2 research outputs found

    Penguatan Kepemimpinan Pembelajaran Berbasis Moral pada Kepala Sekolah Dasar Unggul

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    Abstract: The main task of education in the school system is learning. Improving the quality of school-based education does not occur without improving the quality of learning in schools. The effectiveness of a school in achieving its vision, carrying out its mission, meeting learning goals and targets, as well as in carrying out quality learning activities in a school, requires the existence of a principal who is able to display effective leadership, namely learning leadership. In addition, school principals need to improve their competence as learning leaders on an ongoing basis. The purpose of this activity is to increase the understanding of principals about: Principal leadership, learning leadership, religious leadership, and leadership change in superior schools in a sustainable, independent, and contextual way. The method used in this service activity is training and mentoring. Keywords: moral-based learning leadership, superior principal Abstrak: Tugas utama pendidikan di dalam sistem persekolahan yaitu pembelajaran. Peningkatan mutu pendidikan berbasis sekolah tidak terjadi, tanpa peningkatan mutu pembelajaran di sekolah. Keefektifan suatu sekolah dalam menggapai visi, mengemban misi, memenuhi tujuan dan target pembelajaran, demikian pula dalam menjalankan aktivitas pembelajaran yang bermutu di suatu sekolah, mempersyaratkan adanya seorang kepala sekolah yang mampu menampilkan kepemimpinan yang efektif, yaitu kepemimpinan pembelajaran. Selain itu, kepala sekolah perlu meningkatkan kompetensinya sebagai pemimpin pembelajaran secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan kegiatan ini berupaya meningkatkan pemahaman kepada kepala sekolah tentang: Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, kepemimpinan pembelajaran, kepemimpinan religius, dan kepemimpinan perubahan di sekolah unggul secara berkelanjutan, mandiri, dan kontekstual. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan pembelajaran berbasis moral, kepala sekolah unggu

    Generic structure and ideational meaning making of the Joker Movie Poster On 2019's Academy Awards: a multimodality analysis

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    The thesis discusses multimodality analysis on print media advertisements, especially in the "Joker" movie poster. The researcher researches with Cheong's (2004) theory to investigate the generic structure potential and Wee's (2009) framework to describe the poster's ideational meaning. The study describes the Joker movie poster commercials' generic structure potential and the ideational meaning concepts. two problems can be solved in this research, namely: (1) what are the generic structures in the Joker movie poster; (2) what is the ideational meaning-making in the poster of the Joker movie poster as the best motion picture at the Academy Awards 2019. The researcher used the descriptive-qualitative method. this study significantly gives an understanding of how multimodality can be used to reveal the ideational meaning-making concept. Related to the function, the researcher used a multi-semiotic mechanism to correlate with generic structure potential by Cheong. The data of this research was taken from the "Joker" movie poster advertisement on Internet Movie Database. As a result, the researcher found seven elements of the structure. They are the Lead, Display, Announcement, Emblem, Enhancer, Tag, and Call and Visit Information. The researcher also found three components of the generic structure contained in the ideational meaning-making. There are four stages in ideational meaning-making; Bidirectional Investment, Contextualization Potential, Interpretative Space, and Semantic effervescence. The finding shows that generic structure potential has an essential relationship in ideational meaning-making. The movie poster creator can reparation the poster with a clear meaning of the poster. However, it depends on the social-cultural in their environment and experience by the viewer. This poster has low CP, and a minimum of linguistic items accompanies the visual images, and clear definable relationships are forming between the visual and verbal modes. The linguistic and visual modes are regarded as a persuasive strategy to convince the viewers to purchase the product