65 research outputs found

    Optimizing Systems for Cold-Climate Strawberry Production

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    Producing fruits and vegetables in the Intermountain West can be challenging due a short growing season, extreme temperatures, and limited availability of irrigation water. This is particularly true of strawberries, where commercial production is limited due to late fall and early spring frosts that shorten the growing season. With the increasing demand for local produce as urban populations grow and as consumer buying habits change, growers are looking for ways to overcome these climatic challenges. High tunnels are one option growers can use. High tunnels are similar to greenhouses, but less expensive to construct and to maintain. Another way to protect crops against adverse climatic conditions is with low tunnels. As the name implies, they are a smaller version of a high tunnel, usually only tall enough to cover the canopy of the plant. Low tunnels can be used by themselves or in conjunction with (inside) a high tunnel. Adding heat is another option. However, heating can be expensive and may not be profitable. Targeting heat additions in the root zone may decrease cost of heat but still provide protection to the plant.These protection methods were evaluated in Cache Valley, Utah for effectiveness of increasing strawberry yield. High tunnels increased total yield, as did high tunnels used in conjunction with low tunnels. However, low tunnels by themselves were not able to increase yield in comparison to unprotected plants in the field. Targeted root zone heating was evaluated in both high and low tunnel with two target temperatures: 7 and 15 °C. There was no difference in total yield between the two temperatures, but both increased yield above the high tunnel alone and the 15 °C heating treatment moved the harvest season approximately 6.5 weeks earlier than unheated tunnels and approximately 12 weeks earlier than field production. The additional cost associated with using supplemental heat was offset by the increased yields and the higher value of early fruit.Separate experiments were carried out to determine susceptibility of strawberry leaves to damage from cold temperatures, which can then be used to provide guidelines for temperature management in high tunnels. Strawberry leaves were not significantly damaged when exposed to -3 °C, but significant damage occurred once leaves were exposed to -5 °C. To maximize the advantages of protected cultivation, growers should manage tunnels and heating to keep leaf temperatures above -3 °C. These results provide improved guidelines for growers interested in using protected cultivation strategies to provide fruit for local consumption in the Intermountain West

    Goosberries in the Garden

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    This fact sheet describes gooseberries, recommended varieties, how to grow them, nutrition, pests and diseases, and uses

    Late -season Raspberry Production in High Tunnels: Varieties

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    This fact sheet reports on two high tunnel research trials in North Logan, Utah, with fall-bearing raspberries to determine the effectiveness of high tunnel fall freeze protection. The trials found that high tunnels were effective at prolonging the season in years when freezing temperatures halted unprotected raspberry production but were not so severe as to also stop high tunnel production

    Raspberry Management for Utah

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    This fact sheet provides a general guide to raspberry production that can be adapted for both home use and for small-scale commercial production

    High Tunnels for Earlier Production of Fall (primocane) Raspberries

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    This fact sheet describes how using simple, low-cost 2-season tunnels to modify early spring growth moves the production window earlier and may provide an economically viable method for raspberry growers in Utah, especially in areas prone to early fall freezes

    Vegetable Irrigation: Leafy Greens

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    Different irrigation methods are commonly used to irrigate leafy greens, each with different management considerations. Furrow irrigation is quite common but many growers are converting to use drip irrigation to save water, improve plant growth, and optimize productivity. Regardless of the irrigation system used, there are some basic principles to understand that will help ensure proper irrigation. This fact sheet discusses these basic principles

    Introduction to Cover Crops for Vegetable Production in Utah

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    This fact sheet provides a brief overview of cover crops for vegetable production and will help growers interested in figuring out what cover crops will work best for their unique situations

    High Tunnel Strawberry Production for Early Spring Harvest

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    Utah State University Extension researchers have developed two systems for high tunnel strawberry production. This fact sheet details a fall-planted, spring-harvested system

    High Tunnel Cut Flower Peonies in Utah

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    This fact sheet presents general peony production information, basic high tunnel management guidelines for peonies, and preliminary data comparing peonies produced in a high tunnel to the open field

    Supplemental Heating in a High Tunnel

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