36 research outputs found

    MIM-proteiini aktiinitukirangan ja solukalvon säätelijänä

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    The cells of multicellular organisms have differentiated to carry out specific functions that are often accompanied by distinct cell morphology. The actin cytoskeleton is one of the key regulators of cell shape subsequently controlling multiple cellular events including cell migration, cell division, endo- and exocytosis. A large set of actin regulating proteins has evolved to achieve and tightly coordinate this wide range of functions. Some actin regulator proteins have so-called house keeping roles and are essential for all eukaryotic cells, but some have evolved to meet the requirements of more specialized cell-types found in higher organisms enabling complex functions of differentiated organs, such as liver, kidney and brain. Often processes mediated by the actin cytoskeleton, like formation of cellular protrusions during cell migration, are intimately linked to plasma membrane remodeling. Thus, a close cooperation between these two cellular compartments is necessary, yet not much is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. This study focused on a vertebrate-specific protein called missing-in-metastasis (MIM), which was originally characterized as a metastasis suppressor of bladder cancer. We demonstrated that MIM regulates the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton via its WH2 domain, and is expressed in a cell-type specific manner. Interestingly, further examination showed that the IM-domain of MIM displays a novel membrane tubulation activity, which induces formation of filopodia in cells. Following studies demonstrated that this membrane deformation activity is crucial for cell protrusions driven by MIM. In mammals, there are five members of IM-domain protein family. Functions and expression patterns of these family members have remained poorly characterized. To understand the physiological functions of MIM, we generated MIM knockout mice. MIM-deficient mice display no apparent developmental defects, but instead suffer from progressive renal disease and increased susceptibility to tumors. This indicates that MIM plays a role in the maintenance of specific physiological functions associated with distinct cell morphologies. Taken together, these studies implicate MIM both in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Our results thus suggest that members of MIM/IRSp53 protein family coordinate the actin cytoskeleton:plasma membrane interface to control cell and tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms.Monisoluisten eliöiden monimutkaiset fysiologiset toiminnot ovat mahdollisia pitkälle erilaistuneiden solujen ansiosta. Erilaistuneet solut omaksuvat niille tyypillisen morfologian. Aktiinitukiranka on yksi solun muodon pääsäätelijöistä, ja se onkin välttämätön useille solun perustoiminnoille, kuten jakautumiselle, liikkumiselle sekä endo- ja eksosytoosille. Muutokset aktiinitukirangassa ovat keskeisessä osassa myös solujen erilaistumisessa, niin esimerkiksi hermosoluiksi tai maksasoluiksi kuin syöpäsoluiksikin. Aktiinitukirangan toimintaa säädellään erittäin tarkasti lukuisten eri proteiinien avulla. Osa aktiinia säätelevistä proteiineista on kaikille soluille välttämättömiä, kun taas toiset ovat kehittyneet nimenomaan tiettyjen erilaistuneiden solujen tarpeisiin. Usein aktiinitukirangasta riippuvaiset soluprosessit, kuten ulokkeiden muodostus solun liikkuessa, ovat sidoksissa muutoksiin solukalvolla. Solujen täytyykin pystyä tarkasti koordinoimaan aktiinitukirangan ja solukalvon muutoksia, mutta molekyylimekanismit, joilla tämä saavutetaan, ovat hyvin huonosti tunnettuja. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen kohteena on hiljattain löydetty proteiini, MIM (Missing-In-Metastasis), joka alun perin löydettiin virtsarakonsyöpäsolujen aggressiivisuutta vähentävänä tekijänä. Tässä työssä osoitamme, että MIM on solutyyppi-spesifinen proteiini, joka säätelee aktiinitukirankaa WH2-domeeninsa avulla. MIM-proteiinissa on myös IM-domeeni, jonka havaitsimme kaartavan solukalvoa ulospäin. Tämä ennen havaitsematon mekanismi johtaa soluissa filopodioiden, solujen liikkumisessa oleellisten ulokkeiden, muodostumiseen. MIM käyttää hyväkseen näitä kahta domeenia kytkien siten toisiinsa solutukirangan ja solukalvon molekyylitason muutokset. Ymmärtääksemme proteiinin biologista merkitystä paremmin, teimme MIM-poistogeenisen hiirimallin. Havaitsimme, että MIM ei ole välttämätön nisäkkäiden kehitykselle, mutta poistogeeniset hiiret sairastuvat vakavaan munuaistautiin ja altistuvat kasvainten, erityisesti maksasyöpien kehittymiselle. Nämä tulokset viittaavat MIM:n rooliin erilaistuneiden solutyyppien morfologian ylläpidossa ja muutoksissa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä esitellyt tulokset esittävät, että MIM säätelee sekä solukalvoa että aktiinitukirankaa ja siten koordinoi solujen muodonmuutoksia erityisesti pitkälle erilaistuneissa kudoksissa

