12,816 research outputs found

    Nitrogen fluorescence in air for observing extensive air showers

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    Extensive air showers initiate the fluorescence emissions from nitrogen molecules in air. The UV-light is emitted isotropically and can be used for observing the longitudinal development of extensive air showers in the atmosphere over tenth of kilometers. This measurement technique is well-established since it is exploited for many decades by several cosmic ray experiments. However, a fundamental aspect of the air shower analyses is the description of the fluorescence emission in dependence on varying atmospheric conditions. Different fluorescence yields affect directly the energy scaling of air shower reconstruction. In order to explore the various details of the nitrogen fluorescence emission in air, a few experimental groups have been performing dedicated measurements over the last decade. Most of the measurements are now finished. These experimental groups have been discussing their techniques and results in a series of Air Fluorescence Workshops commenced in 2002. At the 8th^{\rm{th}} Air Fluorescence Workshop 2011, it was suggested to develop a common way of describing the nitrogen fluorescence for application to air shower observations. Here, first analyses for a common treatment of the major dependences of the emission procedure are presented. Aspects like the contributions at different wavelengths, the dependence on pressure as it is decreasing with increasing altitude in the atmosphere, the temperature dependence, in particular that of the collisional cross sections between molecules involved, and the collisional de-excitation by water vapor are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, International Symposium on Future Directions in UHECR Physics, 13-16 February 2012, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); the updated version corrects for a typo in Eq. (1

    Diagrammatic Approach for the High-Temperature Regime of Quantum Hall Transitions

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    We use a general diagrammatic formalism based on a local conductivity approach to compute electronic transport in continuous media with long-range disorder, in the absence of quantum interference effects. The method allows us then to investigate the interplay of dissipative processes and random drifting of electronic trajectories in the high-temperature regime of quantum Hall transitions. We obtain that the longitudinal conductance \sigma_{xx} scales with an exponent {\kappa}=0.767\pm0.002 in agreement with the value {\kappa}=10/13 conjectured from analogies to classical percolation. We also derive a microscopic expression for the temperature-dependent peak value of \sigma_{xx}, useful to extract {\kappa} from experiments.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 5 figures, attached with Supplementary Material. A discussion and a plot of the temperature-dependent longitudinal conductance was added in the final versio

    CO and HI observations of an enigmatic cloud

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    An isolated HI cloud with peculiar properties has recently been discovered by Dedes, Dedes, & Kalberla (2008, A&A, 491, L45) with the 300-m Arecibo telescope, and subsequently imaged with the VLA. It has an angular size of ~6', and the HI emission has a narrow line profile of width ~ 3 km/s. We explore the possibility that this cloud could be associated with a circumstellar envelope ejected by an evolved star. Observations were made in the rotational lines of CO with the IRAM-30m telescope, on three positions in the cloud, and a total-power mapping in the HI line was obtained with the Nancay Radio Telescope. CO was not detected and seems too underabundant in this cloud to be a classical late-type star circumstellar envelope. On the other hand, the HI emission is compatible with the detached-shell model that we developed for representing the external environments of AGB stars. We propose that this cloud could be a fossil circumstellar shell left over from a system that is now in a post-planetary-nebula phase. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out that it is a Galactic cloud or a member of the Local Group, although the narrow line profile would be atypical in both cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Circumstellar HI and CO around the carbon stars V1942 Sgr and V CrB

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    Context. The majority of stars that leave the main sequence are undergoing extensive mass loss, in particular during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of evolution. Observations show that the rate at which this phenomenon develops differs highly from source to source, so that the time-integrated mass loss as a function of the initial conditions (mass, metallicity, etc.) and of the stage of evolution is presently not well understood. Aims. We are investigating the mass loss history of AGB stars by observing the molecular and atomic emissions of their circumstellar envelopes. Methods. In this work we have selected two stars that are on the thermally pulsing phase of the AGB (TP-AGB) and for which high quality data in the CO rotation lines and in the atomic hydrogen line at 21 cm could be obained. Results. V1942 Sgr, a carbon star of the Irregular variability type, shows a complex CO line profile that may originate from a long-lived wind at a rate of ~ 10^-7 Msol/yr, and from a young (< 10^4 years) fast outflow at a rate of ~ 5 10^-7 Msol/yr. Intense HI emission indicates a detached shell with 0.044 Msol of hydrogen. This shell probably results from the slowing-down, by surrounding matter, of the same long-lived wind observed in CO that has been active during ~ 6 10^5 years. On the other hand, the carbon Mira V CrB is presently undergoing mass loss at a rate of 2 10^-7 Msol/yr, but was not detected in HI. The wind is mostly molecular, and was active for at most 3 10^4 years, with an integrated mass loss of at most 6.5 10^-3 Msol. Conclusions. Although both sources are carbon stars on the TP-AGB, they appear to develop mass loss under very different conditions, and a high rate of mass loss may not imply a high integrated mass loss.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astron. Astrophy

