28 research outputs found

    Nutritional value and coagulation properties of milk from local cow breeds, including the selected macro- and micronutrients and trace elements

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti prehrambenu vrijednost mlijeka na osnovu kemijskog sastava i sadržaja odabranih mineralnih tvari, te sposobnost koagulacije sirovog mlijeka izvornih pasmina - poljsko crvenih i bijelo-crnih, lokalno uzgojenih simentalskih krava, uzimajući u obzir utjecaj sezone. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 418 uzoraka mlijeka uzetih tijekom proljeća/ljeta (travanj do rujan) odnosno jeseni/zime (listopad do ožujak). Uzorcima su određivani kemijski sastav, energijska vrijednost, sposobnost koagulacije (RCT - vrijeme zgrušavanja, A30 - čvrstoća gruša, K20 - vrijeme potrebno za postizanje odgovarajuće čvrstoće gruša), prinos sira te sadržaj K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni i Co. Također je određeno u kojem postotku konzumacija 250 mL testiranih uzoraka mlijeka pokriva dnevni preporučeni unos Ca i Mg za djecu, adolescente i odrasle. Mlijeko pasmine poljsko crveno sadržavalo je najviše koncentracije osnovnih nutrijenata (1 kg mlijeka imalo je energijsku vrijednost od 823,98 kcal) i imalo je najbolju sposobnost koagulacije mlijeka (najkraće vrijeme zgrušavanja (16:09 min, p≤0,01) i najčvršći gruš (30,74 mm)). Ovaj uzorak mlijeka imao je bolji nutritivni profil budući da je sadržavao najviši postotak preporučenih dnevnih unosa za Ca i Mg. Sirovo mlijeko dobiveno u sezoni ispaše imalo je bolje parametre sposobnosti koagulacije. Sadržaj mineralnih tvari nije bio uvjetovan pasminom ni sezonom proizvodnje. To je vjerojatno posljedica većih udjela ovih nutrijenata u stočnoj hrani, što je povezano s njihovim sadržajem u tlu kao i sa stupnjem fertiliziacije.The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional value of milk based on its chemical composition and content of selected minerals and to determine the coagulation properties of raw milk from native Polish breeds, i.e. the Polish Red and the White-backed, as well as locally raised Simmental cows, taking into account the production season. The research material consisted of 418 milk samples taken during the spring/summer season (April to September) and autumn/winter season (October to March). The following parameters were determined in the samples: chemical composition, energetic value, coagulation properties (RCT - rennet clotting time, A30 - curd firmness, K20 - curd firming time), cheese yield, and content of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni and Co. The percentage of the daily allowance for Ca and Mg in children, adolescents and adults from 250 mL of milk was determined. The milk of Polish Red cows had the highest concentration of basic nutrients (1 kg of milk provided 823.98 kcal) and the best coagulation parameters (the shortest clotting time (16:09 min, p≤0.01) and firmest curd (30.74 mm). This milk had a more beneficial nutritional profile, as it contained the highest percentage of the recommended daily allowances of Ca and Mg among all groups. The raw milk obtained in the pasture season showed more favourable coagulation properties. The content of minerals in milk is not clearly determined by the cow breed or the season. It is probably due to the higher levels of these nutrients in the feed, which in turn results from their content in the soil and the degree of fertilization

    Diagnostic approach to light-chain cardiac amyloidosis and its differential diagnosis

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    Cardiac amyloidosis is a rare and often-misdiagnosed disorder. Among other forms of deposits affecting the heart, immunoglobulin-derived light-chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis) is the most serious form of the disease. Delay in diagnosis and treatment may have a major impact on the prognosis and outcomes of patients. This review focuses on the presentation of the disorder and current novel approaches to the diagnosis of cardiac involvement in AL amyloidosis

    Hydroxymethylfurfural content, diastase activity and colour of multifloral honeys in relation to origin and storage time

