115 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting The Efficiency Of Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Baiting Practices On The Central Tablelands Of New South Wales

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    The European red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) is a well known predator of native species and domestic stock, and is recognised as one of Australia’s most devastating vertebrate pests. Current fox management relies heavily on poisoning using baits impregnated with sodium monofluoroacetate (1080). This reliance on 1080 is likely to continue given the lack of viable alternatives for controlling foxes, so that, in the meanwhile, it is important to improve the efficiency of the current techniques. Factors affecting the susceptibility of individual foxes to bait include their ability to locate it, as well as the bait’s palatability and toxicity. The economic costs associated with using different bait types, the pattern and density of their distribution will also affect the efficiency of control programs. It is essential to examine and refine all such issues to ensure efficient use of the 1080 baiting technique. This thesis focuses generally on problems associated with management of the fox in eastern Australia. More specifically, I investigate the factors affecting the efficiency of fox baiting practices on the central tablelands of New South Wales. The study was conducted largely on agricultural lands near the town of Molong (33010’ 37”S, 148087’15”E) on the central tablelands of New South Wales. This area was chosen as it is broadly representative, in terms of land use, of a large region of eastern Australia. The highly modified, predominantly agricultural landscapes near Molong are well suited to foxes, and conflict with the predominantly pastoral community means that fox management is widely undertaken. I determined the persistence of 1080 in two commonly used bait types, Foxoff¼ and chicken wingettes, under different climatic and rainfall conditions. The rate of 1080 degradation did not change significantly between the central tablelands and the relatively hotter and drier western slopes. Foxoff¼ baits remained lethal for longer than wingettes under all conditions, although their rate of degradation generally increased with increasing rainfall. I confirmed the presence of defluorinating micro-organisms in thesoils of eastern Australia for the first time, and suggest that, following removal from the bait, 1080 would not persist in the environment for long. Bait should be attractive and highly palatable to ensure that the target species will find and consume it upon discovery. Caching, where discovered food is removed but not immediately consumed, may potentially reduce the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of baiting campaigns. I quantified the caching of chicken wingette, day-old chick and Foxoff¼ baits by inserting transmitters into bait material and assessing whether it was eaten or cached following removal. The intensity of caching did not change significantly between seasons. Type of bait had the largest influence on caching intensity, with a greater percentage of non-toxic Foxoff¼ baits (66.9%) being cached than either wingettes (5.7%) or day-old chicks (4.5%). The percentage of toxic (1080) baits cached was even greater, suggesting that 1080 bait may be less palatable, and detectable to foxes. I also investigated the use of conditioned taste aversion to reduce multiple bait uptake by foxes. Levamisole, an illness-inducing chemical, was added to bait and the fate of removed bait was again monitored via radio-telemetry. Following consumption of a levamisole-treated bait, foxes avoided eating treated baits but consumed untreated baits. I concluded that a reduction in bait consumption was achieved through learned aversion to levamisole rather than via conditioned taste aversion to baits. Adding levamisole to baits, especially non-toxic bait such as rabies vaccines, could potentially be used to reduce bait monopolisation by individual foxes. Fox density and den site preferences were assessed by investigating the distribution and density of fox natal dens on one property (9.6 km2) over three consecutive years. A total of 9 natal dens were located in 2000 and 2001, declining to 6 in 2002. No preference was shown for den sites on the basis of habitat, slope or aspect, but more dens were located under, or adjacent to cover. Assuming that each natal den represents a breeding pair and that the population sex ratio did not differ from parity (1:1), the site contained a prebreeding density of 1.9 foxes/km2 in 2000 and 2001, and 1.25 foxes/km2 in 2002. Given that the mean number of cubs is 4.0, the post-breeding density was estimated at 5.6 and 3.75 foxes/km2 in 2000/2001 and 2002, respectively. The results demonstrated that high densities of foxes occur on agricultural lands. The success and likely accuracy of the technique to monitor fox density suggests that it may be used to calibrate more efficient abundance estimates that will be essential for the strategic management of foxes in future. Pest animal management strategies are traditionally assessed for their effectiveness, with less consideration being given to the efficiency or cost of achieving the desired effect. I used cost-effectiveness analyses to compare between different baiting strategies based on the longevity, palatability and handling/replacement costs associated with each bait type. The results indicated that, when measured on a total cost-per-bait-consumed basis, wingettes and day-old chicks were the most cost-effective baits for campaigns of up to 4 weeks duration. This demonstrates the importance of including the longevity, and particularly the palatability of bait, when assessing cost-effectiveness. However, it is recognised that other factors, including the consistency of dosage and uptake by nontarget species, may be equally or more important in deciding the appropriate baiting strategy. The spatial and temporal application of fox baiting in the region overseen by the Molong Rural Lands Protection Board was examined between January 1998 and December 2002 as a case study to evaluate the apparent effectiveness of cooperative management practices. Most landholders (78.8%) did not bait for foxes during this period. Based on known dispersal distances, the effect of fox immigration into baited areas was determined. The results indicated that no areas baited for foxes were separated by a sufficient buffer distance (>9.58 km) from unbaited areas to be protected from fox immigration. This suggests that, at current levels of coordination, the effectiveness of most baiting operations in eastern Australia is compromised over the long term by fox immigration. However, it is recognised that short-term reductions in fox density may sometimes be all that are required to reduce predation to acceptable levels, especially for seasonally-susceptible prey. Ultimately, the cost-effectiveness of control should be evaluated in terms of the response of the prey rather than that of the predator. This study has highlighted deficiencies in current ‘best-practice’ baiting techniques. Specific recommendations for current baiting practices, in addition to future research, are also given. In brief, these include minimising free-feed baiting, increasing the minimum distance between bait stations, and, where possible, presenting the most palatable bait. Continued research into conditioned taste aversion, aerial baiting, and techniques to reduce caching are recommended as potential techniques to improve the efficiency of baiting practices

