3,693 research outputs found

    3D Printed Fouling-resistant Composite Membranes

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    Smartphone-based colorimetric sensor application for measuring biochemical material concentration

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    In this paper, colorimetric analysis for biochemical samples has been realized, by developing an easy-to-use smartphone colorimetric sensing android application that can measure the molar concentration of the biochemical liquid analyte. The designed application can be used for on-site testing and measurement. We examined three different biochemical materials with the application after preparation with five different concentrations and testing in laboratory settings, namely glucose, triglycerides, and urea. Our results showed that for glucose triglycerides, and urea the absorbance and transmittance regression coefficient (R2) for the colorimetric sensing application were 0.9825, and 0.9899; 0.9405 and 0.9502; 0.9431 and 0.8597, respectively. While for the spectrophotometer measurement the (R2) values were 0.9973 @560 nm and 0.9793 @600 nm; 0.952 @620 nm and 0.9364 @410 nm; 0.9948 @570 nm and 0.9827 @530 nm, respectively. The novelty of our study lies in the accurate prediction of multiple biochemical materials concentrations in various lightning effects, reducing the measurement time in an easy-to-use portable environment without the need for internet access, also tackling various issues that arise in the traditional measurements like power consumption, heating, and calibration. The ability to convey multiple tasks, prediction of concentration, measurement of both absorbance and transmittance, with error estimation charts and (R2) values reporting within the colorimetric sensing application as far as our knowledge there has not been any application that can provide all the capabilities of our application

    3D printed nanofiltration composite membranes with reduced concentration polarisation

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    3D printed nanofiltration (NF) composite membranes with surface patterns minimising the impact of concentration polarisation (CP) are presented here for the first time. The membranes consist of a NF polydopamine‐coated polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF/PDA) selective layer on a 3D printed asymmetric wavy (patterned) support. The result is a wavy composite membrane with pure water permeance of 14 ± 2 LMH bar−1 and molecular weight cut-off of ∌550 Da, measured using a crossflow NF setup at a transmembrane pressure of 2 bar for Reynold number (Re) of 700, using a range of dyes (mass balance &gt;97% for all tests). The CP behaviour of the composite membranes was assessed by filtration of Congo red (CR) dye solution (0.01 g L−1), showing that the wavy pattern significantly reduced the impact of CP compared to the flat membranes, with a nearly tripling of the mass transfer coefficient and a 57% decline of the CP factor. Computational fluid dynamics showed that these significant performance improvements were due to improved hydrodynamics, with the maximum surface shear stress induced by the wavy structure (1.35 Pa) an order of magnitude higher than that of the flat membranes (0.18 Pa) at Re = 700. These results demonstrate that 3D printing is a viable technology route to reducing concentration polarisation in membrane nanofiltration applications.</p

    3D printed porous contactors for enhanced oil droplet coalescence

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    The fabrication of 3D printed porous contactors based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) is reported here for the first time. The structures, based on the Schwarz-P and Gyroid TPMS, were tested for oil-in-water demulsification via oil droplet coalescence and compared to a contactor with cylindrical pores and natural separation. The contactors were characterized in terms of intrinsic permeability, resistance and oil separation efficiency, for different oil concentrations (0.3, 0.4, 0.5 vol%) in the oil-in-water emulsion, vacuum pressures (10 and 20 mbar) and thickness of the contactors (4.68 and 9.36 mm). Results show that while the Gyroid contactor has the highest resistance and lowest intrinsic permeability of all three structures, it has 18% and 5% higher separation efficiency than the cylindrical and Schwarz-P structures, respectively. These characteristics reflect the higher tortuosity and surface area of the Gyroid structure compared to the other two. At 90%, the Gyroid structure also has a 22% higher separation efficiency and a two order of magnitude higher separation rate for the permeate compared to natural coalescence, attributed to an 8-fold increase in oil droplet diameter of the permeate compared to the feed, as a result of passage through the contactor. Higher vacuum pressure and higher contactor thickness further increase the separation efficiency of all structures, but the effect is more pronounced for the Gyroid structure due to its higher tortuosity. These results show that 3D printing is an effective tool for the design of porous contactors where a high surface area of interaction is key to their success, paving their way to extended use in a variety of industrial applications.</p

    3D printed composite membranes with enhanced anti-fouling behaviour

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    The fabrication of three dimensional (3D) printed composite membranes by depositing a thin polyethersulfone (PES) selective layer onto ABS-like 3D printed flat and wavy structured supports is presented here for the first time. The 50 mm disk supports were printed using an industrial 3D printer with both flat and double sinusoidal, i.e. wavy, surface structures. The thin selective layers were deposited onto the 3D supports via vacuum filtration. The resulting flat and wavy composite membranes were characterised and tested in terms of permeance, rejection, and cleanability by filtering oil-in-water emulsions of 0.3−0.5 vol% through a cross-flow (Reynolds number, Re = 100, 500 and 1000) ultrafiltration set-up under a constant transmembrane pressure of 1 bar. Results showed that pure water permeance through the wavy membrane was 30% higher than the flat membrane for Re = 1000. The wavy 3D printed membrane had a 52% higher permeance recovery ratio compared to the flat one after the first filtration cycle, with both membranes having an oil rejection of 96% ± 3%. The wavy 3D composite membrane maintained some level of permeation after 5 complete filtration cycles using only water as the cleaning/rinsing agent, whereas the flat one was completely fouled after the first cycle. Cleaning with NaOCl after the sixth cycle restored ~70% of the initial permeance for the wavy membrane. These results demonstrate that 3D printed wavy composite membranes can be used to significantly improve permeation and cleanability performance, particularly in terms of reducing fouling build-up, i.e. the main obstacle limiting more widespread adoption of membranes in industrial applications.</p


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    Novel mutations expand the clinical spectrum of DYNC1H1-associated spinal muscular atrophy

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    OBJECTIVE To expand the clinical phenotype of autosomal dominant congenital spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance (SMA-LED) due to mutations in the dynein, cytoplasmic 1, heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) gene. METHODS Patients with a phenotype suggestive of a motor, non-length-dependent neuronopathy predominantly affecting the lower limbs were identified at participating neuromuscular centers and referred for targeted sequencing of DYNC1H1. RESULTS We report a cohort of 30 cases of SMA-LED from 16 families, carrying mutations in the tail and motor domains of DYNC1H1, including 10 novel mutations. These patients are characterized by congenital or childhood-onset lower limb wasting and weakness frequently associated with cognitive impairment. The clinical severity is variable, ranging from generalized arthrogryposis and inability to ambulate to exclusive and mild lower limb weakness. In many individuals with cognitive impairment (9/30 had cognitive impairment) who underwent brain MRI, there was an underlying structural malformation resulting in polymicrogyric appearance. The lower limb muscle MRI shows a distinctive pattern suggestive of denervation characterized by sparing and relative hypertrophy of the adductor longus and semitendinosus muscles at the thigh level, and diffuse involvement with relative sparing of the anterior-medial muscles at the calf level. Proximal muscle histopathology did not always show classic neurogenic features. CONCLUSION Our report expands the clinical spectrum of DYNC1H1-related SMA-LED to include generalized arthrogryposis. In addition, we report that the neurogenic peripheral pathology and the CNS neuronal migration defects are often associated, reinforcing the importance of DYNC1H1 in both central and peripheral neuronal functions