    Coupled Oscillators with Chemotaxis

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    A simple coupled oscillator system with chemotaxis is introduced to study morphogenesis of cellular slime molds. The model successfuly explains the migration of pseudoplasmodium which has been experimentally predicted to be lead by cells with higher intrinsic frequencies. Results obtained predict that its velocity attains its maximum value in the interface region between total locking and partial locking and also suggest possible roles played by partial synchrony during multicellular development.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, latex using jpsj.sty and epsf.sty, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67 (1998

    A combined spectroscopic and photometric stellar activity study of Epsilon Eridani

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    We present simultaneous ground-based radial velocity (RV) measurements and space-based photometric measurements of the young and active K dwarf Epsilon Eridani. These measurements provide a data set for exploring methods of identifying and ultimately distinguishing stellar photospheric velocities from Keplerian motion. We compare three methods we have used in exploring this data set: Dalmatian, an MCMC spot modeling code that fits photometric and RV measurements simultaneously; the FF' method, which uses photometric measurements to predict the stellar activity signal in simultaneous RV measurements; and Hα\alpha analysis. We show that our Hα\alpha measurements are strongly correlated with photometry from the Microvariability and Oscillations of STars (MOST) instrument, which led to a promising new method based solely on the spectroscopic observations. This new method, which we refer to as the HH' method, uses Hα\alpha measurements as input into the FF' model. While the Dalmatian spot modeling analysis and the FF' method with MOST space-based photometry are currently more robust, the HH' method only makes use of one of the thousands of stellar lines in the visible spectrum. By leveraging additional spectral activity indicators, we believe the HH' method may prove quite useful in disentangling stellar signals

    Searching for solar-like oscillations in the delta Scuti star rho Puppis

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    Despite the shallow convective envelopes of delta Scuti pulsators, solar-like oscillations are theoretically predicted to be excited in those stars as well. To search for such stochastic oscillations we organised a spectroscopic multi-site campaign for the bright, metal-rich delta Sct star rho Puppis. We obtained a total of 2763 high-resolution spectra using four telescopes. We discuss the reduction and analysis with the iodine cell technique, developed for searching for low-amplitude radial velocity variations, in the presence of high-amplitude variability. Furthermore, we have determined the angular diameter of rho Puppis to be 1.68 \pm 0.03 mas, translating into a radius of 3.52 \pm 0.07Rsun. Using this value, the frequency of maximum power of possible solar-like oscillations, is expected at ~43 \pm 2 c/d (498 \pm 23 muHz). The dominant delta Scuti-type pulsation mode of rho Puppis is known to be the radial fundamental mode which allows us to determine the mean density of the star, and therefore an expected large frequency separation of 2.73 c/d (31.6 muHz). We conclude that 1) the radial velocity amplitudes of the delta Scuti pulsations are different for different spectral lines; 2) we can exclude solar-like oscillations to be present in rho Puppis with an amplitude per radial mode larger than 0.5 m/s.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure, accepted for MNRA

    Dispersion Relations for Thermally Excited Waves in Plasma Crystals

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    Thermally excited waves in a Plasma crystal were numerically simulated using a Box_Tree code. The code is a Barnes_Hut tree code proven effective in modeling systems composed of large numbers of particles. Interaction between individual particles was assumed to conform to a Yukawa potential. Particle charge, mass, density, Debye length and output data intervals are all adjustable parameters in the code. Employing a Fourier transform on the output data, dispersion relations for both longitudinal and transverse wave modes were determined. These were compared with the dispersion relations obtained from experiment as well as a theory based on a harmonic approximation to the potential. They were found to agree over a range of 0.9<k<5, where k is the shielding parameter, defined by the ratio between interparticle distance a and dust Debye length lD. This is an improvement over experimental data as current experiments can only verify the theory up to k = 1.5.Comment: 8 pages, Presented at COSPAR '0