    Effectiveness of commercial harvesting in controlling feral-pig populations

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    Context. The feral pig (Sus scrofa) is a widespread pest species in Australia and its populations are commonly controlled to reduce damage to agriculture and the environment. Feral pigs are also a resource and harvested for commercial export as game meat. Although many other control techniques are used, commercial harvesting of feral pigs is often encouraged by land managers, because it carries little or no cost and is widely perceived to control populations. Aims. To use feral-pig harvesting records, density data and simple harvest models to examine the effectiveness of commercial harvesting to reduce feral-pig populations. Methods. The present study examined commercial harvest off-take on six sites (246-657 km2) in southern Queensland, and 20 large blocks (~2-6000 km2) throughout Queensland. The harvest off-take for each site was divided by monthly or average annual population size, determined by aerial survey, to calculate monthly and annual harvest rates.Asimple harvest model assuming logistic population growth was used to determine the likely effectiveness of harvesting. Key results. Commercial harvest rates were generally low (50%) in long-term population size were isolated occurrences and not maintained across sites and years. High harvest rates were observed only at low densities. Although these harvest rates may be sufficiently high to hold populations at low densities, the population is likely to escape this entrapment following a flush in food supply or a reduction in harvest effort. Implications. Our results demonstrated that, at current harvest rates, commercial harvesting is ineffective for the landscape-scale control of feral-pig populations. Unless harvest rates can be significantly increased, commercial harvesting should be used as a supplement to, rather than as a substitute for, other damage-control techniques

    Feral pig management in Australia: implications for disease control

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    Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) were introduced to Australia following European settlement and are now widely distributed in a variety of habitats. High-density populations are found particularly in north-eastern Australia. Feral pigs are commonly viewed as a valued hunting or commercial resource, occasionally as an important cultural resource, but overwhelmingly as a devastating agricultural and environmental pest. Their wide-ranging impacts demand intervention through control programs on many production and conservation lands. Feral pigs also carry pathogens of human health significance and contribute to the persistence and transmission of a range of endemic diseases or pathogens of livestock and wildlife. Feral pigs are the invasive species of most concern in Australia as potential vectors of exotic diseas

