6,416 research outputs found

    Church and Community: Bridging the Gap to Create a Culture of Acceptance and Inclusiveness

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    This DMIN project helped St. Paul High Street Baptist Church develop a community engagement team that helped them reestablish its long-lasting relationship with the community surrounding the church. Certain issues within and outside of the church were discussed that had led to a lack of community engagement within recent years. A community engagement team was put together to help bridge the gap between the church and its surrounding community. To help with this, several community engagement team events were held, and surveys were given to both church and community members. Through the successful completion of this project, St. Paul High Street Baptist Church was able to reestablish itself within the community and now serves as a resource to other churches that are trying to build relationships with their community

    Increased hazard of myocardial infarction with insulin‐provision therapy in actively smoking patients with diabetes mellitus and stable ischemic heart disease: The BARI 2D (Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes) trial

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    Background In the BARI 2D (Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes) trial, randomization of diabetic patients with stable ischemic heart disease to insulin provision ( IP ) therapy, as opposed to insulin sensitization ( IS ) therapy, resulted in biochemical evidence of impaired fibrinolysis but no increase in adverse clinical outcomes. We hypothesized that the prothrombotic effect of IP therapy in combination with the hypercoagulable state induced by active smoking would result in an increased risk of myocardial infarction ( MI ). Methods and Results We analyzed BARI 2D patients who were active smokers randomized to IP or IS therapy. The primary end point was fatal or nonfatal MI . PAI ‐1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1) activity was analyzed at 1, 3, and 5 years. Of 295 active smokers, MI occurred in 15.4% randomized to IP and in 6.8% randomized to IS over the 5.3 years ( P =0.023). IP therapy was associated with a 3.2‐fold increase in the hazard of MI compared with IS therapy (hazard ratio: 3.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.43–7.28; P =0.005). Baseline PAI ‐1 activity (19.0 versus 17.5 Au/mL, P =0.70) was similar in actively smoking patients randomized to IP or IS therapy. However, IP therapy resulted in significantly increased PAI ‐1 activity at 1 year (23.0 versus 16.0 Au/mL, P =0.001), 3 years (24.0 versus 18.0 Au/mL, P =0.049), and 5 years (29.0 versus 15.0 Au/mL, P =0.004) compared with IS therapy. Conclusions Among diabetic patients with stable ischemic heart disease who were actively smoking, IP therapy was independently associated with a significantly increased hazard of MI . This finding may be explained by higher PAI ‐1 activity in active smokers treated with IP therapy. Clinical Trial Registration URL : http://www.clinicaltrials.gov . Unique identifier: NCT 00006305. </jats:sec

    Ease into It. Effects of Mobilization with Movement Utilizing Patients Body Weight

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    The purpose of this case report is to utilize mobilization with movement (MWM) to restore knee flexion in a patient with delayed quadriceps tendon repair.https://soar.usa.edu/flsaspring2018/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Genetic studies in osteoporosis – the end of the beginning

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    Osteoporosis and disorders of bone fragility are highly heritable, but despite much effort the identities of few of the genes involved has been established. Recent developments in genetics such as genome-wide association studies are revolutionizing research in this field, and it is likely that further contributions will be made through application of next-generation sequencing technologies, analysis of copy number variation polymorphisms, and high-throughput mouse mutagenesis programs. This article outlines what we know about osteoporosis genetics to date and the probable future directions of research in this field

    Mutation of Arabidopsis SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 Causes Circadian Clock Defects

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    The circadian clock plays a crucial role in coordinating plant metabolic and physiological functions with predictable environmental variables, such as dusk and dawn, while also modulating responses to biotic and abiotic challenges. Much of the initial characterization of the circadian system has focused on transcriptional initiation, but it is now apparent that considerable regulation is exerted after this key regulatory step. Transcript processing, protein stability, and cofactor availability have all been reported to influence circadian rhythms in a variety of species. We used a genetic screen to identify a mutation within a putative RNA binding protein (SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 [STIPL1]) that induces a long circadian period phenotype under constant conditions. STIPL1 is a homolog of the spliceosomal proteins TFP11 (Homo sapiens) and Ntr1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) involved in spliceosome disassembly. Analysis of general and alternative splicing using a high-resolution RT-PCR system revealed that mutation of this protein causes less efficient splicing of most but not all of the introns analyzed. In particular, the altered accumulation of circadian-associated transcripts may contribute to the observed mutant phenotype. Interestingly, mutation of a close homolog of STIPL1, STIP-LIKE2, does not cause a circadian phenotype, which suggests divergence in function between these family members. Our work highlights the importance of posttranscriptional control within the clock mechanism. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved

    The SUMO Ligase Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT 1 (PIAS1) is a constituent PML-NB protein that contributes to the intrinsic antiviral immune response to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)

