36 research outputs found

    Immersive virtual reality to visualise the visible and infrared layer of a medieval altarpiece

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    [EN] This article describes the conception, development and implementation process of an interactive, immersive virtual reality experience for a museum environment, which allows viewers to virtually explore the 'Retablo de San Jorge del Centenar de la Ploma' in detail and in its entirety. This altarpiece is a pivotal work in the International Valencian Gothic style. It is also an example of Relocated Heritage, which has belonged to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London since 1864. Currently, it is exhibited there in the room housing the Raphael Cartoons. The fact that it is impossible to physically view this work in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia along with other medieval Valencian Gothic altarpieces has motivated the creation of this virtual reality experience. This will enable researchers and visitors interested in this period to virtually examine the work. To produce this experience, different data-gathering technology has been used, such as visible and infrared radiation, photogrammetry and computer design programs like Blender and Unreal Engine. For the viewing, high-range computer equipment and virtual reality headsets have been implemented, which totally immerse the user in the created environment. In this experience, the viewer is taken on an aerial tour of virtually reconstructed 15th century Valencia and finally brought to the altarpiece, where a close examination can be made. This examination implements both the visible light spectrum and that of infrared radiation, enabling the contemplation of the iconography of each of its scenes and characters and the detailed study of the techniques used in the creative process of this emblematic altarpiece.Authors would like to thank the Victoria & Albert Museum - Research project by the Generalitat Valenciana titled: 'The International Valencian Gothic. The altarpiece of Saint George of Centenar de la Ploma and other related key works for study, scientific analysis and/or identification of the authors' (GV/2018/154) - Generalitat Valenciana (Presidencia de GVA - Direccion General de Patrimonio -IVCR+i) and Pascual Merce professional photographer, for the realization of the infrared photography.García, G.; Saiz Mauleón, MB.; Contreras, G.; Juanes, D.; Soriano, A. (2020). Immersive virtual reality to visualise the visible and infrared layer of a medieval altarpiece. European Journal of Science and Theology. 16(3):165-178. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165726S16517816

    Polychromy of late gothic civil architecture: a world heritage monument case in Spain

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    [EN] The Silk Exchange of Valencia, Spain, is one of the best examples of late Gothic civil architecture in Europe, and was declared a World Heritage Monument by UNESCO in 1996. Prior to cleaning and conservation, technical examination identified the original pigments used to paint the walls, keys, vaults, arches and columns in the main hall, the Contract Hall. Cross sections of remnants of original colour (blue, green, red, gold, etc.) were investigated with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, X-ray diffraction techniques and UV light. The study has revealed that the original paint today remains only in very limited areas. Evidence for a later maintenance operation of repainting was also found in the inscription that runs around the Contract Hall. The information has been very useful for deciding on the cleaning and conservation process.This work has been supported by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia’s Forum Unesco -University and Heritage and by Valencia City Council under the project: “Study and Diagnosis of Pathological Manifestations of the Stone and Project and Construction Management of Cleaning and Conservation of the Silk Exchange of Valencia "Ramirez, MJ.; Saiz Mauleón, MB.; Curiel-Esparza, J.; Llinares, J.; Soriano, M. (2013). Polychromy of late gothic civil architecture: a world heritage monument case in Spain. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry. 13(2):121-126. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99866S12112613

    Word and Face recognition processing based on response times and ex-Gaussian components

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    [EN] The face is a fundamental feature of our identity. In humans, the existence of specialized processing modules for faces is now widely accepted. However, identifying the processes involved for proper names is more problematic. The aim of the present study is to examine which of the two treatments is produced earlier and whether the social abilities are influent. We selected 100 university students divided into two groups: Spanish and USA students. They had to recognize famous faces or names by using a masked priming task. An analysis of variance about the reaction times (RT) was used to determine whether significant differences could be observed in word or face recognition and between the Spanish or USA group. Additionally, and to examine the role of outliers, the Gaussian distribution has been modified exponentially. Famous faces were recognized faster than names, and differences were observed between Spanish and North American participants, but not for unknown distracting faces. The current results suggest that response times to face processing might be faster than name recognition, which supports the idea of differences in processing nature.Moret-Tatay, C.; Garcia-Ramos, D.; Saiz Mauleón, MB.; Gamermann, D.; Bertheaux, C.; Borg, C. (2021). Word and Face recognition processing based on response times and ex-Gaussian components. Entropy. 23(5):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/e23050580S11723

    On the Influence of Operational and Control Parameters in Thermal Response Testing of Borehole Heat Exchangers