    Factors influencing the activity ranges of feral pigs Sus scrofa across four sites in eastern Australia

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    Context: Understanding the home-range size and the ecological drivers that influence the spatial distribution of feral pigs is of paramount importance for exotic-disease modelling and the improvement of pest management programs.Aims: To investigate various factors affecting home- and core-range size and test selection of habitat, to better inform disease modelling and pest management programs.Methods: In this study, 59 GPS-collared feral pigs were tracked over four sites in eastern Australia between 2017 and 2021. Using minimum convex polygon (MCP) and the nearest-neighbour–local convex hull (k-LoCoH) as home-range estimators and foliage projective cover (FPC) as an estimator of landscape-scale shelter, we investigated the influence of sex, site, season, year and body weight on range size and tested selection of habitat by using chi-squared and Jacob’s index tests.Key results: Home-range sizes were highly variable, with k-LoCoH90 (home) ranges between 0.08 and 54.97 km2 and k-LoCoH50 (core) ranges between 0.01 and 7.02 km2. MCP90 ranged between 0.15 and 242.30 km2, with MCP50 being between 0.07 and 60.61 km2. Sex and site both significantly (P 80% FPC) were actively avoided. Typically, use of open vegetation (1–10% FPC) was also avoided, but this behaviour varied and was dependent on site.Conclusion: Feral pig ranges are influenced by sex, site and body mass but not by season and year. Broad-scale selection for shelter indicated that feral pigs prefer habitat between 20% and 40% FPC.Implications: Targeting or avoiding such areas respectively for control or monitoring tool placement may result in improved, efficient outcomes to monitor or manage feral pig populations. Feral pig distribution modelling may also find benefit in the consideration and further study of the above factors and the influence of food and water sources on the activity ranges and behaviour of feral pigs

    Impacts on nontarget avian species from aerial meat baiting for feral pigs

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    Bait containing sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is widely used for the routine control of feral pigs in Australia. In Queensland, meat baits are popular in western and northern pastoral areas where they are readily accepted by feral pigs and can be distributed aerially. Field studies have indicated some levels of interference and consumption of baits by nontarget species and, based on toxicity data and the 1080 content of baits, many nontarget species (particularly birds and varanids) are potentially at risk through primary poisoning. While occasional deaths of species have been recorded, it remains unclear whether the level of mortality is sufficient to threaten the viability or ecological function of species. A series of field trials at Culgoa National Park in south-western Queensland was conducted to determine the effect of broadscale aerial baiting (1.7 baits per km2) on the density of nontarget avian species that may consume baits. Counts of susceptible bird species were conducted prior to and following aerial baiting, and on three nearby unbaited properties, in May and November 2011, and May 2012. A sample of baits was monitored with remote cameras in the November 2011 and May 2012 trials. Over the three baiting campaigns, there was no evidence of a population-level decline among the seven avian nontarget species that were monitored. Thirty per cent and 15% of baits monitored by remote cameras in the November 2011 and May 2012 trials were sampled by birds, varanids or other reptiles. These results support the continued use of 1080 meat baits for feral pig management in western Queensland and similar environs

    Management Of Wild Dogs and Deer in Peri-Urban Landscapes: Strategies for Safe Communities

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    Peri-urban areas are rapidly growing landscapes in many countries worldwide, including Australia. In these areas, where urban areas transition into bush or farmland, traditional pest management methods are largely unsuitable or need refining. There is also an increasing awareness of the impacts of pest animals in these unique landscapes; and the need to better manage natural resources, animal and plant production, and risks to human and animal health. Managing pest animals in the rapidly expanding peri-urban regions of eastern Australia requires tools and strategies markedly different to management in the rural landscape. The two priority pests for many peri-urban councils are wild dogs and deer. Wild dogs are widespread but are becoming increasingly visible in peri-urban areas, raising public awareness and concern. Their impacts range from killing livestock, injuring pets, harassing and injuring humans, being vectors of livestock and zoonotic disease, to preying on threatened wildlife. Peri-urban local governments have identified the need for better tools and strategies for control of wild dogs, red foxes and deer. Managers have had some initial successes in controlling wild dogs, but these approaches should be refined, expanded and tailored to other areas