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    Aspects of intrinsic antiviral immunity are mediated by promyelocytic leukaemia (PML)-nuclear body (PML-NB) constituent proteins. During herpesvirus infection, these antiviral proteins are independently recruited to nuclear domains that contain infecting viral genomes to cooperatively promote viral genome silencing. Central to the execution of this particular antiviral response is the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) signalling pathway. However, the participating SUMOylation enzymes are not fully characterized. We identify the SUMO ligase Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT1 (PIAS1) as a constituent PML-NB protein. We show that PIAS1 localizes at PML-NBs in a SUMO interaction motif (SIM)-dependent manner that requires SUMOylated or SUMOylation competent PML. Following infection with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), PIAS1 is recruited to nuclear sites associated with viral genome entry in a SIM-dependent manner, consistent with the SIM-dependent recruitment mechanisms of other well characterized PML-NB proteins. In contrast to Daxx and Sp100, however, the recruitment of PIAS1 is enhanced by PML. PIAS1 promotes the stable accumulation of SUMO1 at nuclear sites associated with HSV-1 genome entry, whereas the accumulation of other evaluated PML-NB proteins occurs independently of PIAS1. We show that PIAS1 cooperatively contributes to HSV-1 restriction through mechanisms that are additive to those of PML and cooperative with those of PIAS4. The antiviral mechanisms of PIAS1 are counteracted by ICP0, the HSV-1 SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase, which disrupts the recruitment of PIAS1 to nuclear domains that contain infecting HSV-1 genomes through mechanisms that do not directly result in PIAS1 degradation

    Identifying Lepidopteran resistance within hcf mutants

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    Abstract only availableSouthwestern corn borer (SWBC) and fall armyworm (FAW) feeding on maize causes extensive crop damage in the United States. Total crop loss is valued at approximately 300 million dollars annually. Previous proteomic analysis comparing resistant and susceptible lines of maize has shown genes found in the photosystem II pathway are highly expressed in the resistant line. The high chlorophyll fluorescence mutants have defects in photosystem I or photosystem II genes. Preliminary feeding trials indicate hcf mutants have resistance to Lepidopteran feeding. A preference test was performed comparing hcf mutants to their wild-type siblings. Oy , pg , and g mutants were also compared to their wild-type siblings to ensure that the pigmentation was not a factor in insect resistance. Leaf tissue from both the hcf mutant and the wild-type plant were pinned to a piece of moist filter paper within a petri dish. A single SWCB or FAW was placed in between the two samples and allowed to choose which tissue sample it preferred. There were five replicates per genotype. Pictures were taken after four days and tissue damage area was assessed using AlphaEaseFC software. A few hcf mutants showed increased resistance to feeding than their wild-type siblings, while most hcf mutants did not. SWCB preferred the wild-type over hcf11-N1205A and hcf49-N1480 mutants, indicating these genes may be resistance factors. Some hcf mutants were preferred by SWCB, indicating they may represent susceptibility genes. These genotypes were Oyl-Andrew and hcf13-N1097B . hcf49-N1480 , hcf7-N1029D , and pg15-N340B had reduced FAW damage compared to wild-type siblings, indicating they may confer resistance. The genotype hcf44-N1278B showed increased susceptibility to FAW feeding compared to its wild-type sibling. Further analysis will be needed to examine the resistance capabilities of the hcf11-N1205A , hcf7-1029D , pg15-N340B , and hcf49-N1480 genotypes. The mutants evaluated for effects of pigmentation displayed varying results indicating color differences associated with some hcf mutants are unlikely to be responsible for the differences observed. This experiment has provided data showing that some hcf mutants confer resistance to insect feeding. These genes may be useful in increasing resistance to FAW and SWCB in commercial hybrids.Life Sciences Mission Enhancement Progra

    Lepidopteran preference test of Glossy mutants and Glossy15 allels for maize resistance [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Georgia Davis, AgronomyEvery year fall armyworm and Southwestern corn borer cause severe yield loss in maize. Both fall armyworm and the Southwestern corn borer are known to specifically attack the whorl leaf tissue resulting in major crop losses. Over the past few years maize resistant lines have been developed. In our study we have compared the larval feeding habits of both insects on resistant and susceptible genotypes, and on maize mutants that affect epicuticular wax formation. A previous study has shown that the Glossy15 and Glossy8 genes have Lepidopteran resistance in maize during the whorl stage. Our objectives in this study are to analyze both fall armyworm and Southwestern corn borer feeding preferences on various glossy mutants, and to further examine thier feeding habits on different alleles of the Glossy15 gene. In both studies we compared feeding preferences on three inbreds ( Mp705, Oh28, and Va35 ) to the glossy mutants. Mp705 has resistance to whorl stage Lepidopteran feeding while Oh28 and Va35 are susceptible. An inbred adult leaf was placed directly next to a glossy mutant adult leaf in a Petri dish. We then placed a single larva between the two adult leaves. We evaluated the larvae preference by using the AlphaEaseFC software. With this software we measured the areas of damaged leaf tissue. In the first study we have concluded that the adult leaves of bm1 , Gl1 , gl2-PF , Gl3 , Gl7 , Gl14 , and gl15-Sprague are very susceptible to insect feeding. There was no preference for adult leaves of bm4 , Gl4 , Gl11 , gl3-N531 , gl13-U440B , Gl18 , gl18-N166A , and Gl21 . However, we have found that Gl8 , gl15-KEW , and gl15-LAM exhibit some resistance. We also examined insect preference on different allels of Glossy15 gene. We observed allelic differences; gl15-63 and gl15-L are susceptible to insect feeding, while gl15-S , gl15-H , gl15-956 , and gl15-94317 have no preference. The goal of this study is to determine which mutants and alleles are more resistant than the others. The resistant alleles can then be inserted into different maize lines to improve resistance to Lepidopteran insects
