48 research outputs found
Nanostructural and color traits measured in dabbling ducks
Species means calculated from natural logarithms of raw nanostructural and color trait data. Data were collected from museum specimens and analyzed in R. 'Diameter_SD' is the standard deviation of natural-log transformed diameter values
Color data for female African starling species
Species average color variables of measurements from female African starlings. Variables represent the first two Principal Components calculated from the relative quantum catches of the four cones involved in color vision (PC1 and PC2), and brightness (log-transformed average reflectance) for 10 body patches
Metadata for the presence of iridescence/eumelanic plumage patches
Metadata for African starling species analyzed regarding the presence of iridescent or eumelanic colors across the 10 body patches of males and females. Non-iridescent, non-eumelanic colors were not included in the analyses
sample of 500 phylogenetic trees of African starlings
sample of 500 trees from the posterior distribution of phylogenetic trees of the 48 African starling species from the BEAST analysis, with melanosome morphology regimes for color evolution mapped on branches
Color data for male African starling species
Species average color variables of measurements from male African starlings. Variables represent the first two Principal Components calculated from the relative quantum catches of the four cones involved in color vision (PC1 and PC2), and brightness (log-transformed average reflectance) for 10 body patches
Maximum Clade Credibility phyologenetic tree of African starlings
Maximum Clade Credibility tree for the 48 African starling species calculated from the full posterior probability distribution of the BEAST analysis, with melanosome morphology regimes for color evolution mapped on branches
Feather SEM metadata
Image ID, species names, and museum metadata associated with SEM image
Melanosome shape and color measurements
Mean values for melanosome and color traits measured for different palaeognath feather sample
Feather SEM images
Collection of SEM images used for measuring melanosome shape in Palaeognathae. See separate metadata.csv file for species names
data for cuticle evolution
Data on patterns of distribution of eggshell cuticles composed of nanospheres across 296 species of birds in relation to nesting ecology parameters