2 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de argilas montmorilonitas modificadas para aplicação em catálise

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, 2012.As argilas montmorilonita e bentonita (Aldrich e Nacalai Tesque, respectivamente) foram impregnadas com sete ácidos de Lewis/surfactantes combinados (cério, cobalto, cobre, cromo, gadolínio, lantânio e samário), usando duas técnicas diferentes: troca iônica e impregnação incipiente. Vale destacar que a troca iônica foi utilizada para verificar se seria melhor sintetizar o complexo na intercamada das argilas ou inseri-lo previamente preparado. Esse procedimento foi realizado somente para a síntese das argilas com o complexo de cobre, para fins de teste. Já a impregnação incipiente foi usada para preparar as argilas modificadas com três concentrações dos complexos (1, 2,5 e 5% m/m). Os sólidos obtidos foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de FTIR, DRX, análise elementar (CHN e FRX/EDX) e TG/DTG/DTA. Os resultados de FTIR dos complexos puros mostraram bandas correspondentes aos modos de vibração dos grupos alquilas e do grupo aniônico (OSO3). Após a síntese das argilas modificadas, as bandas dos grupos alquilas se mostraram presentes, porém as do grupo aniônico foram encobertas pelas bandas das argilas. Os resultados de análise elementar dos complexos puros demonstraram que as quantidades teóricas e experimentais dos elementos se aproximaram bastante, confirmando a formação dos complexos. Da mesma forma, os resultados de análise elementar feitos para as argilas modificadas mostraram a concentração efetiva dos complexos nos materiais preparados. As análises de DRX mostraram que os complexos puros apresentam estrutura lamelar. Para o catalisador sintetizado na bentonita por troca iônica, foi possível a observação dos picos do dodecilsulfato de cobre, mostrando que parte do complexo se encontra na superfície externa. Os catalisadores sintetizados na montmorilonita pela técnica de impregnação incipiente mostraram um aumento na intercamada de acordo com a maior porcentagem de complexo. O mesmo foi observado para os complexos de cobalto, cromo e cobre na bentonita. As atividades catalíticas dos materiais foram testadas em até três reações: esterificação do ácido acético e do ácido oleico e transesterificação do óleo de soja. Os resultados mostraram que as atividades dependem dos centros ativos metálicos e da acessibilidade do sítio ativo na lamela das argilas. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTMontmorillonite (Aldrich) and bentonite (Nacalai Tesque) clays were impregnated with seven different Lewis Acid-Surfactant Combined (LASC’s) (cerium, cobalt, copper, chrome, gadolinium, lanthanum and samarium), using two methods: ionic exchange and wetness impregnation. It is worth mentioning that the ionic exchange was used to verify whether it was better to synthesize the complex inside the clay’s layer or to insert it already prepared. This procedure was realized only for the copper complex. On the other hand, the wetness impregnation was used to prepared the modified clays with the seven complexes in three concentrations (1, 2,5 and 5% w/w). The obtained solids were characterized by FTIR, XRD, elementary analysis (CHN and FRX/EDX) and TG/DTG/DTA. The results of FTIR of the complexes showed bands that correspond to the vibration mode of the anionic (OSO3) and alquil groups. After modifying the clays with the complexes, the same alquil bands were present on the FTIR spectra, although the anionic bands were covered by the clay bands. The results of the elementary analysis of the pure complexes demonstrated that the content of the elements were consisted with the expected theoretical values. Likewise, the results of the elementary analysis obtained for the modified clays showed the real concentration of the complexes on the prepared materials. The XRD patterns of the pure complexes were characteristic of lamellar arrangements, while the diffractograms of the copper, chrome and samarium complexes presented some other peaks that differ from those on the pattern. It was possible to observe, for the catalyst synthesized inside the bentonite clay using ionic exchange, peaks that can be assigned to the copper dodecylsulfate. This proves that part of the complex was located on the external surface. The catalysts synthesized in the montmorillonite clay by incipient wetness impregnation technique showed an increase in the interlayer according to the highest percentage of compound. The same result was observed for cobalt, chrome and copper in the bentonite clay. The catalytic activities of the prepared materials were tested in up to three reactions: esterification of acetic and oleic acid and transesterification of the soybean oil. The results showed that the activities depend on the active metal centers and the accessibility of the active site of the clay

    Acidity and characterization of 12-Tungstophosphoric acid supported on Silica-alumina

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    This work deals with preparation and characterization of H3PW12O40 (H3PW) supported on silica-alumina. Impregnation of H3PW (15, 20, 30 and 40 wt.%) on commercial silica-alumina support in acidic aqueous solution is effective for preparing this catalyst keeping its Keggin structure, according to different methods of characterization. The catalysts were tested in a model reaction of acetic acid with ethanol and 30 wt.% H3PW/SiO2-Al2O3 had the highest activity under the conditions: catalyst calcination at 300 ºC, temperature of 100 ºC, acetic acid:ethanol molar ratio of 2:1 and catalyst:acetic acid mass ratio of 10 wt.%. The reaction yield was 79 and 100% selectivity for ethyl acetate over three reutilizations, for reaction time of 2 h. The calculated total acid site distribution was 0.299 mmol g-1 (97% of the theoretical probed by pyridine), and most of these (0.236 mmol g-1) were Brønsted weak-medium strength (pyridine desorption between 300 and 500 ºC)