    CD73 regulates zoledronate-induced lymphocyte infiltration in triple-negative breast cancer tumors and lung metastases

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    IntroductionBisphosphonates (BPs) are bone-protecting osteoclast inhibitors, typically used in the treatment of osteoporosis and skeletal complications of malignancies. When given in the adjuvant setting, these drugs may also prevent relapses and prolong overall survival in early breast cancer (EBC), specifically among postmenopausal patients. Because of these findings, adjuvant nitrogen-containing BPs (N-BPs), such as zoledronate (ZOL), are now the standard of care for high-risk EBC patients, but there are no benefit-associated biomarkers, and the efficacy remains low. BPs have been demonstrated to possess anti-tumor activities, but the mechanisms by which they provide the beneficial effects in EBC are not known. MethodsWe used stably transfected 4T1 breast cancer cells together with suppression of CD73 (sh-CD73) or control cells (sh-NT). We compared ZOL effects on tumor growth and infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) into tumors and lung metastases using two mouse models. B cell depletion was performed using anti-CD20 antibody.ResultsSh-CD73 4T1 cells were significantly more sensitive to the growth inhibitory effects of n-BPs in vitro. However, while ZOL-induced growth inhibition was similar between the tumor groups in vivo, ZOL enhanced B and T lymphocyte infiltration into the orthotopic tumors with down-regulated CD73. A similar trend was detected in lung metastases. ZOL-induced tumor growth inhibition was found to be augmented with B cell depletion in sh-NT tumors, but not in sh-CD73 tumors. As an internal control, ZOL effects on bone were similar in mice bearing both tumor groups.DiscussionTaken together, these results indicate that ZOL modifies TILs in breast cancer, both in primary tumors and metastases. Our results further demonstrate that B cells may counteract the growth inhibitory effects of ZOL. However, all ZOL-induced TIL effects may be influenced by immunomodulatory characteristics of the tumor

    A specific hybridisation internalisation probe (SHIP) enables precise live-cell and super-resolution imaging of internalized cargo

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    Facilitated by the advancements in microscopy, our understanding of the complexity of intracellular vesicle traffic has dramatically increased in recent years. However, distinguishing between plasma membrane-bound or internalised ligands remains a major challenge for the studies of cargo sorting to endosomal compartments, especially in small and round cells such as lymphocytes. The specific hybridization internalisation probe (SHIP) assay, developed for flow cytometry studies, employs a ssDNA fluorescence internalisation probe and a complementary ssDNA quenching probe to unambiguously detect the internalized receptors/cargo. Here, we adopted the SHIP assay to study the trafficking of receptor/ligand complexes using B lymphocytes and B cell receptor-mediated antigen internalization as a model system. Our study demonstrates the potential of the SHIP assay for improving the imaging of internalized receptor/ligand complexes and establishes the compatibility of this assay with multiple imaging modalities, including live-cell imaging and super-resolution microscopy

    Twinfilin is required for actin-dependent developmental processes in Drosophila

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    The actin cytoskeleton is essential for cellular remodeling and many developmental and morphological processes. Twinfilin is a ubiquitous actin monomer–binding protein whose biological function has remained unclear. We discovered and cloned the Drosophila twinfilin homologue, and show that this protein is ubiquitously expressed in different tissues and developmental stages. A mutation in the twf gene leads to a number of developmental defects, including aberrant bristle morphology. This results from uncontrolled polymerization of actin filaments and misorientation of actin bundles in developing bristles. In wild-type bristles, twinfilin localizes diffusively to cytoplasm and to the ends of actin bundles, and may therefore be involved in localization of actin monomers in cells. We also show that twinfilin and the ADF/cofilin encoding gene twinstar interact genetically in bristle morphogenesis. These results demonstrate that the accurate regulation of size and dynamics of the actin monomer pool by twinfilin is essential for a number of actin-dependent developmental processes in multicellular eukaryotes

