13 research outputs found

    Upper mantle mush zones beneath low melt flux ocean island volcanoes: insights from Isla Floreana, Galápagos

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    The physicochemical characteristics of sub-volcanic magma storage regions have important implications for magma system dynamics and pre-eruptive behaviour. The architecture of magma storage regions located directly above high buoyancy flux mantle plumes (such as Kīlauea, Hawai’i and Fernandina, Galápagos) are relatively well understood. However, far fewer constraints exist on the nature of magma storage beneath ocean island volcanoes that are distal to the main zone of mantle upwelling or above low buoyancy flux plumes, despite these systems representing a substantial proportion of ocean island volcanism globally. To address this, we present a detailed petrological study of Isla Floreana in the Galápagos Archipelago, which lies at the periphery of the upwelling mantle plume and is thus characterised by an extremely low flux of magma into the lithosphere. Detailed in situ major and trace element analyses of crystal phases within exhumed cumulate xenoliths, lavas and scoria deposits, indicate that the erupted crystal cargo is dominated by disaggregated crystal-rich material (i.e., mush or wall rock). Trace element disequilibria between cumulus phases and erupted melts, as well as trace element zoning within the xenolithic clinopyroxenes, reveals that reactive porous flow (previously identified beneath mid-ocean ridges) is an important process of melt transport within crystal-rich magma storage regions. In addition, application of three petrological barometers reveal that the Floreana mush zones are located in the upper mantle, at a depth of 23.7±5.1 km. Our barometric results are compared to recent studies of high melt flux volcanoes in the western Galápagos, and other ocean island volcanoes worldwide, and demonstrate that the flux of magma from the underlying mantle source represents a first-order control on the depth and physical characteristics of magma storage

    Integrated petrological and geophysical constraints on magma system architecture in the western Galápagos Archipelago: insights from Wolf volcano

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    The 2015 eruption of Wolf volcano was one of the largest eruptions in the Galápagos Islands since the onset of routine satellite-based volcano monitoring. It therefore provides an excellent opportunity to combine geophysical and petrological data, to place detailed constraints on the architecture and dynamics of sub-volcanic systems in the western archipelago. We present new geodetic models which show that pre-eruptive inflation at Wolf was caused by magma accumulation in a shallow flat-topped reservoir at ~1.1 km, whereas edifice-scale deformation during the eruption was related to a deflationary source at 6.1–8.8 km. Petrological observations suggest that the erupted material was derived from both a sub-volcanic mush and a liquid-rich magma body. Using a combination of olivine-plagioclase-augite-melt (OPAM) and clinopyroxene-melt barometry, we show that the majority of magma equilibration, crystallisation and mush entrainment occurred at a depth equal to or greater than the deep geodetic source, with little petrological evidence of material sourced from shallower levels. Hence, our multidisciplinary study does not support a fully trans-crustal magmatic system beneath Wolf volcano before the 2015 eruption, but instead indicates two discrete storage regions, with a small magma lens at shallow levels and the major zone of magma storage in the lower crust, from which most of the erupted material was sourced. A predominance of lower crustal magma storage has previously been thought typical of sub-volcanic systems in the eastern Galápagos Archipelago, but our new data suggest that this may also occur beneath the more active volcanoes of the western archipelago

    Multiorgan MRI findings after hospitalisation with COVID-19 in the UK (C-MORE): a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study

