385 research outputs found

    Immunity for Artworks on Loan? A Review of International Customary Law and Municipal Anti-seizure Statutes in Light of the Liechtenstein Litigation

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    Are we witnessing the emergence of a legal principle of immunity for artworks on loan from abroad? This Article analyzes to what extent such a principle exists or is about to come into being and what its legal potential might be. To this end, Part II examines one of the leading cases about artworks on loan, the Liechtenstein case, and compares it to other controversies about loaned artworks to identify possible signs of a development in court practice towards a principle of immunity for artworks on loan. Against the background of the legal weaknesses of a yet inchoate concept of immunity for artworks on loan under public international law, Part III analyzes the various municipal anti-seizure statutes positively guaranteeing immunity to artworks on loan, comparing the different regulatory schemes and identifies controversial legal issues

    Wissensmanagement und unternehmensinterner Wissenstransfer

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    In der Wissensmanagementforschung wird dem Wissenstransferprozess besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt: Wissenstransfer sichert die Lernfähigkeit und das Innovationspotential und trägt damit zur Wettbewerbs- und Überlebensfähigkeit von Organisationen bei. Obwohl der Wissenstransfer von den Mitarbeitern in Organisationen getragen und geleistet wird, findet ein Großteil der Forschung auf der Organisationsebene statt. An diesem Kritikpunkt setzen wir an. Im theoretischen Teil des Aufsatzes werfen wir vier Forschungsfragen auf, die wir anschließend mit einem Individualdatensatz aus einer Mitarbeiterbefragung aufgreifen. Dabei identifizieren und schätzen wir individuelle Wahrnehmungsmuster von Wissensmanagement und beziehen diese auf zwei in der Literatur viel diskutierte Wissenstransferprozesse: Sozialisation und Kombination. Abschließend wird der (forschungs)praktische Nutzen der Ergebnisse diskutiert

    Geoadditive Regression Modeling of Stream Biological Condition

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    Indices of biotic integrity (IBI) have become an established tool to quantify the condition of small non-tidal streams and their watersheds. To investigate the effects of watershed characteristics on stream biological condition, we present a new technique for regressing IBIs on watershed-specific explanatory variables. Since IBIs are typically evaluated on anordinal scale, our method is based on the proportional odds model for ordinal outcomes. To avoid overfitting, we do not use classical maximum likelihood estimation but a component-wise functional gradient boosting approach. Because component-wise gradient boosting has an intrinsic mechanism for variable selection and model choice, determinants of biotic integrity can be identified. In addition, the method offers a relatively simple way to account for spatial correlation in ecological data. An analysis of the Maryland Biological Streams Survey shows that nonlinear effects of predictor variables on stream condition can be quantified while, in addition, accurate predictions of biological condition at unsurveyed locations are obtained

    Wissensmanagement und unternehmensinterner Wissenstransfer

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    In der Wissensmanagementforschung wird dem Wissenstransferprozess besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt: Wissenstransfer sichert die Lernfähigkeit und das Innovationspotential und trägt damit zur Wettbewerbs- und Überlebensfähigkeit von Organisationen bei. Obwohl der Wissenstransfer von den Mitarbeitern in Organisationen getragen und geleistet wird, findet ein Großteil der Forschung auf der Organisationsebene statt. An diesem Kritikpunkt setzen wir an. Im theoretischen Teil des Aufsatzes werfen wir vier Forschungsfragen auf, die wir anschließend mit einem Individualdatensatz aus einer Mitarbeiterbefragung aufgreifen. Dabei identifizieren und schätzen wir individuelle Wahrnehmungsmuster von Wissensmanagement und beziehen diese auf zwei in der Literatur viel diskutierte Wissenstransferprozesse: Sozialisation und Kombination. Abschließend wird der (forschungs)praktische Nutzen der Ergebnisse diskutiert. --Wissensmanagement,Wissenstransfer,Mitarbeiterbefragung,Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory

    Restitution durch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

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    Interval scheduling and colorful independent sets

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    Numerous applications in scheduling, such as resource allocation or steel manufacturing, can be modeled using the NP-hard Independent Set problem (given an undirected graph and an integer k, find a set of at least k pairwise non-adjacent vertices). Here, one encounters special graph classes like 2-union graphs (edge-wise unions of two interval graphs) and strip graphs (edge-wise unions of an interval graph and a cluster graph), on which Independent Set remains NP-hard but admits constant-ratio approximations in polynomial time. We study the parameterized complexity of Independent Set on 2-union graphs and on subclasses like strip graphs. Our investigations significantly benefit from a new structural "compactness" parameter of interval graphs and novel problem formulations using vertex-colored interval graphs. Our main contributions are: 1. We show a complexity dichotomy: restricted to graph classes closed under induced subgraphs and disjoint unions, Independent Set is polynomial-time solvable if both input interval graphs are cluster graphs, and is NP-hard otherwise. 2. We chart the possibilities and limits of effective polynomial-time preprocessing (also known as kernelization). 3. We extend Halld\'orsson and Karlsson (2006)'s fixed-parameter algorithm for Independent Set on strip graphs parameterized by the structural parameter "maximum number of live jobs" to show that the problem (also known as Job Interval Selection) is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the parameter k and generalize their algorithm from strip graphs to 2-union graphs. Preliminary experiments with random data indicate that Job Interval Selection with up to fifteen jobs and 5*10^5 intervals can be solved optimally in less than five minutes.Comment: This revision does not contain Theorem 7 of the first revision, whose proof contained an erro

    Strict dissipativity for discrete time discounted optimal control problems

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    The paradigm of discounting future costs is a common feature of economic applications of optimal control. In this paper, we provide several results for such discounted optimal control aimed at replicating the now wellknown results in the standard, undiscounted, setting whereby (strict) dissipa-tivity, turnpike properties, and near-optimality of closed-loop systems using model predictive control are essentially equivalent. To that end, we introduce a notion of discounted strict dissipativity and show that this implies various properties including the existence of available storage functions, required sup-ply functions, and robustness of optimal equilibria. Additionally, for discount factors sufficiently close to one we demonstrate that strict dissipativity implies discounted strict dissipativity and that optimally controlled systems, derived from a discounted cost function, yield practically asymptotically stable equi-libria. Several examples are provided throughout