24 research outputs found


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    Chronostratigraphic data on macropodoid first appearances in the fossil record. Data was compiled in Excel and exported as text file. As described in the papert the "FAD" corresponds to the earliest representative of the lineage while "LAD" refers to the first appearance of the tip taxon associated with that respective branch. All numeric values refer to millions of years before present (Myr). Tip taxa correspond to those in the morphological phylogeny


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    Extant macropodoid crown height data based on measurements of museum specimens. "ID" specimen collection number,"Side" = describes if the specimen is a left (L) or right (R) dentary."Source" = collection holding specimen (AM= Australian Museum Sydney, SAM= South Australian Museum Adelaide, WAM= Western Australian Museum Perth, FU= Flinders University Vertebrate Palaeontology Laboratory Adelaide , ANWC= Australian National Wildlife Collection Canberra, NTM= Northern Territory Museum, Alice Springs), "PW"= posterior width, "PHb"=Molar crown height measured at the hypoconid, "Tooth_identity"= molar position of the tooth


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    Character states for the modified morphological phylogeny originally produced by Prideaux and Warburton (2010; see in paper text for full citation). "1"= Posthypocrstid presemy, "0"= posthypocristid absent. Data was originally compiled in excel and exported as a text file


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    Tooth dimension data based on museum collection specimens."ID"= Specimen number, "Side"= specimen is left ("L") or right ("R") dentary, "Origin"= collection holding specimen (AM= Australian Museum Sydney, BMNH= British Museum of Natural History, SAM= South Australian Museum Adelaide, UCMP= University of California Museum of Paleontology, QVM= Queen Victoria Museum, Inveresk, Tasmania, WAM= Western Australian Museum Perth, FU= Flinders University Vertebrate Palaeontology Laboratory Adelaide , ANWC= Australian National Wildlife Collection Canberra, NTM= Northern Territory Museum, Alice Springs, QM=Queensland Museum, Brisbane), "AW"= maximum anterior molar width, "PW"= maximum posterior width, "L"= maximum molar length, "Tooth_id" = molar tooth position, "Collector"= observer responsible for measurement (AC= Aidan Couzens, GJP= Gavin J. Prideaux)


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    Summary posterior molar proprtion data (m2-4) for Macropodoid taxa exported from R. Summary statistics (mean, sample size; n, standard deviation;sd) for m3/m2 and m4/m2

    Morphological phylogeny

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    Modified (see paper text) most parsimonious morphological input tree from Prideaux and Warburton (2010)


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    Surface files exported from MeshLab v1.3.3 64bit. Naming convention is "Institution_SpecimenNumber_Species_Element.ply". Institutional abbreviations: Australian Museum (AM), Australian National Wildlife collection (ANWC), Flinders University Vertebrate Palaeontology Laboratory (FU), Northern Territory Museum Alice Springs (NTM), Queensland Museum (QM), South Australian Museum (SAM), University of California Musuem of Paleontology (UCMP), Wesetern Australian Museum (WAM). Element abbreviations: LRMX= Lower right (or left;L) molar (X denotes tooth number (1-4); X if unknown), OES= Outer enamel surface, EDJ= Enamel-dentine junction, ENAM= Enamel cap, DENT= Dentine, RMAND= Right (or left;L) mandible


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    Summary Crown heigh data for living macropodoids exported from R. Taxa= Species, MeanPhyb= Hypsodonty index calculated as mean hypoconid crown height divided by max talonid width, sePhyb= bootstrap estimate of standard error


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    Posthypocristid relief data based on CT scan measurements in Avizo 8. PHCvert=vertical posthypocristid relief, PHCwdith= width across the talonid fossa at its point of maximum relief, Relief_Ratio = the quotient of PHCvert by PHCwidth. Comment= describes whether the crest is a homologue or analogue of the posthypocristid