14 research outputs found

    Resistance to a Rhabdovirus (VHSV) in Rainbow Trout: Identification of a Major QTL Related to Innate Mechanisms

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    Chantier qualité GAHealth control is a major issue in animal breeding and a better knowledge of the genetic bases of resistance to diseases is needed in farm animals including fish. The detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) will help uncovering the genetic architecture of important traits and understanding the mechanisms involved in resistance to pathogens. We report here the detection of QTL for resistance to Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV), a major threat for European aquaculture industry. Two induced mitogynogenetic doubled haploid F2 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) families were used. These families combined the genome of susceptible and resistant F0 breeders and contained only fully homozygous individuals. For phenotyping, fish survival after an immersion challenge with the virus was recorded, as well as in vitro virus replication on fin explants. A bidirectional selective genotyping strategy identified seven QTL associated to survival. One of those QTL was significant at the genome-wide level and largely explained both survival and viral replication in fin explants in the different families of the design (up to 65% and 49% of phenotypic variance explained respectively). These results evidence the key role of innate defence in resistance to the virus and pave the way for the identification of the gene(s) responsible for resistance. The identification of a major QTL also opens appealing perspectives for selective breeding of fish with improved resistance

    L’Homme trace

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    Avec le xxie siĂšcle, semble Ă©merger un genre nouveau, celui de l’Homme trace. Jamais dans l’histoire de l’humanitĂ©, les outils technologiques n’ont Ă©tĂ© aussi nombreux et aussi efficaces non seulement pour communiquer, mais aussi enregistrer les moindres faits et gestes du quotidien. Il s’ensuit une forme de traçabilitĂ© humaine qui suscite les inquiĂ©tudes les plus dĂ©raisonnables et des questionnements Ă©thiques, lĂ©gitimes et inĂ©dits, qui touchent aux notions mĂȘmes d’intimitĂ© et de libertĂ©. Observant et analysant certaines des traces les plus exemplaires de l’homme contemporain, les spĂ©cialistes rĂ©unis ici placent ces interrogations primordiales en perspective. DĂ©passant l’illusoire Ă©vidence de la « trace », ces chercheurs, issus de champs disciplinaires variĂ©s (sciences de la communication, sociologie, informatique, psychologie, linguistique, mais aussi gĂ©ographie et anthropologie), traitent le sujet sous des angles divers, dĂ©construisent la notion de trace et en dĂ©gagent un nouveau paradigme. Émerge ainsi l’absolue nĂ©cessitĂ© de mettre en rapport le contexte de production de la trace, celui de sa rĂ©ception et de son interprĂ©tation. Une exploration contemporaine de la nature fondamentale de l’Homme

    Annuaire 2004-2005

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    Annuaire 2005-2006

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