189 research outputs found
Ăkolandwirtschaft in der EU. Organisch und Dynamisch
Das anhaltende Wachstum der biologischen Landwirtschaft geht auf die Nachfrage der Kundinnen und Kunden zurĂźck. Staatliche FĂśrdermaĂnahmen helfen dabei. Aber die EU honoriert die Umweltleistungen dieser Wirtschaftsmethode noch zu wenig
Protein FOG - a streptococcal inhibitor of neutrophil function.
Several strains of group G streptococci (GGS) form aggregates when grown in vitro. Aggregating strains interact with fibrinogen, and this study reports the isolation of a novel self-associating and fibrinogen-binding protein of GGS, denoted protein FOG. Sequencing of the fog gene revealed structural similarity with M proteins of both GGS and group A streptococci (GAS). Analogous to GAS, GGS were found to multiply in human blood. All strains of GGS express protein G, a protein known to interact with the constant region of immunoglobulin G and albumin. Surprisingly, a clinical isolate expressing protein G, but lacking protein FOG, was killed in human whole blood; however, the addition of intact soluble protein FOG restored the ability of the bacteria to survive and multiply in human blood. This is believed to be the first report of a soluble M-like protein salvaging an M-negative strain from being killed. The antibactericidal property of protein FOG is dependent on its fibrinogen-binding activity. Thus, in plasma, FOG precipitates fibrinogen, and when added to whole blood, protein FOG triggers the formation of visible aggregates comprising fibrinogen and neutrophils that are disabled in their killing of the bacteria. Moreover, the results emphasize the importance of an intact FOG molecule, as presented on the bacterial surface, for full protective effect
Towards a new public goods payment model for remunerating farmers under the CAP Post-2020
The direct payment system and the Rural Development Programmes, as the pivotal elements of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), have reduced some undesirable environmental and economic side effects of pre-1992 agricultural policy. However, even after 25 years of implementation and several major reforms, fundamental challenges remain (see Annex 1):
- Missing link between CAP objectives, spending and instruments (Buckwell, 2015; Stolze et al., 2016; Peâer et al., 2017);
- Ineffective Pillar 1 Greening component (Forstner et al., 2012; Hart, 2015; Lakner and Holst, 2015; Peâer et al., 2017);
- Indifferent effectiveness of Pillar 2 agri-environment and climate measures (Baldock and Mottershead, 2017);
- Low acceptance of the CAP by both farmers and citizens (Pacini et al., 2015; ECORYS & European Commission, 2017; Peâer et al., 2017).
The total amount of funds dedicated to the agricultural sector is limited and a further increase of the financial support in the mid- and long-term perspective seems to be unlikely. This means farmers are expected to deliver more tangible results in a costefficient way with respect to the environmental, social and economic dimension of sustainability with taxpayerâs money allocated in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), in compliance with international frameworks, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement.
In this report we present a concept for a more effective and cost-efficient CAP by integrating sustainability assessment in the design, targeting and monitoring of policies and in payment allocation. Basing the future CAP on clear sustainability goals and farmer payments on performance towards these goals should lead to a CAP, which is more broadly accepted by both farmers and citizens
Revealing the secrets of neuronal circuits with recombinant rabies virus technology
An understanding of how the brain processes information requires knowledge of the architecture of its underlying neuronal circuits, as well as insights into the relationship between architecture and physiological function. A range of sophisticated tools is needed to acquire this knowledge, and recombinant rabies virus (RABV) is becoming an increasingly important part of this essential toolbox. RABV has been recognized for years for its properties as a synapse-specific trans-neuronal tracer. A novel genetically modified variant now enables the investigation of specific monosynaptic connections. This technology, in combination with other genetic, physiological, optical, and computational tools, has enormous potential for the visualization of neuronal circuits, and for monitoring and manipulating their activity. Here we will summarize the latest developments in this fast moving field and provide a perspective for the use of this technology for the dissection of neuronal circuit structure and function in the normal and diseased brain
Neue Wege in der Schweizer Agrarpolitik. Potential von Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungs- Instrumenten zur Verbesserung der Effektivität, Effizienz und Akzeptanz der Schweizer Agrarpolitik
Das Projekt âNeue Wege zur nachhaltigen Landwirtschaftâ wird vom Bundesamt fĂźr Landwirtschaft (BLW) mitfinanziert und gemeinsam vom Forschungsinstitut fĂźr biologischen Landbau (FIBL), Agroscope und der Hochschule fĂźr Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften (HAFL) durchgefĂźhrt. Das grundlegende Ziel des Projekts besteht darin zu untersuchen inwieweit betrieblichen Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen genutzt werden kĂśnnen, um die Schweizer Agrarpolitik effektiver, effizienter und bei der BevĂślkerung und den Landwirten akzeptierter zu gestalten.