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    Celem pracy było porównanie jakości miodów wielokwiatowych dostępnych na polskim rynku detalicznym w zależności od ich pochodzenia (krajowe vs. zagraniczne) oraz czasu przechowywania (przed lub po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości). Badaniami objęto 24 próby miodów wielokwiatowych, w tym krajowe (tj. niekonfekcjonowane zakupione na bazarach bezpośrednio od pszczelarzy i nabyte w detalicznej sieci handlowej) i zagraniczne (z krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i spoza niej) zakupione w hipermarketach. Dodatkowo oceniono 5 prób zakupionych wcześniej miodów, dla których minęła już data ich minimalnej trwałości. W miodach oznaczono zawartość 5-hydroksymetylofurfuralu (5-HMF), wartość liczby diastazowej (LD) oraz barwę wg CIE L*a*b*. W świeżych miodach wielokwiatowych (niezależnie od pochodzenia) zawartość 5-HMF wahała się od 1,17 do 18,54 mg·kg-1 , a wartość LD od 8,36 do 34,88. Tym samym wszystkie próby spełniały ustawowe wymagania (8 wg skali Schade dla LD). Wykazano istotne (P≤0,01) obniżenie jakości miodów po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości. Przeciętna zawartość HMF (93,87 mg·kg-1) była dwukrotnie większa niż wartość dopuszczalna, podobnie średnia wartość LD (6,45) była niższa od przyjętego limitu. Wykazano istotne różnice (P≤0,01) pomiędzy średnimi wartościami wszystkich parametrów barwy miodów w zależności od czasu przechowywania. Barwa miodów po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości była istotnie ciemniejsza i o mniejszym nasyceniu (L*=43,18 i C*=21,23) w porównaniu do miodów świeżych (L*=62,11 i C*=32,66).The aim of the study was to compare the quality of multifloral honeys in relation to origin (domestic vs. foreign), and storage time (before vs. after the date of minimum durability) available on the Polish retail market. The study was conducted on 24 samples of multifloral honey, including domestic ones (i.e. originated directly from beekeepers in open-air markets, or purchased in a retail chain), and foreign (i.e. from inside or outside the EU) bought in hypermarkets. In addition, the study comprised 5 samples of honey after the date of minimum durability. The content of hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), diastase number (DN) and colour according to CIE L*a*b* were determined in honeys. In the fresh multifloral honeys (irrespective of origin) the content of 5-HMF ranged from 1.17 to 18.54 mg·kg-1, and DN ranged from 8.36 to 34.88. Thus all samples met the legal requirements (5-HMF<40 mg·kg-1 and DN<8 on the Schade scale). Significant (P≤0.01) deterioration in the quality of the honey was noted after the date of minimum durability. The mean HMF content (93.87 mg·kg-1) was twice as high as the acceptable value, and the mean DN (6.45) was lower than the accepted limit. Significant differences (P≤0.01) were noted between mean values for all colour coordinates considering the date of minimum durability. The colour of the honey after the date of minimum durability was significantly darker and had lower saturation (L*=43.18 and C*=21.23) than the fresh honey (L*=62.11 and C*=32.66)

    Neutropenic enterocolitis and multidrug-resistant bacteria colonization in lymphoma patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation

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    Introduction: There is little iterature data regarding neutropenic enterocolitis (NE) development after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (auto-HCT) in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence, risk factors, and clinical outcome of NE after auto-HCT in NHL patients with respect to the impact of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDRG) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonization on the early outcome after auto-HCT. Material and methods: This retrospective single-center analysis included a total of 65 NHL patients who underwent auto-HCT after BEAM (BCNU, etoposide, cytosine arabinoside, melphalan) conditioning (BEAM-auto-HCT). Results: NE was diagnosed in nine (13.8%) patients, a median four days after auto-HCT. In 6/9 (66%) patients, septic shock following NE was diagnosed. In univariate analysis, MDRG colonization before BEAM-auto-HCT was the only factor significant for NE development [odds ratio (OR) 2.4 (1.14–5.0), p = 0.027], although this was not confirmed in multivariate analysis. Additionally, NE [OR 5.2 (1.9–13.9), p = 0.001] and MDRG colonization prior to transplant [OR 2.7 (1.0–7.0), p = 0.041] were independent factors for septic shock development. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that NHL patients presenting with MDRG colonization before transplant should be kept under careful surveillance because of the high risk of the development of early severe infectious complications, including abdominal ones

    Rare entitity primary testicular lymphoma: a single-center analysis

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    Introduction: Primary testicular lymphoma (PTL) is a rare disease, accounting for &lt;5% of all testicular malignancies and 1–2% of non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common histological diagnosis. The literature data concerning PTL is scarce and based mainly on small series or retrospective studies. Methods and results: In this paper, we present six patients with DLBCL-PTL who were treated in the Department of Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation at Poznan University of Medical Science, Poland between 2006 and 2022. All the patients obtained complete remission (CR) after six cycles of R-CHOP-21 (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and rituximab on day 1, and prednisolone on days 1–5, administered every 21 days for a total of eight cycles) as immunochemotherapy. Five of them additionally received prophylaxis of central nervous system involvement with intrathecal methotrexate/arabinoside cytosine. One patient received scrotal radiotherapy, and in another one radiotherapy is planned. Relapse was confirmed in one patient after 72 months in the contralateral testis, and the patient was successfully retreated. After a median follow-up of 146 (range 5–196) months, all patients remain alive and in CR. Conclusion: Despite all interpretative limitations, the current standard DLBCL-PTL therapy seems to be six courses of CHOP-R-21 combined with intrathecal metothrexate and scrotal irradiation

    Identification of research directions of using visualization in rational and behavioral decision making

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    W literaturze są opisywane dwa podejścia do podejmowania decyzji, tj. racjonalne i behawioralne. Każde z nich opiera się na określonych przesłankach oraz założeniach. W podejściu racjonalnym decydent wybiera wariant z najwyższą wartością, zgodnie z zasadą maksymalizacji oczekiwanej wartości. Natomiast w podejściu behawioralnym wskazuje się, że na podejmowane decyzje mają wpływ również emocje decydenta. Obecnie wiele systemów informatycznych przeznaczonych dla kadry kierowniczej wykorzystuje wizualizację jako jedno z podstawowych rozwiązań do prezentacji informacji. Jednak niewłaściwe zastosowanie form graficznych może zafałszować kontekst prezentowanej informacji, a w konsekwencji mieć wpływ na podjęcie niekorzystnej dla przedsiębiorstwa decyzji. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zidentyfikowanych kierunków badań związanych z zastosowaniem wizualizacji w procesie podejmowania decyzji przez kadrę kierowniczą ze względu na podejście racjonalne oraz behawioralne.In literature research of two approaches to decision making are described, namely rational and behavioral. Each of them is based on certain assumptions. In the rational approach a decision maker chooses the option with the highest value in accordance with the principle of maximizing the expected value. However, in the behavioral approach the emotions of the decision maker have also influence for decision making. Nowadays, many information systems, which are dedicated to managers, use visualization as one of the basic solutions to present data and information. However, improper use of graphical forms can upset the context of presented information, and consequently have an impact on unfavorable business decisions. In the present paper we will focus on the describing directions of research on using visualization in terms of rational and behavioral decision making

    Key Problems Regarding the Subjective Rights of Taxpayers

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    Przedstawiciele polskiej doktryny podatkowej koncentrują się w swych rozważaniach z reguły na ogólnych prawach podatnika oraz ich ochronie, natomiast nie jest szerzej podejmowana problematyka dotycząca publicznych praw podmiotowych podatnika. Lukę tę wypełnia niniejszy artykuł, którego celem jest, po pierwsze, teoretyczna analiza pojęcia prawa podmiotowego. Po wtóre, próba usystematyzowania unormowanych w różnych aktach prawnych przysługujących podatnikom praw podmiotowych. Po trzecie, ukazanie na podstawie egzemplifikacji wybranych praw podmiotowych unormowanych w podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych ich potencjalnego znaczenia jako instrumentów zabezpieczających prawa podatnika i podstawę do kształtowania nowych relacji pomiędzy nimi a organami podatkowymi opartych na partnerstwie i równorzędności.Representatives of the Polish tax doctrine generally focus in their deliberations on the general rights of the taxpayer and their protection, while the issue of public subjective rights of the taxpayer is not discussed at all. This article addresses the gap, which aim is, firstly a theoretical analysis of the concept of subjective law. Secondly, an attempt to systematize taxpayers’ subjective rights regulated in various legal acts. Thirdly, showing on the basis of the exemplification of selected subjective rights regulated in the corporate income tax, their potential importance as instruments securing the rights of the taxpayer and the basis for shaping new relations between them and tax authorities based on partnership and equality

    Ulgi i zwolnienia podatkowe jako publiczne prawa podmiotowe podatnika

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    The purpose of this article is to answer a handful of research questions. Can the numerous reliefs and exemptions provided for in tax law be qualified as the public subjective rights of the taxpayer? Answering the question formulated in this way requires the verification of the research hypothesis, according to which tax reliefs and exemptions are, contrary to the judgments of the CT and the SAC, the subjective rights of the taxpayer. Generally speaking, no publications in the tax law literature are devoted to the topic of interpreting tax reliefs and exemptions as the subjective rights of the taxpayer. The main conclusion is that only systemic tax reliefs and only those systemic exemptions that jointly meet the two conditions can be considered the subjective rights of a taxpayer. First of all, they have a nature of disposable exemptions, i.e. the ones which involve the taxpayer’s right to make a choice. Secondly, the use of an exemption cannot be subject to administrative discretion. In the case of systemic tax reliefs, the verification of the first condition is always positive because there is no doubt that all systemic reliefs regulated in tax laws are the subjective rights of the taxpayer.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy unormowane w prawie podatkowym liczne ulgi i zwolnienia można zakwalifikować do publicznych praw podmiotowych podatnika. Udzielenie odpowiedzi na tak sformułowane pytanie wymaga weryfikacji hipotezy badawczej, w myśl której ulgi i zwolnienia podatkowe unormowane w przepisach prawa podatkowego są wbrew orzecznictwu TK oraz NSA prawami podmiotowymi podatnika. W piśmiennictwie podatkowym nie ma w zasadzie publikacji poświęconych tytułowej problematyce postrzegania ulg i zwolnień jako praw podmiotowych podatnika. Zasadniczy wniosek zaprezentowany w konkluzjach sprowadza się do stwierdzenia, że za prawa podmiotowe podatnika można uznać jedynie systemowe ulgi podatkowe oraz tylko te systemowe zwolnienia, które łącznie spełniają dwa warunki. Po pierwsze mają charakter zwolnień dyspozytywnych, czyli takich, gdy podatnikowi przysługuje prawo do dokonania wyboru. Po wtóre, skorzystanie ze zwolnienia nie może być uzależnione od uznania administracyjnego. W przypadku systemowych ulg podatkowych weryfikacja pierwszego etapu jest zawsze pozytywna, bez wątpienia bowiem wszystkie ulgi systemowe unormowane w ustawach podatkowych są prawami podmiotowymi podatnika