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    Introduction: The multiorgan impact of moderate to severe coronavirus infections in the post-acute phase is still poorly understood. We aimed to evaluate the excess burden of multiorgan abnormalities after hospitalisation with COVID-19, evaluate their determinants, and explore associations with patient-related outcome measures. Methods: In a prospective, UK-wide, multicentre MRI follow-up study (C-MORE), adults (aged ≥18 years) discharged from hospital following COVID-19 who were included in Tier 2 of the Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID) and contemporary controls with no evidence of previous COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibody negative) underwent multiorgan MRI (lungs, heart, brain, liver, and kidneys) with quantitative and qualitative assessment of images and clinical adjudication when relevant. Individuals with end-stage renal failure or contraindications to MRI were excluded. Participants also underwent detailed recording of symptoms, and physiological and biochemical tests. The primary outcome was the excess burden of multiorgan abnormalities (two or more organs) relative to controls, with further adjustments for potential confounders. The C-MORE study is ongoing and is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04510025. Findings: Of 2710 participants in Tier 2 of PHOSP-COVID, 531 were recruited across 13 UK-wide C-MORE sites. After exclusions, 259 C-MORE patients (mean age 57 years [SD 12]; 158 [61%] male and 101 [39%] female) who were discharged from hospital with PCR-confirmed or clinically diagnosed COVID-19 between March 1, 2020, and Nov 1, 2021, and 52 non-COVID-19 controls from the community (mean age 49 years [SD 14]; 30 [58%] male and 22 [42%] female) were included in the analysis. Patients were assessed at a median of 5·0 months (IQR 4·2–6·3) after hospital discharge. Compared with non-COVID-19 controls, patients were older, living with more obesity, and had more comorbidities. Multiorgan abnormalities on MRI were more frequent in patients than in controls (157 [61%] of 259 vs 14 [27%] of 52; p<0·0001) and independently associated with COVID-19 status (odds ratio [OR] 2·9 [95% CI 1·5–5·8]; padjusted=0·0023) after adjusting for relevant confounders. Compared with controls, patients were more likely to have MRI evidence of lung abnormalities (p=0·0001; parenchymal abnormalities), brain abnormalities (p<0·0001; more white matter hyperintensities and regional brain volume reduction), and kidney abnormalities (p=0·014; lower medullary T1 and loss of corticomedullary differentiation), whereas cardiac and liver MRI abnormalities were similar between patients and controls. Patients with multiorgan abnormalities were older (difference in mean age 7 years [95% CI 4–10]; mean age of 59·8 years [SD 11·7] with multiorgan abnormalities vs mean age of 52·8 years [11·9] without multiorgan abnormalities; p<0·0001), more likely to have three or more comorbidities (OR 2·47 [1·32–4·82]; padjusted=0·0059), and more likely to have a more severe acute infection (acute CRP >5mg/L, OR 3·55 [1·23–11·88]; padjusted=0·025) than those without multiorgan abnormalities. Presence of lung MRI abnormalities was associated with a two-fold higher risk of chest tightness, and multiorgan MRI abnormalities were associated with severe and very severe persistent physical and mental health impairment (PHOSP-COVID symptom clusters) after hospitalisation. Interpretation: After hospitalisation for COVID-19, people are at risk of multiorgan abnormalities in the medium term. Our findings emphasise the need for proactive multidisciplinary care pathways, with the potential for imaging to guide surveillance frequency and therapeutic stratification

    Crustal Controls on apparent mantle pyroxenite signals in Ocean Island Basalts

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    Ocean-island basalts (OIBs) provide a unique insight into the extent of lithological heterogeneity (peridotite vs pyroxenite) in the Earth’s convecting mantle. However, crustal processing of these mantle melts significantly influences minor-element concentrations in olivine phenocrysts, challenging the suitability of this widely-used approach to identify lithological variations in their mantle source. Using a numerical model of magma recharge, mixing and diffusional re-equilibration we show that this type of crustal processing -- which is widely observed in OIBs -- results in elevated Ni and lower Ca contents of Fo-rich olivine causing erroneously high estimates of the proportion of pyroxenite-derived melt. We applied our model of magma recharge and mixing to several OIBs including the Galápagos, Canaries and La Réunion. In particular, we critically examine olivine compositional variations in basalts from the eastern Galápagos, which display Sr- and Pb-isotope ratios similar to N-MORBs. Whilst previous interpretations (based on olivine chemistry) argue for a significant contribution from pyroxenite-derived melt, our results indicate that the postulated presence of pyroxenite in the eastern Galápagos mantle is an artefact of processing of magmas and their olivine cargo as they transition through the crust, consistent with major element and isotopic evidence for a dominantly peridotitic source in this region. This new model for magma recharge and mixing may have important implications for our understanding of lithological heterogeneity beneath OIBs globally, and highlights the importance of considering crustal processes when attempting to interpret olivine compositions with regard to mantle heterogeneity

    Crustal controls on apparent mantle pyroxenite signals in ocean-island basalts

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    Ocean-island basalts (OIBs) provide a unique insight into the extent of lithological heterogeneity (peridotite vs. pyroxenite) in Earth’s convecting mantle. However, crustal processing of these mantle melts significantly influences minor-element concentrations in olivine phenocrysts, challenging the suitability of this widely used approach to identify lithological variations in their mantle source. Using a numerical model of magma recharge, mixing, and diffusional reequilibration, we show that this type of crustal processing—which is widely observed in OIBs—results in elevated Ni and lower Ca contents of forsterite-rich olivine, causing erroneously high estimates of the proportion of pyroxenite-derived melt. We applied our model of magma recharge and mixing to several OIBs, including the Galápagos Islands, Canary Islands, and La Réunion. In particular, we critically examined olivine compositional variations in basalts from the eastern Galápagos, which display Sr- and Pb-isotope ratios similar to normal mid-ocean-ridge basalts. While previous interpretations (based on olivine chemistry) argued for a significant contribution from pyroxenite-derived melt, our results indicate that the postulated presence of pyroxenite in the eastern Galápagos mantle is an artifact of processing of magmas and their olivine cargo as they transition through the crust, consistent with major-element and isotopic evidence for a dominantly peridotitic source in this region. This new model for magma recharge and mixing may have important implications for our understanding of lithological heterogeneity beneath OIBs globally, and it highlights the importance of considering crustal processes when attempting to interpret olivine compositions with regard to mantle heterogeneity