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    [EN] Thermal response test (TRT) is a common procedure for characterization of ground and borehole thermal properties needed for the design of a shallow geothermal heat pump system. In order to investigate and to develop more accurate and robust procedures for TRT control, modelling, and evaluation in semi-permeable soils with large water content, a pilot borehole heat exchanger was built in the main campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The present work shows the results of the experiments performed at the site, analysing the improvements that have been introduced both in the control of the heat injected during TRTs and in the methods to infer the ground thermal parameter. Three models are compared: two based on the infinite-line source theory and one based on the finite-line source scheme. The models were tested under two possible configurations of the equipment, i.e., with and without strict control of injected heat. Our results show the importance of heat injection control for a robust parameter assessment and the existence of additional heat transfer processes that the used models cannot completely characterize and that are related to the presence of significant groundwater flow at the site. In addition, our experience with the current installation and the knowledge about its strengths and weaknesses have allowed us to design a new and more complete test-site to help in the analysis and validation of new ground heat exchanger geometries.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement Nos. (657982) and (727583).Badenes Badenes, B.; Mateo Pla, MÁ.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Saiz Mauleón, MB.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF. (2017). On the Influence of Operational and Control Parameters in Thermal Response Testing of Borehole Heat Exchangers. Energies. 10(9):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/en10091328S11510

    CoderDojo Valencia: club inclusivo de robótica para jóvenes en la ETSID-UPV

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    [EN] CoderDojo Valencia is the programming and robotics club of the Asociación ByL Iniciatives Educatives bylinedu.org, which promotes Maker culture and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) from 7 to 17 years old. It is an open and free initiative, started in 2013, to allow learning technology, programming, and computer creation in a fun and relaxed way. In addition to learning to program, inclusion and cooperation are worked on, always promoting teamwork and a collaborative spirit. Work is carried out by interest groups, and autonomous learning and critical thinking are stimulated so that they can continue with the learning and the project started in the classroom at home. Our vision is that all children and young people should have the opportunity to learn and be creative in a fun, social, and safe environment. CoderDojo Valencia collaborates with the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering (ETSID) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), which enables workshops to be held at its facilities and has volunteer staff for the development and promotion of these Actions.[ES] CoderDojo Valencia es el club de programación y robótica de la Asociación ByL Iniciatives Educatives bylinedu.org, que fomenta la cultura Maker y las STEAM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, arte y matemáticas) desde los 7 a los 17 años. Se trata de una iniciativa abierta y gratuita, iniciada en 2013, para dar la oportunidad de aprender tecnología, programar y crear con ordenadores de manera divertida y relajada. Además de aprender a programar, se trabaja la inclusión y la cooperación, siempre potenciando el trabajo en equipo y el espíritu colaborativo. Se trabaja por grupos de interés y se estimula el aprendizaje autónomo y el pensamiento crítico, para que en sus casas tengan la capacidad de continuar con el aprendizaje y el proyecto iniciado en las aulas. Nuestra visión es que todos los niños, niñas y jóvenes deberían tener la oportunidad de aprender y ser personas creativas en un entorno divertido, social y seguro. CoderDojo Valencia cuenta con la colaboración de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño (ETSID) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), que posibilita la realización de los talleres en sus instalaciones y cuenta con personal voluntario para el desarrollo y fomento de estas acciones.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño (ETSID). Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) y Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. ByLinedu.Llopis Carrasco, B.; Iborra Sales, L.; Sáiz Mauleón, B.; Monsoriu Serra, J. (2022). CoderDojo Valencia: club inclusivo de robótica para jóvenes en la ETSID-UPV. En LIBRO DE ACTAS. Jornadas Hacia una Nueva Cultura Científica. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 52-61. https://doi.org/10.4995/NCC2022.2022.15882526

    Diseño y análisis de productos y espacios con técnicas de prototipado virtual interactivo

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    [ES] El trabajo muestra cómo el empleo de técnicas de visualización inmersiva influyen en el proceso creativo, mejorando las ideas proyectadas y facilitando un análisis de los productos y espacios ideados. Se plasma el proceso innovador de la asignatura “Visualizaciones avanzadas. Realidad virtual aplicada al diseño de productos” impartida en el Máster Universitario de Ingeniería del Diseño, de la ETSID-UPV, en donde el alumnado idea, diseña y experimenta con modelos tridimensionales, visualizados en soportes bidimensionales y maquetas y prototipos virtuales inmersivos. Se muestra el trabajo desde la motivación, la sorpresa, la aproximación a la realidad más tangible y un conjunto de acciones derivadas de esa aproximación que posibilita al estudiante ver su proyecto hecho realidad. La evolución de la tecnología y su implementación en la universidad permite, a su vez, implementar la docencia con herramientas que ya están al alcance del alumnado, convirtiendo la experiencia docente en la máxima aproximación a la realidad laboral que en breve les espera.[EN] This work shows how the use of immersive visualization techniques can influence the creative process, improving the projected ideas and making the analysis of the products and spaces designed easier. The innovative process of the course "Advanced Visualizations. Virtual reality applied to the design of products" taught in the Master's Degree in Design Engineering, ETSID-UPV, where the students think, design and experiment with three-dimensional models visualized on two-dimensional media, models and immersive virtual prototypes. The work is shown from the motivation, the surprise and the approach to the most tangible reality and a set of actions derived from that approach that allows the student to see his project come real. The evolution of technology and its implementation at the university allows, to improve teaching with tools that are already available to students, making the teaching experience the maximum approach to the career that will soon come to them.Saiz Mauleón, B.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Verdejo Gimeno, P.; Cisneros Vivó, JJ. (2021). Diseño y análisis de productos y espacios con técnicas de prototipado virtual interactivo. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 388-401. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11953OCS38840

