378 research outputs found

    The Influence of Information Quality, System Quality and Service Quality on the Use of Web-based Information Systems (Case Studies on Aremania Brawijaya for the User of Web-based Portal in Ongisnade.co.id, Malang)

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the variable system quality, the information quality, service quality and use with web-based information technology. Know and explain the relationship system quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, Know and explain the relationship information quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, Know and explain the relationship service quality variable with the use of web-based information technology, the research was conducted in ongisnade.co.id. The study is used to test the hypothesis is explanatory research, The study shows that there is a strong correlation between the system quality variables, information quality, and service quality and to use of information technology. So the relationship with the use of variables with the user in information systems technology will have a strong relationship .the conclusions show that the quality system, information quality and service quality has been able to meet the use web-based information technology on ongisnade.co.id

    Perancangan Kampanye Sosial “Bubur Kertas Sahabat Kita”

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    Jumlah pemakaian kertas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari semakin meningkat. penggunaan kertasyang berlebihan tentu menyebabkan limbah kertas yang bukan hanya berdampak negatif bagilingkungan tetapi juga mahluk hidup. Kenyataannya hal ini tidak membuat orang sadar danmemanfaaatkan limbah kertas yang ada menjadi kreaftivitas, sebagian besar hanya menggunakankertas bekas untuk dikilokan, dibuang, atau dibakar. Perlu adanya solusi kreatif yang mengajakgenerasi muda untuk menanamkan peduli lingkungan melalui kreatifitas. Anak-anak kelas 1-6 SekolahDasar (6-12 tahun) belum mengerti dan mengenal dengan baik apa itu kegiatan sosial menjadi sasarandari perancangan ini dimana usia anak merupakan masa potensial yang paling mudah untuk penanamandan menumbuhkan rasa sadar dan perduli lingkungan dengan cara mengembangkan kreatifitas melaluilimbah kertas yang didaur ulang dalam kegiatan Kampanye Sosial “ Bubur Kertas Sahabat Kita”.Selain menanamkan kepedulian akan lingkungan kegiatan ini juga melatih kreatifitas pada anak yangmenerapkan prinsip Go Green yakni reuse dan recyle

    Studi Implementasi Kebijakan Revitalisasi Pasar Bulu Kota Semarang

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    This study was conducted to explain the policy of the Local Government of Semarang City on the structuring traditional markets in the Bulu Market Semarang. Local government arrange this market because conditions of Bulu that already not optimum enough on its operation. In addition, the location of the market that in Tugu Muda area, that will be make as heritage tourism area, also as central area in Semarang City. The goal of Market Bulu arrangement is for the markets to be orderly, clean, neat, and of course, can fill the good standard of services to consumers and mass. To explain the arrangement of market, this research used descriptive qualitative research methods. Subjects and objects in this study is the Market Service of Semarang City as a representative of the Government, the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Market Area Bulu, Head of Market Bulu, and traders and shoppers. The method of data collection was through interviews and observations with the selection of informants according to the goal of that research. According to data, this policy based on APBD of Semarang City 2012. The main programs are temporary relocations while under construction of new building and collapsing of Bulu's market old building, also the development of new building. The program plan is the development of Bulu market to be Semi-Modern market. In this process, merchants can accept the terms about this plan and willing to do temporary relocation. But, there are some protests about the limit condition of traders while in relocation place, also there are some fouls that appeared about old building status and the process of AMDAL. Communication provided by the merchants initially poorly understood. High intensity of communication that makes the program can be implemented.Recommendations for future, it takes the approach, communication, coordination and cooperation among the governments with the people (traders), in order to avoid differences in the perception and acceptance of information in the process of policy implementation. Approach taken by the Local Government of Semarang Mahasiswa Ilmu Pemerintahan Fisip Undip 2007 Dosen Ilmu Pemerintahan Fisip Undip Dosen Ilmu Pemerintahan Fisip Undip2through Market Service of Semarang City more to the approach to the Bulu market traders for aspiration traders considered to be essential and beneficial, rather than policy is top-down

    The Capital Structure of Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia

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    Venture capital (VC) is an important fund source for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start up, particularly to deliver its main product of equity participation. Therefore, capital structure and factors that affect it are very crucial. This study aims to analyze the capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression. This study utilizes secondary data of six years period (2009-2014) monthly financial statements of 27 samples out of 58 VC firms to form 1,944 observations. The study reveals that capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia is dominated by debt/loan rather than capital with DER on average is 136.95%. In addition, the research confirms that VC firms\u27 capital structure is affected simultaneously by financial aspects which are asset size, profitability, liquidity, asset/investment quality, and earning asset structure. The attentions to financial aspects that affect the VC firms\u27 capital structure as well as other initiatives related to capital increases are necessary so that the VC firms could carry out its role effectively

