31 research outputs found

    The Self-Inactivating KamiCas9 System for the Editing of CNS Disease Genes.

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    Neurodegenerative disorders are a major public health problem because of the high frequency of these diseases. Genome editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 system is making it possible to modify the sequence of genes linked to these disorders. We designed the KamiCas9 self-inactivating editing system to achieve transient expression of the Cas9 protein and high editing efficiency. In the first application, the gene responsible for Huntington's disease (HD) was targeted in adult mouse neuronal and glial cells. Mutant huntingtin (HTT) was efficiently inactivated in mouse models of HD, leading to an improvement in key markers of the disease. Sequencing of potential off-targets with the constitutive Cas9 system in differentiated human iPSC revealed a very low incidence with only one site above background level. This off-target frequency was significantly reduced with the KamiCas9 system. These results demonstrate the potential of the self-inactivating CRISPR/Cas9 editing for applications in the context of neurodegenerative diseases

    Povećanje letalnog učinka bleomicina na stanice HeLa i V79 s pomoću pčelinjeg otrova

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    This study investigated possible growth-inhibiting effects of bee venom applied alone or in combination with a cytotoxic drug bleomycin on HeLa and V79 cells in vitro based on clone formation, cell counting, and apoptosis. Melittin, the key component of bee venom, is a potent inhibitor of calmodulin activity, and also a potent inhibitor cell growth and clonogenicity. Intracellular accumulation of melittin correlates with the cytotoxicity of antitumour agents. Previous studies indicated that some calcium antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors enhanced intracellular levels of antitumor agents by inhibiting their outward transport. In this study, treatment of exponentially growing HeLa and V79 cells with bleomycin caused a dose-dependent decrease in cell survival due to DNA damage. This lethal effect was potentiated by adding a non-lethal dose of the bee venom. By preventing repair of damaged DNA, bee venom inhibited recovery from potentially lethal damage induced by bleomycin in V79 and HeLa cells. Apoptosis, necrosis, and lysis were presumed as possible mechanisms by which bee venom inhibited growth and clonogenicity of V79 cells. HeLa cells, on the other hand, showed greater resistance to bee venom. Our findings suggest that bee venom might find a therapeutic use in enhancing cytotoxicity of antitumour agent bleomycin.U uvjetima in vitro istražen je inhibitorni učinak pčelinjeg otrova, samog ili združenog s citostatikom bleomicinom, na rast stanica HeLa i V79. Rabljene su sljedeće metode: brojenje stanica, metoda klonskog rasta i apoptoza. Poznato je da neki antagonisti kalcija i kalmodulinski inhibitori povisuju unutarstaničnu razinu protutumorskih lijekova inhibirajući njihov prijenos iz stanice. Unutarstanična akumulacija melitina izravno povećava citotoksični učinak protutumorskog lijeka. Obrada stanica HeLa i V79 u eksponencijalnoj fazi rasta bleomicinom uzrokuje oštećenje DNA ovisno o dozi te smanjenje broja živih stanica. Uočeno je da se letalni učinak bleomicina može pojačati dodatkom neletalne doze pčelinjeg otrova. Pčelinji otrov pritom inhibira popravak nastalih oštećenja u stanicama HeLa i V79 te sprječava oporavak stanica tretiranih bleomicinom. Apoptoza, nekroza i liza mogući su mehanizmi kojima pčelinji otrov inhibira rast i stvaranje kolonija stanica V79, dok HeLa-stanice pokazuju pojačanu otpornost na pčelinji otrov. Istraživanje također potvrđuje mogućnost uporabe pčelinjeg otrova u povećanju citotoksičnosti bleomicina

    Obstetric Fistula “Disease” and Ensuing Care: Patients’ Views in West-Africa

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    We explored obstetric fistula patients’ real-life experience of care in modern Health System. Our aim was to analyze how these women’s views impacted their care uptake and coping. We conducted 67 in-depth interviews with 35 fistula patients or former patients in 5 fistula repair centers within referral hospitals in Mali and Niger. Perceptions of obstetric fistula influenced the care experience and vice versa. Obstetric fistula was viewed as a severe chronic disease due to length of care process, limitation of surgery and persisting physical and moral suffering. We highlight the opportunity to build on patients’ views on obstetric fistula trauma and care in order to implement an effective holistic care process. Keywords: Vesico-vaginal fistula, long-term care, social perception, chronic disease, qualitative research, West Africa