326 research outputs found

    Effect of site-specific mutations in different phosphotransfer domains of the chemosensory protein ChpA on Pseudomonas aeruginosa motility

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    The virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other surface pathogens involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence determinants, including type IV pili. These surface filaments are important for the colonization of host epithelial tissues and mediate bacterial attachment to, and translocation across, surfaces by a process known as twitching motility. This process is controlled in part by a complex signal transduction system whose central component, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation, including six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, one serine-containing phosphotransfer domain, one threonine-containing phosphotransfer domain, and one CheY-like receiver domain. Here, using site-directed mutagenesis, we show that normal twitching motility is entirely dependent on the CheY-like receiver domain and partially dependent on two of the HPt domains. Moreover, under different assay conditions, point mutations in several of the phosphotransfer domains of ChpA give rise to unusual "swarming" phenotypes, possibly reflecting more subtle perturbations in the control of P. aeruginosa motility that are not evident from the conventional twitching stab assay. Together, these results suggest that ChpA plays a central role in the complex regulation of type IV pilus-mediated motility in P. aeruginos

    RNA: Networks & Imaging

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    The past few years have brought about a fundamental change in our understanding and definition of the RNA world and its role in the functional and regulatory architecture of the cell. The discovery of small RNAs that regulate many aspects of differentiation and development have joined the already known non-coding RNAs that are involved in chromosome dosage compensation, imprinting, and other functions to become key players in regulating the flow of genetic information. It is also evident that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of other non-coding RNAs that are transcribed from the mammalian genome, as well as many other yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs. In the recent symposium RNA: Networks & Imaging held in Heidelberg, the dual roles of RNA as a messenger and a regulator in the flow of genetic information were discussed and new molecular genetic and imaging methods to study RNA presented

    A new paradigm for developmental biology

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    It is usually thought that the development of complex organisms is controlled by protein regulatory factors and morphogenetic signals exchanged between cells and differentiating tissues during ontogeny. However, it is now evident that the majority of all animal genomes is transcribed, apparently in a developmentally regulated manner, suggesting that these genomes largely encode RNA machines and that there may be a vast hidden layer of RNA regulatory transactions in the background. I propose that the epigenetic trajectories of differentiation and development are primarily programmed by feedforward RNA regulatory networks and that most of the information required for multicellular development is embedded in these networks, with cell-cell signalling required to provide important positional information and to correct stochastic errors in the endogenous RNA-directed program

    The evolution of RNAs with multiple functions

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    Increasing numbers of transcripts have been reported to transmit both protein-coding and regulatory information. Apart from challenging our conception of the gene, this observation raises the question as to what extent this phenomenon occurs across the genome and how and why such dual encoding of function has evolved in the eukaryotic genome. To address this question, we consider the evolutionary path of genes in the earliest forms of life on Earth, where it is generally regarded that proteins evolved from a cellular machinery based entirely within RNA. This led to the domination of protein-coding genes in the genomes of microorganisms, although it is likely that RNA never lost its other capacities and functionalities, as evidenced by cis-acting riboswitches and UTRs. On the basis that the subsequent evolution of a more sophisticated regulatory architecture to provide higher levels of epigenetic control and accurate spatiotemporal expression in developmentally complex organisms is a complicated task, we hypothesize: (i) that mRNAs have been and remain subject to secondary selection to provide trans-acting regulatory capability in parallel with protein-coding functions; (ii) that some and perhaps many protein-coding loci, possibly as a consequence of gene duplication, have lost protein-coding functions en route to acquiring more sophisticated trans-regulatory functions; (iii) that many transcripts have become subject to secondary processing to release different products; and (iv) that novel proteins have emerged within loci that previously evolved functionality as regulatory RNAs. In support of the idea that there is a dynamic flux between different types of informational RNAs in both evolutionary and real time, we review recent observations that have arisen from transcriptomic surveys of complex eukaryotes and reconsider how these observations impact on the notion that apparently discrete loci may express transcripts with more than one function. In conclusion, we posit that many eukaryotic loci have evolved the capacity to transact a multitude of overlapping and potentially independent functions as both regulatory and protein-coding RNAs