    Strategi Adaptasi Pengrajin Tenun Siak di Kabupaten Siak

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    This research was in the Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the life of craftsmen Weaving Tenun Siak in Kabupaten Siak. The research titled “Adaptation Strategies Craftsmen Tenun Siak in Kabupaten Siak”. Topics focus of this research is how adaptation strategies craftsmen Tenun Siak in Kabupaten Siak. This research subject craftsmen tenun siak in Kabupaten Siak and the leadership of the foundation that will be a source of information and research object. Samples were craftsmen tenun siak amounted to 9 workers who are in Kabupaten Siak and the leadership of the foundation. he author uses qualitative descriptive method and the data were analyzed qualitatively. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. Instruments of data are observation, questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that the workers tenun siak: a few strategies to meet the needs of households, namely: Biological Investment Strategies, Strategy successively , Educational Strategy, Investment Strategy Economics. Of all the craftsmen Tenun Siak, work as a weaver is the main worker but not a second job to help the family economy. Before becoming Weaving craftsmen Tenun Siak, all the craftsmen Tenun Siak training how to produce woven fabrics Tenun Siak follow organized by the government Dewan Kesenian Nasional Daerah (DEKRANASDA) Kabupaten Siak and partly trained work place

    Analisa Perbandingan Adaptif Median Filter dan Median Filter dalam Reduksi Noise Salt & Pepper

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    Suatu data atau informasi disajikan tidak hanya berupa data teks tetapi juga dapat berupa audio, video, dan gambar. Pada zaman sekarang informasi sangatlah penting dan diperlukan, begitu juga informasi yang terdapat pada citra. Citra (image) atau istilah lain untuk gambar merupakan salah satu komponen multimedia yang berperan penting sebagai bentuk informasi visual. Dibandingkan dengan data teks, citra memiliki banyak informasi. Namun terkadang citra juga dapat mengalami penurunan yaitu degradasi atau penurunan kualitas yang disebabkan oleh derau / noise, warna terlalu kontras, kabur, dan lain-lain. Ada beberapa jenis noise dalam pengolahan citra salah satunya yaitu Salt & Pepper noise. Noise Salt & Pepper berbentuk seperti bintik hitam dan putih pada citra. Untuk mengurangi noise ini dibutuhkan suatu metode, salah satunya yaitu median filter. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah median filter dan adaptif median filter. Perbedaan mendasar antara kedua metode ini yaitu pada besarnya windows pada adaptif median filter adalah variabel. Dari hasil penelitian, citra yang menggunakan metode adaptif median filter lebih baik daripada median filter. Dari perhitungan Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) citra yang menggunakan adaptif median filter mendapatkan 29,2495 dB sedangkan median filter mendapatkan 23,8181 dB

    Legal Implication on Supreme Court Decision that Conclude Contract of Work has a Lex Specialis Principle from the Local Taxes and Retributions Act 2009 towards Local Government Finance

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    The Contract of Work between the Government of Indonesia and mining companies has the nailed down tax obligations, which means that the mining companies only pay taxes that are stipulated at the time when the Contract of Work was signed. A legal issue arose when the Local Taxes and Retributions was enacted in 2009 which did not exclude Contract of Work mining companies from imposing local taxes. In several provinces, the tax dispute arose when the Local Government imposed local taxes on the mining companies under the Contract of Work based on the Local Taxes and Retributions Act. The pattern of dispute settlement process from those issues was carried out until the case review process by the Supreme Court. The decision on the case review stated that the Contract of Work was valid as a lex specialis of the Local Taxes and Retributions Act with consideration: there was a recommendation from the House of Representatives in the formation of a Contract of Work and the Letter of the Minister of Finance No. 1032/MK.04/1988. The method that will be used in this study is the normative juridical method, referring to written legal materials in the form of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials which are specifically related to local taxes and absolute tax theory. The result of this research concluded that the Supreme Court decision was not conformable with tax law principles and absolute tax theory. Furthermore, considering the erga omnes principle of the Administrative Court System that the Tax Court is beneath the scope, the decision implies the other local government that cannot collect local taxes from mining companies under Contract of Work