2,509 research outputs found

    Axisymmetric equilibria of a gravitating plasma with incompressible flows

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    It is found that the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium of an axisymmetric gravitating magnetically confined plasma with incompressible flows is governed by a second-order elliptic differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux function containing five flux functions coupled with a Poisson equation for the gravitation potential, and an algebraic relation for the pressure. This set of equations is amenable to analytic solutions. As an application, the magnetic-dipole static axisymmetric equilibria with vanishing poloidal plasma currents derived recently by Krasheninnikov, Catto, and Hazeltine [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 2689 (1999)] are extended to plasmas with finite poloidal currents, subject to gravitating forces from a massive body (a star or black hole) and inertial forces due to incompressible sheared flows. Explicit solutions are obtained in two regimes: (a) in the low-energy regime β0γ0δ0ϵ01\beta_0\approx \gamma_0\approx \delta_0 \approx\epsilon_0\ll 1, where β0\beta_0, γ0\gamma_0, δ0\delta_0, and ϵ0\epsilon_0 are related to the thermal, poloidal-current, flow and gravitating energies normalized to the poloidal-magnetic-field energy, respectively, and (b) in the high-energy regime β0γ0δ0ϵ01\beta_0\approx \gamma_0\approx \delta_0 \approx\epsilon_0\gg 1. It turns out that in the high-energy regime all four forces, pressure-gradient, toroidal-magnetic-field, inertial, and gravitating contribute equally to the formation of magnetic surfaces very extended and localized about the symmetry plane such that the resulting equilibria resemble the accretion disks in astrophysics.Comment: 12 pages, latex, to be published in Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamic

    Molecular mechanisms of mtdna-mediated inflammation

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    Besides their role in cell metabolism, mitochondria display many other functions. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the own genome of the organelle, plays an important role in modulating the inflammatory immune response. When released from the mitochondrion to the cytosol, mtDNA is recognized by cGAS, a cGAMP which activates a pathway leading to enhanced expression of type I interferons, and by NLRP3 inflammasome, which promotes the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-1beta and Interleukin-18. Furthermore, mtDNA can be bound by Toll-like receptor 9 in the endosome and activate a pathway that ultimately leads to the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. mtDNA is released in the extracellular space in different forms (free DNA, protein-bound DNA fragments) either as free circulating molecules or encapsulated in extracellular vesicles. In this review, we discussed the latest findings concerning the molecular mechanisms that regulate the release of mtDNA from mitochondria, and the mechanisms that connect mtDNA misplacement to the activation of inflammation in different pathophysiological conditions

    Superconducting nanowire photon number resolving detector at telecom wavelength

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    The optical-to-electrical conversion, which is the basis of optical detectors, can be linear or nonlinear. When high sensitivities are needed single-photon detectors (SPDs) are used, which operate in a strongly nonlinear mode, their response being independent of the photon number. Nevertheless, photon-number resolving (PNR) detectors are needed, particularly in quantum optics, where n-photon states are routinely produced. In quantum communication, the PNR functionality is key to many protocols for establishing, swapping and measuring entanglement, and can be used to detect photon-number-splitting attacks. A linear detector with single-photon sensitivity can also be used for measuring a temporal waveform at extremely low light levels, e.g. in long-distance optical communications, fluorescence spectroscopy, optical time-domain reflectometry. We demonstrate here a PNR detector based on parallel superconducting nanowires and capable of counting up to 4 photons at telecommunication wavelengths, with ultralow dark count rate and high counting frequency

    Probiotic bacteria regulate intestinal epithelial permeability in experimental ileitis by a TNF-dependent mechanism

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    Background: We previously showed that the probiotic mixture, VSL#3, prevents the onset of ileitis in SAMP/YitFc (SAMP) mice, and this effect was associated with stimulation of epithelial-derived TNF. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism(s) of VSL#3-mediated protection on epithelial barrier function and to further investigate the "paradoxical" effects of TNF in preventing SAMP ileitis. Methods: Permeability was evaluated in SAMP mice prior to the onset of inflammation and during established disease by measuring transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) on ex vivo-cultured ilea following exposure to VSL#3 conditioned media (CM), TNF or VSL#3-CM + anti-TNF. Tight junction (TJ) proteins were assessed by qRT-PCR, Western blot, and confocal microscopy, and TNFRI/TNFRII expression measured in freshly isolated intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) from SAMP and control AKR mice. Results: Culture with either VSL#3-CM or TNF resulted in decreased ileal paracellular permeability in pre-inflamed SAMP, but not SAMP with established disease, while addition of anti-TNF abrogated these effects. Modulation of the TJ proteins, claudin-2 and occludin, occurred with a significant decrease in claudin-2 and increase in occludin following stimulation with VSL#3-CM or TNF. TNF protein levels increased in supernatants of SAMP ilea incubated with VSL#3-CM compared to vehicle, while IEC-derived TNFR mRNA expression decreased in young, and was elevated in inflamed, SAMP versus AKR mice. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that the previously established efficacy of VSL#3 in preventing SAMP ileitis is due to direct innate and homeostatic effects of TNF on the gut epithelium, modulation of the TJ proteins, claudin-2 and occludin, and overall improvement of intestinal permeability. © 2012 Corridoni et al

