3 research outputs found

    Organic proxies in speleothems: analytical method and first data from cave KNI-51

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    Speleothems are important archives for paleo environments thanks to their high temporal resolution and potential for precise and accurate dating. Organic biomarkers in speleothems are not widely explored because of low concentrations and high sample amount required to obtain detectable levels. The potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction from organic molecules in speleothems is high, but low contamination and high sensitivity analytical tools are required to obtain well resolved and reliable records. We developed a method for the analysis of fire-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nalkanes in speleothems and applied it to aragonite stalagmites from cave KNI-51 in the central Australian tropics. These stalagmites have already been precisely dated by U/Th methods, and have detailed oxygen isotopic time series that provide a detailed record of past Australian monsoon rainfall variability [1]. The characteristics of the cave make it suitable for this research, thanks to the considerably high growth rates of the stalagmites (1-2 mm yr-1), that allow analysis at an annual resolution. In addition, cave KNI-51 is shallow, contained within highly permeable rillenkarren limestone, and overlain by extremely thin, carbon-poor soils. Thus, the sequestration, biodegradation, or mobilization of PAHs and n-alkanes in soils and bedrock are minimized, allowing them to be easily transported from the surface to the stalagmite. In order to check for the risk of contamination of the aragonite layers during flooding episodes, we also analyzed sediments from above and inside the cave. Results show that flood sediments do not bias our analyses of carbonate material. With respect to the few existing methods for PAH analysis in speleothems [2, 3], some substantial modifications were made to the pre-analytical phase, all of which were aimed at increasing the analytical signal: our analytical protocol allows detection of analytes in stalagmites at the ng to sub-ng level by guaranteeing the lowest contamination. Samples are drilled from pre-cleaned stalagmite slabs, dissolved in HCl at low temperature, solvent-extracted and volume reduced in a class 10,000 organic cleanroom. 19 different 2- to 6-ring PAH compounds and 26 n-alkanes (C10-C35) were analyzed and quantified by GC-MS. Preliminary results suggest increased fire activity in the mid-15thcentury, marked in particular by the presence of fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(e)pyrene and indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene. Only high molecular weight n-alkanes in the range C23-C32 had significant concentrations in most samples, showing no marked odd-even predominance, likely indicating the presence of another source beside plant residues in soil

    Are food-deceptive orchid species really functionally specialized for pollinators?

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    Food-deceptive orchid species have traditionally been considered pollination specialized to bees or butterflies. However, it is unclear to which concept of specialization this assumption is related; if to that of phenotypic specialization or of functional specialization. The main aim of this work was to verify if pollinators of five widespread food-deceptive orchid species (Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase, Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich., Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann, Orchis purpurea Huds. and Orchis simia Lam.) predicted from the phenotypic point of view matched with the observed ones. We addressed the question by defining target orchids phenotypic specialization on the basis of their floral traits, and we compared the expected guilds of pollinators with the observed ones. Target orchid pollinators were collected by conducting a meta-analysis of the available literature and adding unpublished field observations, carried out in temperate dry grasslands in NE Italy. Pollinator species were subsequently grouped into guilds and differences in the guild spectra among orchid species grouped according to their phenotype were tested. In contradiction to expectations derived from the phenotypic point of view, food-deceptive orchid species were found to be highly functionally generalized for pollinators, and no differences in the pollinator guild spectra could be revealed among orchid groups. Our results may lead to reconsider food-deceptive orchid pollination ecology by revaluating the traditional equation orchid-pollination specialization

    Intraspecific variability of leaf traits and functional strategy of Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann

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    Trait-based studies have become extremely common in plant ecology. In this work we analysed intraspecific trait variation of Himantoglossum adriaticum, a European endemic orchid species of Community interest, to investigate whether different populations growing on managed and abandoned semi-natural dry grasslands show differences in the CSR strategy. In seven populations occurring in Veneto Region (NE Italy), we measured H. adriaticum maximum vegetative height, leaf traits (LA, LDMC, SLA) and calculated the CSR strategy. Through CCA we investigated the relationship between plant traits and both plant community attributes (cover and height of herbs and shrubs), and geomorphologic features (aspects and slope). PERMANOVA test was used to investigate if the CSR strategy of H. adriaticum varied according to the management regime. Results showed that individuals of H. adriaticum develop different strategies when growing in different habitats. Specifically, individuals growing in managed fully sunny dry grasslands reached higher vegetative height (MH), had lower values of SLA and a higher relative contribution of the C parameter than individuals growing in abandoned dry grasslands, which, on the contrary, were shorter, had higher values of SLA (and correspondingly lower values of LDMC) and a higher relative contribution of the R parameter. Further data on reproductive traits (e.g. fruit and seed-set) may corroborate our results. Although the number of individuals addressed in this study is rather low, and our conclusions may not be considered of general validity for the species, our study demonstrated the applicability of the CSR strategy scheme in detecting functional strategies at intraspecific level