    RNA Regulatory Networks 2.0

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The central role of RNA molecules in cell biology has been an expanding subject of study since the proposal of the "RNA world" hypothesis 60 years ago [...].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Maintenance of transposon-free regions throughout vertebrate evolution

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    Background: We recently reported the existence of large numbers of regions up to 80 kb long that lack transposon insertions in the human, mouse and opossum genomes. These regions are significantly associated with loci involved in developmental and transcriptional regulation

    Transcriptome-wide identification of A > I RNA editing sites by inosine specific cleavage

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    Adenosine to inosine (A > I) RNA editing, which is catalyzed by the ADAR family of proteins, is one of the fundamental mechanisms by which transcriptomic diversity is generated. Indeed, a number of genome-wide analyses have shown that A > I editing is not limited to a few mRNAs, as originally thought, but occurs widely across the transcriptome, especially in the brain. Importantly, there is increasing evidence that A > I editing is essential for animal development and nervous system function. To more efficiently characterize the complete catalog of ADAR events in the mammalian transcriptome we developed a high-throughput protocol to identify A > I editing sites, which exploits the capacity of glyoxal to protect guanosine, but not inosine, from RNAse T1 treatment, thus facilitating extraction of RNA fragments with inosine bases at their termini for high-throughput sequencing. Using this method we identified 665 editing sites in mouse brain RNA, including most known sites and suite of novel sites that include nonsynonymous changes to protein-coding genes, hyperediting of genes known to regulate p53, and alterations to non-protein-coding RNAs. This method is applicable to any biological system for the de novo discovery of A > I editing sites, and avoids the complicated informatic and practical issues associated with editing site identification using traditional RNA sequencing data. This approach has the potential to substantially increase our understanding of the extent and function of RNA editing, and thereby to shed light on the role of transcriptional plasticity in evolution, development, and cognition

    DotAligner:Identification and clustering of RNA structure motifs

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    Abstract The diversity of processed transcripts in eukaryotic genomes poses a challenge for the classification of their biological functions. Sparse sequence conservation in non-coding sequences and the unreliable nature of RNA structure predictions further exacerbate this conundrum. Here, we describe a computational method, DotAligner, for the unsupervised discovery and classification of homologous RNA structure motifs from a set of sequences of interest. Our approach outperforms comparable algorithms at clustering known RNA structure families, both in speed and accuracy. It identifies clusters of known and novel structure motifs from ENCODE immunoprecipitation data for 44 RNA-binding proteins

    The relationship between transcription initiation RNAs and CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) localization

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    Background: Transcription initiation RNAs (tiRNAs) are nuclear localized 18 nucleotide RNAs derived from sequences immediately downstream of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription start sites. Previous reports have shown that tiRNAs are intimately correlated with gene expression, RNA polymerase II binding and behaviors, and epigenetic marks associated with transcription initiation, but not elongation. Results: In the present work, we show that tiRNAs are commonly found at genomic CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) binding sites in human and mouse, and that CTCF sites that colocalize with RNAPII are highly enriched for tiRNAs. To directly investigate the relationship between tiRNAs and CTCF we examined tiRNAs originating near the intronic CTCF binding site in the human tumor suppressor gene, p21 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A gene, also known as CDKN1A). Inhibition of CTCF-proximal tiRNAs resulted in increased CTCF localization and increased p21 expression, while overexpression of CTCF-proximal tiRNA mimics decreased CTCF localization and p21 expression. We also found that tiRNA-regulated CTCF binding influences the levels of trimethylated H3K27 at the alternate upstream p21 promoter, and affects the levels of alternate p21 (p21) transcripts. Extending these studies to another randomly selected locus with conserved CTCF binding we found that depletion of tiRNA alters nucleosome density proximal to sites of tiRNA biogenesis. Conclusions: Taken together, these data suggest that tiRNAs modulate local epigenetic structure, which in turn regulates CTCF localization