    Missing-in-metastasis and IRSp53 deform PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes by an inverse BAR domain–like mechanism

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    The actin cytoskeleton plays a fundamental role in various motile and morphogenetic processes involving membrane dynamics. We show that actin-binding proteins MIM (missing-in-metastasis) and IRSp53 directly bind PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes and deform them into tubular structures. This activity resides in the N-terminal IRSp53/MIM domain (IMD) of these proteins, which is structurally related to membrane-tubulating BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domains. We found that because of a difference in the geometry of the PI(4,5)P2-binding site, IMDs induce a membrane curvature opposite that of BAR domains and deform membranes by binding to the interior of the tubule. This explains why IMD proteins induce plasma membrane protrusions rather than invaginations. We also provide evidence that the membrane-deforming activity of IMDs, instead of the previously proposed F-actin–bundling or GTPase-binding activities, is critical for the induction of the filopodia/microspikes in cultured mammalian cells. Together, these data reveal that interplay between actin dynamics and a novel membrane-deformation activity promotes cell motility and morphogenesis

    Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Deformation by I-BAR Domain Proteins

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    SummaryBackgroundGeneration of membrane curvature is critical for the formation of plasma membrane protrusions and invaginations and for shaping intracellular organelles. Among the central regulators of membrane dynamics are the BAR superfamily domains, which deform membranes into tubular structures. In contrast to the relatively well characterized BAR and F-BAR domains that promote the formation of plasma membrane invaginations, I-BAR domains induce plasma membrane protrusions through a poorly understood mechanism.ResultsWe show that I-BAR domains induce strong PI(4,5)P2 clustering upon membrane binding, bend the membrane through electrostatic interactions, and remain dynamically associated with the inner leaflet of membrane tubules. Thus, I-BAR domains induce the formation of dynamic membrane protrusions to the opposite direction than do BAR and F-BAR domains. Strikingly, comparison of different I-BAR domains revealed that they deform PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes through distinct mechanisms. IRSp53 and IRTKS I-BARs bind membranes mainly through electrostatic interactions, whereas MIM and ABBA I-BARs additionally insert an amphipathic helix into the membrane bilayer, resulting in larger tubule diameter in vitro and more efficient filopodia formation in vivo. Furthermore, FRAP analysis revealed that whereas the mammalian I-BAR domains display dynamic association with filopodia, the C. elegans I-BAR domain forms relatively stable structures inside the plasma membrane protrusions.ConclusionsThese data define I-BAR domain as a functional member of the BAR domain superfamily and unravel the mechanisms by which I-BAR domains deform membranes to induce filopodia in cells. Furthermore, our work reveals unexpected divergence in the mechanisms by which evolutionarily distinct groups of I-BAR domains interact with PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes

    AutoCoEv-A High-Throughput In Silico Pipeline for Predicting Inter-Protein Coevolution

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    Protein-protein interactions govern cellular processes via complex regulatory networks, which are still far from being understood. Thus, identifying and understanding connections between proteins can significantly facilitate our comprehension of the mechanistic principles of protein functions. Coevolution between proteins is a sign of functional communication and, as such, provides a powerful approach to search for novel direct or indirect molecular partners. However, an evolutionary analysis of large arrays of proteins in silico is a highly time-consuming effort that has limited the usage of this method for protein pairs or small protein groups. Here, we developed AutoCoEv, a user-friendly, open source, computational pipeline for the search of coevolution between a large number of proteins. By driving 15 individual programs, culminating in CAPS2 as the software for detecting coevolution, AutoCoEv achieves a seamless automation and parallelization of the workflow. Importantly, we provide a patch to the CAPS2 source code to strengthen its statistical output, allowing for multiple comparison corrections and an enhanced analysis of the results. We apply the pipeline to inspect coevolution among 324 proteins identified to be located at the vicinity of the lipid rafts of B lymphocytes. We successfully detected multiple coevolutionary relations between the proteins, predicting many novel partners and previously unidentified clusters of functionally related molecules. We conclude that AutoCoEv, can be used to predict functional interactions from large datasets in a time- and cost-efficient manner

    The SNARE protein Vti1b is recruited to the sites of BCR activation but is redundant for antigen internalisation, processing and presentation

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    In order to fulfil the special requirements of antigen-specific activation and communication with other immune cells, B lymphocytes require finely regulated endosomal vesicle trafficking. How the endosomal machinery is regulated in B cells remains largely unexplored. In our previous proximity proteomic screen, we identified the SNARE protein Vti1b as one of the strongest candidates getting accumulated to the sites of early BCR activation. In this report, we follow up on this finding and investigate the localisation and function of Vti1b in B cells. We found that GFP-fused Vti1b was concentrated at the Golgi complex, around the MTOC, as well as in the Rab7(+) lysosomal vesicles in the cell periphery. Upon BCR activation with soluble antigen, Vti1b showed partial localization to the internalized antigen vesicles, especially in the periphery of the cell. Moreover, upon BCR activation using surface-bound antigen, Vti1b polarised to the immunological synapse, colocalising with the Golgi complex, and with lysosomes at actin foci. To test for a functional role of Vti1b in early B cell activation, we used primary B cells isolated from Vit1b-deficient mouse. However, we found no functional defects in BCR signalling, immunological synapse formation, or processing and presentation of the internalized antigen, suggesting that the loss of Vti1b in B cells could be compensated by its close homologue Vti1a or other SNAREs

    CD73 regulates zoledronate-induced lymphocyte infiltration in triple-negative breast cancer tumors and lung metastases

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    Introduction: Bisphosphonates (BPs) are bone-protecting osteoclast inhibitors, typically used in the treatment of osteoporosis and skeletal complications of malignancies. When given in the adjuvant setting, these drugs may also prevent relapses and prolong overall survival in early breast cancer (EBC), specifically among postmenopausal patients. Because of these findings, adjuvant nitrogen-containing BPs (N-BPs), such as zoledronate (ZOL), are now the standard of care for high-risk EBC patients, but there are no benefit-associated biomarkers, and the efficacy remains low. BPs have been demonstrated to possess anti-tumor activities, but the mechanisms by which they provide the beneficial effects in EBC are not known. Methods: We used stably transfected 4T1 breast cancer cells together with suppression of CD73 (sh-CD73) or control cells (sh-NT). We compared ZOL effects on tumor growth and infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) into tumors and lung metastases using two mouse models. B cell depletion was performed using anti-CD20 antibody. Results: Sh-CD73 4T1 cells were significantly more sensitive to the growth inhibitory effects of n-BPs in vitro. However, while ZOL-induced growth inhibition was similar between the tumor groups in vivo, ZOL enhanced B and T lymphocyte infiltration into the orthotopic tumors with down-regulated CD73. A similar trend was detected in lung metastases. ZOL-induced tumor growth inhibition was found to be augmented with B cell depletion in sh-NT tumors, but not in sh-CD73 tumors. As an internal control, ZOL effects on bone were similar in mice bearing both tumor groups. Discussion: Taken together, these results indicate that ZOL modifies TILs in breast cancer, both in primary tumors and metastases. Our results further demonstrate that B cells may counteract the growth inhibitory effects of ZOL. However, all ZOL-induced TIL effects may be influenced by immunomodulatory characteristics of the tumor.Peer reviewe

    B cells rapidly target antigen and surface-derived MHCII into peripheral degradative compartments

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    In order to mount high-affinity antibody responses, B cells internalise specific antigens and process them into peptides loaded onto MHCII for presentation to T helper cells (T H cells). While the biochemical principles of antigen processing and MHCII loading have been well dissected, how the endosomal vesicle system is wired to enable these specific functions remains much less studied. Here, we performed a systematic microscopy-based analysis of antigen trafficking in B cells to reveal its route to the MHCII peptide-loading compartment (MIIC). Surprisingly, we detected fast targeting of internalised antigen into peripheral acidic compartments that possessed the hallmarks of the MIIC and also showed degradative capacity. In these vesicles, intemalised antigen converged rapidly with membrane-derived MHCII and partially overlapped with cathepsin-S and H2-M, both required for peptide loading. These early compartments appeared heterogenous and atypical as they contained a mixture of both early and late endosomal markers, indicating a specialized endosomal route. Together, our data suggest that, in addition to in the previously reported perinuclear late endosomal MIICs, antigen processing and peptide loading could have already started in these specialized early peripheral acidic vesicles (eMlIC) to support fast peptide-MHCII presentation. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.Peer reviewe