351 research outputs found

    A solution of a problem of Sophus Lie: Normal forms of 2-dim metrics admitting two projective vector fields

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    We give a complete list of normal forms for the 2-dimensional metrics that admit a transitive Lie pseudogroup of geodesic-preserving transformations and we show that these normal forms are mutually non-isometric. This solves a problem posed by Sophus Lie.Comment: This is an extended version of the paper that will appear in Math. Annalen. Some typos were corrected, references were updated, title was changed (as in the journal version). 31 page

    Gallot-Tanno Theorem for closed incomplete pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and applications

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    We extend the Gallot-Tanno Theorem to closed pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. It is done by showing that if the cone over a manifold admits a parallel symmetric (0,2)(0,2)-tensor then it is Riemannian. Applications of this result to the existence of metrics with distinct Levi-Civita connections but having the same unparametrized geodesics and to the projective Obata conjecture are given. We also apply our result to show that the holonomy group of a closed (O(p+1,q),Sp,q)(O(p+1,q),S^{p,q})-manifold does not preserve any nondegenerate splitting of Rp+1,q\R^{p+1,q}.Comment: minor correction

    On Dual Formulation for Higher Spin Gauge Fields in (A)dSd(A)dS_d

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    We obtain dual actions for spin s2s \geq 2 massless fields in (A)dSd(A)dS_d by solving different algebraic constraints in the same first-order theory. Flat space dual higher spin actions obtained by Boulanger, Cnockaert and Henneaux \cite{BH} by solving differential constraints are shown to result from our formulation in a sort of quasi-classical approximation for the flat limit. The case of s=2s=2 is considered in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, no figure

    A method for obtaining Darboux transformations

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    In this paper we give a method to obtain Darboux transformations (DTs) of integrable equations. As an example we give a DT of the dispersive water wave equation. Using the Miura map, we also obtain the DT of the Jaulent-Miodek equation. \end{abstract

    Thermopower of a single electron transistor in the regime of strong inelastic cotunneling

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    We study Coulomb blockade oscillations of thermoelectric coefficients of a single electron transistor based on a quantum dot strongly coupled to one of the leads by a quantum point contact. At temperatures below the charging energy E_C the transport of electrons is dominated by strong inelastic cotunneling. In this regime we find analytic expressions for the thermopower as a function of temperature T and the reflection amplitude rr in the contact. In the case when the electron spins are polarized by a strong external magnetic field, the thermopower shows sinusoidal oscillations as a function of the gate voltage with the amplitude of the order of e1rTECe^{-1}|r|\frac{T}{E_C}. We obtain qualitatively different results in the absence of the magnetic field. At temperatures between ECE_C and ECr2E_C|r|^2 the thermopower oscillations are sinusoidal with the amplitude of order e1r2lnECTe^{-1}|r|^2 \ln \frac{E_C}{T}. On the other hand, at TECr2T\ll E_C|r|^2 we find non-sinusoidal oscillations of the thermopower with the amplitude e1rT/ECln(EC/T)\sim e^{-1} |r| \sqrt{T/E_C} \ln(E_C/T).Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Coulomb blockade of strongly coupled quantum dots studied via bosonization of a channel with a finite barrier

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    A pair of quantum dots, coupled through a point contact, can exhibit Coulomb blockade effects that reflect an oscillatory term in the dots' total energy whose value depends on whether the total number of electrons on the dots is even or odd. The effective energy associated with this even-odd alternation is reduced, relative to the bare Coulomb blockade energy for uncoupled dots, by a factor (1-f) that decreases as the interdot coupling is increased. When the transmission coefficient for interdot electronic motion is independent of energy and the same for all channels within the point contact (which are assumed uncoupled), the factor (1-f) takes on a universal value determined solely by the number of channels and the dimensionless conductance g of each individual channel. This paper studies corrections to the universal value of (1-f) that result when the transmission coefficent varies over energy scales of the size of the bare Coulomb blockade energy. We consider a model in which the point contact is described by a single orbital channel containing a parabolic barrier potential, and we calculate the leading correction to (1-f) for one-channel (spin-split) and two-channel (spin-degenerate) point contacts in the limit where the single orbital channel is almost completely open. By generalizing a previously used bosonization technique, we find that, for a given value of the dimensionless conductance g, the value of (1-f) is increased relative to its value for a zero-thickness barrier, but the absolute value of the increase is small in the region where our calculations apply.Comment: 13 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Proof of projective Lichnerowicz conjecture for pseudo-Riemannian metrics with degree of mobility greater than two

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    We prove an important partial case of the pseudo-Riemannian version of the projective Lichnerowicz conjecture stating that a complete manifold admitting an essential group of projective transformations is the round sphere (up to a finite cover).Comment: 32 pages, one .eps figure. The version v1 has a misprint in Theorem 1: I forgot to write the assumption that the degree of mobility is greater than two. The versions v3, v4 have only cosmetic changes wrt v


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    This research is focused on the conjugate heat transfer simulation of nozzle guide vanes. In order to properly es¬timate blade temperature distribution the real boundary conditions were considered. Both measured radial and circum¬ferential distortion after combustion chamber were used. It allowed us to predict local increase in blade temperature and temperature gradient determining the stress-stain .state. Apart from that, the hot gases radiation was taken into account that helps us to avoid overestimated values of cooling efficiency

    Distributed networked control system for power supply system of the accelerator based on CANopen protocol

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    Network-based control system for a power supply unit of the linear accelerator was developed. Front-end level of the system is based on CAN fieldbus with CANopen and CANEX application level protocols. Both local and remote control for each CANopen node is provided. Level 2 control stations of the system are ARM9 CPU based machines, operating under Linux OS.Разработана распределенная сетевая система управления для силового источника питания линейного ускорителя. Нижний уровень системы основан на технологии полевой шины CAN с прикладными протоколами CANopen и CANEX. Поддерживается локальный и удаленный доступ к каждому CANopen узлу. В компьютерах станций управления второго уровня используется процессор ARM9 с операционной системой Linux OS.Розроблено розподілену мережну систему керування для силового джерела живлення лінійного прискорювача. Нижній рівень системи заснований на технології польової шини CAN із прикладними протоколами CANopen і CANEX. Підтримується локальний і вилучений доступ до кожного CANopen вузлу. У комп’ю-терах станцій керування другого рівня використається процесор ARM9 з операційною системою Linux OS