    Nuevo enfoque de desarrollo sostenible en turismo: el geoturismo : Estudio de su aplicación en San Juan, Argentina

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    En la constante búsqueda a nivel global por alcanzar la sustentabilidad en todas sus dimensiones, aparece como respuesta para el Turismo, el “Geoturismo”. El mismo tiene por objeto aumentar el carácter geográfico, desarrollando y mejorando de manera distintiva a las localidades, reflejando su naturaleza y herencia cultural, así como alentando la diferenciación de mercado y patrimonio cultural. Consustanciada con este enfoque, el presente trabajo realiza un análisis crítico de un mega emprendimiento turístico privado denominado “Pampas del Cura”, emplazado en el Departamento Iglesia-San Juan. El proyecto nace de entender su compromiso socio-ambiental, sentando sus bases en el respeto al medioambiente, por lo que contempla estrategias tecnológicoambientales de utilización y preservación de sus recursos naturales; como así atiende en su totalidad a los aspectos socio-económicos en un marco de equidad y puesta en valor de la comunidad local mediante la generación de empleos y la posibilidad de consolidación de emprendimientos locales.In the constant search globally for achieving sustainability in all its dimensions, "Geotourism" appears as the answer for Tourism. It enhances the geographical character, developing and improving a distinctive way to localities, reflecting its nature and cultural heritage, as well as to encourage market differentiation and cultural heritage. Consubstantial with this approach, this paper makes a critical analysis of a private mega tourism project called "Pampas del Cura", located in Iglesias´s Department -San Juan. The project is to understand its social and environmental commitment, laying its foundations on respect for the environment, which provides technological and environmental preservation and use of natural resources strategies; as well it caters entirely to the socio-economic aspects in a framework of equity and value of the local community through job creation and the possibility of consolidation of local enterprises.Tema 5: Arquitectura ambientalmente consciente.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Nuevo enfoque de desarrollo sostenible en turismo: el geoturismo : Estudio de su aplicación en San Juan, Argentina

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    En la constante búsqueda a nivel global por alcanzar la sustentabilidad en todas sus dimensiones, aparece como respuesta para el Turismo, el “Geoturismo”. El mismo tiene por objeto aumentar el carácter geográfico, desarrollando y mejorando de manera distintiva a las localidades, reflejando su naturaleza y herencia cultural, así como alentando la diferenciación de mercado y patrimonio cultural. Consustanciada con este enfoque, el presente trabajo realiza un análisis crítico de un mega emprendimiento turístico privado denominado “Pampas del Cura”, emplazado en el Departamento Iglesia-San Juan. El proyecto nace de entender su compromiso socio-ambiental, sentando sus bases en el respeto al medioambiente, por lo que contempla estrategias tecnológicoambientales de utilización y preservación de sus recursos naturales; como así atiende en su totalidad a los aspectos socio-económicos en un marco de equidad y puesta en valor de la comunidad local mediante la generación de empleos y la posibilidad de consolidación de emprendimientos locales.In the constant search globally for achieving sustainability in all its dimensions, "Geotourism" appears as the answer for Tourism. It enhances the geographical character, developing and improving a distinctive way to localities, reflecting its nature and cultural heritage, as well as to encourage market differentiation and cultural heritage. Consubstantial with this approach, this paper makes a critical analysis of a private mega tourism project called "Pampas del Cura", located in Iglesias´s Department -San Juan. The project is to understand its social and environmental commitment, laying its foundations on respect for the environment, which provides technological and environmental preservation and use of natural resources strategies; as well it caters entirely to the socio-economic aspects in a framework of equity and value of the local community through job creation and the possibility of consolidation of local enterprises.Tema 5: Arquitectura ambientalmente consciente.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism