17 research outputs found

    Archaeological study of specific aspects of medieval craft topography in the German-speaking region : inventory of craft findings from the 6th to the 14th century and a comparative analysis

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    Dok. 1: Inhaltsverzeichnis Dok. 2: Textteil Dok. 3: Literaturangaben Dok. 4: Tafeln Dok. 5: Verbreitungskarten Dok. 6: Katalog Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist ein topographischer Vergleich mittelalterlicher Handwerke zwischen dem 6.-14. Jahrhundert nach Christus nach archäologischen Quellen. Als Arbeitsgebiet werden große Teile Deutschlands und der Nordschweiz gewählt. Grundlage der Analyse ist eine umfassende Bestandaufnahme der mittelalterlichen Handwerksbefunde, die bis 1999 ausgegraben und veröffentlicht worden sind. Behandelt werden die folgenden Materialgruppen: Keramikherstellung, Knochen- und Geweihverarbeitung, Metallverarbeitung, Glasherstellung, Lederverarbeitung, Holzverarbeitung und Textilherstellung. Auf dieser Basis wird untersucht, welche Handwerke sich in welchem Zeitraum in bestimmten Siedlungsformen (ländliche Siedlungen, Siedlungsagglomerationen, Burgen, Städte) nachweisen lassen. Die vergleichende Analyse der mittelalterlichen Handwerksbefunde ergibt, dass während des betrachteten Zeitraumes von einheitlichen Einwicklungen innerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raumes ausgegangen werden kann. Bei der Weiterverarbeitung von Produkten aus Knochen, Geweih und Edelmetallen lässt sich während bestimmter Jahrhunderte eine bevorzugte Nutzung durch den Hochadel und vergleichbare gesellschaftliche Schichten erschließen. Die Herstellung bestimmter Produkte in Städten des Hochmittelalters kann mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit mit speziellen Herstellungsplätzen verbunden werden. In den mittelalterlichen Städten ist die besondere Bedeutung des Marktplatzes als Ort der Herstellung bzw. der Weiterverarbeitung für bestimmte Materialgruppen herausgearbeitet worden. Aufbauend auf ein neu erstelltes Kriterienbündel ist der Versuch unternommen worden, "Grubenhäuser", die fast ausschließlich für das Textilhandwerk verwendet worden sind, von "Kellern" abzugrenzen, für die eine differenziertere Nutzung nachgewiesen werden konnte. Für die Analyse kleiner Pfostenstecken in Gebäuden bzw. Gebäudeteilen, die in den Boden eingegraben waren, wird versucht, diese mit der Technik des Brettchenwebens in Zusammenhang zu bringen. Ein umfangreicher Katalogteil in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, anschließende Fundortverzeichnisse nach Materialgruppen und Bundesländern/Kantonen sowie Verbreitungskarten der Fundorte ergänzen den Text.Dok. 1: Table of contents Dok. 2: Text Dok. 3: References Dok. 4: Plates Dok. 5: Topographic material Dok. 6: Catalogue The subject of this thesis is a topographical comparison of medieval crafts between the years 6 and 14 BC, using archaeological sources. The region chosen to be examined includes large parts of Germany and northern Switzerland. The basis of the analysis is a large inventory of medieval craft objects which were excavated up until 1999 and published. The objects are grouped by materials as follows: ceramic production, use of bones and antlers, metal work, glass production, leather processing, wood processing, and textile production. This will provide the basis for examining which crafts were practiced at what time in which kinds of settlements (rural settlements, agglomerate settlements, castles and cities). The comparative analysis of medieval crafts shows that during the time period being considered, there were indeed uniform developments in the German-speaking regions. During certain centuries the production of objects made of bones, antlers and precious metals was a craft preferred by royalty and other groups of equal social ranking. It is quite possible to link special locations with the manufacture of certain products in medieval cities. The conclusion could be drawn that the market place played a significant role as manufacturing center for certain material groups in the Middle Ages. Building upon a newly created set of criteria, an attempt was made to separate the so-called "Grubenhäuser", which were almost exclusively used for the textile trade, from the "Keller", which have been proven to be used for a variety of uses. For the analysis of small uprights in buildings and sections of building an attempt is made to connect these with the technique of "Brettchenweben". A comprehensive, alphabetical catalogue; a list of excavation sites arranged by material group and state/canton as well as maps showing the locations of the sites complete the thesis

    The Role Of Imaging And Navigation For Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery

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    Background and Purpose: One of the next frontiers of minimally invasive surgery is natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). This article focuses on the perspectives and limitations of imaging and navigation in NOTES soft-tissue surgery. Materials and Methods: Based on our in-vitro and in-vivo studies, with the applicability of different systems for image-guided soft-tissue endoscopic surgery, early experience with NOTES, and long-term experience with advanced endoluminal, laparoscopic robot-assisted endoscopic surgery, we performed a review of the literature. The aim was a critical analysis of the current role of imaging during NOTES. Results: There are several steps/problems with NOTES that might be significantly alleviated by use of imaging and soft-tissue navigation. One has to distinguish between preoperative planning and intraoperative imaging or navigation. NOTES represents a hybrid technique of laparoscopy and endoscopy with similar limitations in perception and two-dimensional imaging; however, the use of flexible instruments increases the complexity with respect to the spatial orientation. This applies not only for the surgeon, but also for tracking devices for surgical navigation systems. Unlike optical navigation systems, electromagnetic and endoscopic (inside-out) tracking devices might be best suited to NOTES. Conclusion: The safe realization and standardization of NOTES represents a real challenge that necessitates close and effective interdisciplinary collaboration of surgeon, technicians, informatics, and endoscopic and applied industries. Image-guided soft-tissue navigation may be very helpful to minimize the hazards of the technically challenging procedure. © 2009 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence at Different Time Scales over the Atacama Desert (Chile) between 2015 and 2018

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    This study investigates synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series of the Sentinel-1 mission acquired over the Atacama Desert, Chile, between March 2015 and December 2018. The contribution analyzes temporal and spatial variations of Sentinel-1 interferometric SAR (InSAR) coherence and exemplarily illustrates factors that are responsible for observed signal differences. The analyses are based on long temporal baselines (365-1090 days) and temporally dense time series constructed with short temporal baselines (12-24 days). Results are compared to multispectral data of Sentinel-2, morphometric features of the digital elevation model (DEM) TanDEM-X WorldDEM (TM), and to a detailed governmental geographic information system (GIS) dataset of the local hydrography. Sentinel-1 datasets are suited for generating extensive, nearly seamless InSAR coherence mosaics covering the entire Atacama Desert (>450 x 1100 km) at a spatial resolution of 20 x 20 meter per pixel. Temporal baselines over several years lead only to very minor decorrelation, indicating a very high signal stability of C-Band in this region, especially in the hyperarid uplands between the Coastal Cordillera and the Central Depression. Signal decorrelation was associated with certain types of surface cover (e.g., water or aeolian deposits) or with actual surface dynamics (e.g., anthropogenic disturbance (mining) or fluvial activity and overland flow). Strong rainfall events and fluvial activity in the periods 2015 to 2016 and 2017 to 2018 caused spatial patterns with significant signal decorrelation; observed linear coherence anomalies matched the reference channel network and indicated actual episodic and sporadic discharge events. In the period 2015-2016, area-wide loss of coherence appeared as strip-like patterns of more than 80 km length that matched the prevailing wind direction. These anomalies, and others observed in that period and in the period 2017-2018, were interpreted to be caused by overland flow of high magnitude, as their spatial location matched well with documented heavy rainfall events that showed cumulative precipitation amounts of more than 20 mm

    Exploring Sentinel-1 backscatter time series over the Atacama Desert (Chile) for seasonal dynamics of surface soil moisture

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    Recent research indicates an inverse relation between Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signal and near-surface soil moisture (SM) over very dry sediments, arid to hyper-arid soils resp., caused by subsurface scattering ef-fects. This phenomenon can lead to large errors when it comes to modelling and remote sensing-based estimation of SM. While the effect of subsurface scattering and its influence on SM estimates is well described and modelled in literature, its actual presence in recorded SAR data is largely unknown. Here we investigate the relation between C-Band SAR backscatter and SM in the hyper-arid environment of the Atacama Desert (Chile). Time series (2018-2020) of Sentinel-1 VV/VH intensities are compared to in situ SM, measured at 17 stations located across the Atacama Desert. Linear and non-linear regression modelling is applied to uncover the relationship between the SAR intensities and in situ SM, while, in addition, SM variations triggered by seasonal varying humidity (i.e., not by precipitation) are investigated. Results indicate (i) a very weak linear relationship between SM variations and SAR intensities (VV/VH) for most meteorological stations in the Atacama (R2 < 0.5). In particular, noticeable and significant exceptions are found for stations located in the northern uplands of the Coastal Cordillera and on sediments, which are characterized by thick atmospheric dust deposits on top of subsurface cemented crusts; (ii) over these sites a strong inverse linear relationship is present (R2 up to 0.84) and the observable seasonal variations in SAR intensity are linked to the seasonal variations in SM; (iii) remarkably low changes in SM (ranging from approx. 1 to 3%) lead to comparable high changes in SAR intensity (up to 5.5 dB in VH and up to 4.0 dB in VV); (iv) employing a non-linear regression modelling to the SAR time series allowed identifying the occurrence and the strength of seasonal variations over the central desert. This study contributes to a better understanding of SAR scattering over arid to hyper-arid soils, indicates a moisture -regulated complex interplay of surface and subsurface scattering, and proves the presence of subsurface scat-tering effects in Sentinel-1C-Band data to occur over large parts of the Atacama Desert