    Novel insights from Fe-isotopes into the lithological heterogeneity of Ocean Island Basalts and plume-influenced MORBs

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    The extent of lithological heterogeneity in the Earth’s convecting mantle is highly debated. Whilst the presence of pyroxenite in the mantle source regions of Ocean Island Basalts (OIBs) has traditionally been constrained using the minor-element chemistry of olivine phenocrysts, recent studies have shown that the Ni and Mn contents of primitive olivines are influenced by the conditions of mantle melting, as well as magma chamber processes. Nevertheless, constraining the lithological properties of the mantle is important due to it’s influence on the P-T path followed by solid mantle material during adiabatic ascent, as well as the density of upwelling mantle plumes. We have therefore explored the use of Fe-isotopes as a novel method of tracing lithological heterogeneity in the mantle source regions beneath plume-influenced segments of the global Mid-Ocean Ridge system as well as OIBs. We present new Fe-isotope (δ56Fe) and trace-element data for 26 basaltic glasses from the plume-influenced Galápagos Spreading Centre to investigate the relative roles of pyroxenite and peridotite in the mantle source region of oceanic basalts. Our data reveals significant heterogeneity in the Fe-isotope composition of the Galápagos Spreading Centre basalts (+0.05 - +0.25‰ δ56Fe), which correlates with key major- and trace-element parameters (e.g. CaO(8)/Al2O3(8), [La/Sm]n). Application of new models developed to calculate Fe-isotope fractionation during mantle melting, alongside Monte Carlo simulations for melting of a 2-component peridotite mantle, show that this variation cannot be caused by changes in melting processes and/or oxygen fugacity of a peridotitic mantle. Instead, our new δ56Fe data is best explained by variations in the proportion of isotopically-heavy pyroxenite-derived melt that contributes to the GSC basalts, and conclusively shows that lithological heterogeneity exists in the Galápagos mantle plume. Our findings have implications for the moderately-heavy δ56Fe compositions measured in plume-influenced basalts from the Society Islands, Rochambeau Ridges of the Lau back-arc basin, and the FAMOUS segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which we suggest may also represent contribution from pyroxenite-derived melts

    Constraining magma storage conditions at a restless volcano in the Main Ethiopian Rift using phase equilibria models

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    The Main Ethiopian Rift hosts a number of peralkaline volcanic centres, several of which show signs of recent unrest. Due to the low number of historical eruptions recorded in the region and lack of volcanic monitoring, conditions of magma storage in the Main Ethiopian Rift remain poorly constrained. Aluto is one of these restless volcanic centres and identifying magma storage conditions is vital for evaluating the significance of recent periods of unrest. Using Aluto as a case study, we explore magma storage conditions using Rhyolite-MELTS thermodynamic modelling software. We performed ~ 150 fractional crystallisation models using a primitive basalt as the starting composition, and for a range of pressures (50–300 MPa), initial H2O contents (0.5–3 wt%) and oxygen fugacities (QFM − 2–QFM + 1). Predicted liquid lines of descent from these models are compared with published whole-rock data and, together with new observations of natural phase assemblages and erupted mineral compositions, provide constraints on magma storage conditions. Using a statistical approach to compare empirical data and thermodynamic model outputs, we find that compositions of evolved peralkaline rhyolites from Aluto are best reproduced by protracted (90%) isobaric fractional crystallisation from a rift-related basaltic composition, without the need for significant crustal assimilation. The required extent of fractional crystallisation suggests that much of the magmatic system may exist as a highly crystalline mush with only a small lens of rhyolitic melt. The best agreement between models and natural samples is at low pressures (150 MPa), low initial H2O concentrations (0.5 wt%) and an oxygen fugacity near the QFM buffer. The depth of magma storage derived from these results (~ 5.6 ± 1 km) is consistent with the source depths modelled from measured ground deformation. Data from other peralkaline volcanic centres in the Main Ethiopian Rift (Boset and Gedemsa), and other locations globally (e.g. Pantelleria, Italy) suggest that these storage conditions are a common feature of many peralkaline volcanic centres