    Feral pig baiting with fruit in the wet tropics

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    Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are a significant agricultural and environmental pest across Australia. The main method of feral pig control is poisoning with (1080) baits. Pigs are omnivores and have a diverse diet which includes carrion, insects, grains, bulbs, fruits, and plant material. Availability and familiarity play an important role in determining pig diet preferences, and diet varies according to location and season. The most common bait material to target feral pigs is either grain or meat but, in the wet tropics areas of north Queensland, meat and grain have limited uptake and are thus unsuitable. The bait materials of choice, due to both availability and pig preference, are local fruits. To date, there has been a relative paucity of data available on the efficacy and non-target impacts of the use of 1080 in fruit and vegetables as feral pig baits. Over a four month period, bait visitation and uptake by various species for both poisoned and un-poisoned banana and mango baits, and changes in species indices on poisoned and un-poisoned sites, were monitored during routine feral pig baiting programs in representative areas. Bait consumption by non-targets was minimal. More importantly, there were no significant differences in the abundance of overall non-target groups, whether based on taxonomic, dietary or IUCN classifications. Over the duration of the monitoring, baiting resulted in an 80% reduction in pigs detected. Our results demonstrate that pig baiting using fruit baits can be highly effective at managing feral pig populations with negligible risk to non-target species

    Drones vs helicopters for broad-scale animal surveys considerations for future use

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    Effective monitoring is key for effective wildlife management. Aerial surveys are a proven method for monitoring medium/large-sized mammals (e.g. macropods, feral pigs) in Australia's rangelands. However, conventional aircraft are noisy, expensive, and considered an occupational safety risk for biologists. UAS (unmanned aerial systems, or drones) may offer potential safety and efficiency gains, but need to be assessed against the current best-practice techniques. We tested the ability of a long-range, fixed-wing drone (300m agl, 65-93 km h-1 , thermal and colour imaging) to survey macropod populations and validated the results against those from conventional helicopter surveys (61m agl, 93 km h-1 , human observers). Four, 80-km long transects at Roma in southwestern Queensland were surveyed and the outputs analysed using line-transect distance sampling methods. The drone was able to survey over half (56%) of the 320 km transects, and over 448 km of survey flights in total. However, the drone technique was unable to distinguish between macropod species, recorded <13% of the macropod density observed during the helicopter survey, and required more flight and data processing time. Long-range drones clearly have potential for landscape-scale wildlife monitoring but results must match or exceed the conventional techniques. Future UAS applications to wildlife monitoring require a proven ability to identify animals, a similar or greater detection probability than conventional techniques, an efficient means of data collation/analysis, and comparable costs to current-best practice survey methods. We discuss the issues for potential users to consider to ensure that new survey technologies can be used to optimal benefit

    Evaluation and Characterization of Optical Radiation Sources in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Skin cancer, other related skin effects and vision impairment which can occur as result of exposure to optical radiations have been a source of major concern to the UK Government, European Union and the world at large. To combat this negative health related issues, professional organizations and scientist in various institutions and research centre have investigated the level of contribution of optical radiation to global health threats using different radiometry techniques. The goal has always been to drastically reduce occupational exposure to a barest minimum, but methods adopted by most researchers in the past are not adequate. This project work seeks to characterize the optical radiation sources by considering the geometry of the optical radiation source and the detector as well as the distance between them. The level of risk associated with the optical radiation sources at various distances was found to be increasing with increasing distances for extended sources and decreasing with increasing distances for point sources. The optical sources investigated appear to be safe in normal operation except for Bilurubin lamp and Dental curing lights. The control measures to reduce the risk associated with these sources were presented. Keywords: optical radiation, spectroradiometer, radiation source, skin cancer, occupational exposur
