prison. The present study respected the ethical aspects recommended by Resolution CNS 466/12, in art. III, of the ethical aspects, which deals with the involvement with human beings in research, as well as Resolution COFEN 311/2007, which deals with the code of ethics of nursing professionals.   Results and Discussion: data from the survey show that 33% of study participants were between the ages of 18 and 25; 58% reported being single; 48% have Incomplete Elementary Education; 39% with the profession of domestic; 48% have a family income of one minimum wage; 58% have one to two years imprisonment; 74% inflicted the drug trafficking article; 67% mentioned working in general prison services.   Conclusion: it is concluded that the participants of the research report having knowledge about the exam, but their answers do not correspond to the true meaning of the exam, showing the lack of knowledge, information, assistance and abandonment in which they live.   Descriptors: Women. Papanicolaou Test. Prisoners. Nursing