    Con esas pastillas, yo no puedo tener el cuerpo depurado

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    Duración (en horas): Menos de 10 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y DocenteAinara, es una enfermera que el día 26 de enero del 2015 se encontraba en el turno de mañana en la Unidad de Neurología del Hospital Universitario Araba (HUA), sede Santiago, de Vitoria – Gasteiz (País Vasco, España). Esa mañana tenía asignados a 9 pacientes, entre quienes se encontraba María, de 57 años de edad. María había ingresado el 24 de enero en la unidad de Neurología trasladada desde la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos debido a una crisis comicial provocada por la no adherencia al tratamiento. A las 08:50 de la mañana, la enfermera acudió a la habitación de María para administrarle la medicación antiepiléptica del desayuno; sin embargo, la paciente se negó a tomarla. Ainara le explicó que el antiepiléptico era necesario para evitar nuevas crisis epilépticas, pero María insistió en que no se lo tomaría. La paciente con un tono desafiante refería que los medicamentos que le prescribían sólo producían efectos secundarios, que no iban a solucionar su problema y que lo único que quería era que la dejasen en paz y que le diesen el alta para irse a su casa. Ante esta situación, Ainara se sintió impotente y desconcertada ¿Qué puedo hacer

    Recuperación del patrimonio arquitectónico entre el binomio de la investigación y creación

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    [ES] Sin resumenGarcía Codoñer, Á.; Torres Barchino, AM.; Llopis Verdú, J.; Villaplana Guillen, R.; Saiz Mauleón, B. (2005). Recuperación del patrimonio arquitectónico entre el binomio de la investigación y creación. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. (10):136-139. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2005.10340SWORD1361391

    Characterization of materials used in the Quart Towers (Valencia, Spain) prior to restoration

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    [EN] Quart Towers are one of the remaining gates in the medieval wall of the city of Valencia (Spain). They were built in the 15th century and have recently been cleaned and consolidated. Prior to this work, a multidisciplinary team conducted a physicochemical study to diagnose the state and composition of different materials. Stone, mortar, patinas, salts etc., have been analyzed as well as their state of deterioration Remains of previous interventions have been found in mortars of restitution and application of consolidants that have caused damaging salts. The methodology used is optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. The results have been used together with documentary data to identify the components of the materials in order to, if possible, compatibility the material in the damaged areas and to determine the most appropriate techniques and procedures for applying cleaning systems, enabling consolidation and protection of the building without altering the unique characteristics of the original building typology.The authors are grateful for the support of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).Ramírez Blanco, MJ.; Llinares Millán, J.; Soriano Cubells, MJ.; Saiz Mauleón, MB.; Curiel-Esparza, J. (2015). Characterization of materials used in the Quart Towers (Valencia, Spain) prior to restoration. Mediterranean Archaelogy & Archaeometry. 15(1):61-71. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.15005S617115

    Con esas pastillas, yo no puedo tener el cuerpo depurado

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    Duración (en horas): Menos de 10 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y DocenteAinara, es una enfermera que el día 26 de enero del 2015 se encontraba en el turno de mañana en la Unidad de Neurología del Hospital Universitario Araba (HUA), sede Santiago, de Vitoria – Gasteiz (País Vasco, España). Esa mañana tenía asignados a 9 pacientes, entre quienes se encontraba María, de 57 años de edad. María había ingresado el 24 de enero en la unidad de Neurología trasladada desde la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos debido a una crisis comicial provocada por la no adherencia al tratamiento. A las 08:50 de la mañana, la enfermera acudió a la habitación de María para administrarle la medicación antiepiléptica del desayuno; sin embargo, la paciente se negó a tomarla. Ainara le explicó que el antiepiléptico era necesario para evitar nuevas crisis epilépticas, pero María insistió en que no se lo tomaría. La paciente con un tono desafiante refería que los medicamentos que le prescribían sólo producían efectos secundarios, que no iban a solucionar su problema y que lo único que quería era que la dejasen en paz y que le diesen el alta para irse a su casa. Ante esta situación, Ainara se sintió impotente y desconcertada ¿Qué puedo hacer