Durch das bisherige Direktzahlungssystem haben sich zwar einige unerwßnschte Nebeneffekte der landwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit verringert. Jedoch zeigt sich, dass die Anstrengungen fßr den Erhalt unserer Lebensgrundlagen noch verstärkt werden mßssen. Mit den Reformen der Agrarpolitik und der stärkeren Fokussierung auf die Umweltleistungen und die Umweltschonung ist der administrative Aufwand aus Sicht der Landwirte stetig gestiegen und wird gemeinhin als zu hoch betrachtet. Von daher gilt es Wege zu finden, die das bestehende System vereinfachen, ohne die Ziele grundlegend zu verändern. Gerade kosteneffizient einsetzbare Instrumente, die belastbare, reproduzierbare und kontrollierbare Ergebnisse liefern, kÜnnten bei der Umsetzung im Kontext des Direktzahlungssystems fßr erhebliche Synergien sorgen und eine Zielerreichung erleichtern. Sie messen einerseits die Leistungen von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben umfassend und vergleichbar und verifizieren gleichzeitig die Plausibilität der Angaben auf kosteneffektive Art und Weise. Dabei kÜnnen Aspekte der betrieblichen Beratung sinnvoll und umfassend mit einem Direktzahlungssystem integriert werden.
Auf Grundlage einer ausfßhrlichen Betrachtung bestehender Nachhaltigkeits-bewertungsverfahren, der Auswertung relevanter Tools und Indikatorensets und Feedback aus Gesprächen mit dem BLW und ausgewählten Experten wurde ein zielgerichtetes Konzept ausgearbeitet. Dieses besteht aus zwei eng miteinander verbundenen Komponenten, die beide auf einer fundierten Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse aufbauen: (1) Eine umfassende Nachhaltigkeitsplanung, welche einen nachhaltigen Betriebsentwicklungsprozess fÜrdert; Und (2) ein klar definiertes Punktesystem, welches wirtschaftliche Anreize zur Nachhaltigkeit in der Form von Direktzahlungen setzt. Eine vom Projektteam vorgenommene Evaluierung der Ausgestaltung der zwei Komponenten hat daraufhin ergeben, dass vier konkrete Handlungsoptionen in einem nächsten Schritt erprobt werden sollten. Diese beinhalten finanzielle Anreize zur Erstellung eines betrieblichen Nachhaltigkeitsplans und Indikatorensets, die einen unterschiedlichen Umfang besitzen. Der Nachhaltigkeitsplan kann dabei die Nachhaltigkeitsziele definieren und als Basis fßr die Punktevergabe dienen
NICOL: A Neuro-inspired Collaborative Semi-humanoid Robot that Bridges Social Interaction and Reliable Manipulation
Robotic platforms that can efficiently collaborate with humans in physical
tasks constitute a major goal in robotics. However, many existing robotic
platforms are either designed for social interaction or industrial object
manipulation tasks. The design of collaborative robots seldom emphasizes both
their social interaction and physical collaboration abilities. To bridge this
gap, we present the novel semi-humanoid NICOL, the Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator.
NICOL is a large, newly designed, scaled-up version of its well-evaluated
predecessor, the Neuro-Inspired COmpanion (NICO). NICOL adopts NICO's head and
facial expression display and extends its manipulation abilities in terms of
precision, object size, and workspace size. Our contribution in this paper is
twofold -- firstly, we introduce the design concept for NICOL, and secondly, we
provide an evaluation of NICOL's manipulation abilities by presenting a novel
extension for an end-to-end hybrid neuro-genetic visuomotor learning approach
adapted to NICOL's more complex kinematics. We show that the approach
outperforms the state-of-the-art Inverse Kinematics (IK) solvers KDL, TRACK-IK
and BIO-IK. Overall, this article presents for the first time the humanoid
robot NICOL, and contributes to the integration of social robotics and neural
visuomotor learning for humanoid robots
Interaction of Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron with the kallikreinâkinin system
Many bacterial pathogens interfere with the contact system (kallikreinâkinin system) in human plasma. Activation of this system has two consequences: cleavage of high-molecular-mass kininogen (HK) resulting in release of the potent proinflammatory peptide bradykinin, and initiation of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. In this study, two species of the Gram-negative anaerobic commensal organism Bacteroides, namely Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, were found to bind HK and fibrinogen, the major clotting protein, from human plasma as shown by immunoelectron microscopy and Western blot analysis. In addition, these Bacteroides species were capable of activating the contact system at its surface leading to a significant prolongation of the intrinsic coagulation time and also to the release of bradykinin. Members of the genus Bacteroides have been known to act as opportunistic pathogens outside the gut, with B. fragilis being the most common isolate from clinical infections, such as intra-abdominal abscesses and bacteraemia. The present results thus provide more insight into how Bacteroides species cause infection
Streamlining Attack Tree Generation: A Fragment-Based Approach
Attack graphs are a tool for analyzing security vulnerabilities that capture different and prospective attacks on a system. As a threat modeling tool, it shows possible paths that an attacker can exploit to achieve a particular goal. However, due to the large number of vulnerabilities that are published on a daily basis, they have the potential to rapidly expand in size, necessitating a significant amount of resources to generate. In addition, generating composited attack models for complex systems such as self-adaptive or AI is very difficult due to their nature to continuously change. In this paper, we present a novel fragment-based attack graph generation approach that utilizes information from publicly available information security databases. Furthermore, we also propose a domain-specific language for attack modeling, which we employ in the proposed attack graph generation approach. Finally, we present a demonstrator example showcasing the attack generator\u27s capability to replicate a verified attack chain, as previously confirmed by security experts
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