752 research outputs found

    Display screen and method of manufacture therefor

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    A screen assembly that combines an angle re-distributing prescreen with a conventional diffusion screen is disclosed. The prescreen minimizes or eliminates the sensitivity of the screen assembly to projector location. The diffusion screen provides other desirable screen characteristics. The prescreen is preferably formed by a collection of light transmitting and refracting elements, preferably spheres 80, partially embedded in a light blocking layer. Toward the back of the spheres 80 are effective apertures 82 where the light blocking layer 81 is absent or at least thinner than in other regions toward the side of the spheres. The projected image enters spheres 80 through the effective apertures 82, and exits the spheres 80 centered orientationally about the normal to the lens axis. The re-oriented light rays then enter the diffusion screen for viewing

    Identifying Potential Breeding Areas of Short-Eared Owls Prior to Nesting Using Roadside Surveys to Detect Courtship and Territoriality Behavior: A Comparison of Visual and Audio Techniques

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    We piloted a roadside survey technique for detecting Short-eared Owls during the courtship period in western Montana.  Thirty-five surveys were conducted between 2009 and 2012 and were timed to coincide with pair-formation and courtship behavior. Short-eared Owls perform courtship flights and vocalizations which can be observed and heard during the crepuscular period.  Surveys were designed to compare visual and audio survey techniques.  Visual surveys occurred during the crepuscular period at the end of civil twilight and were immediately followed by a nocturnal audio survey.  Visual survey techniques accounted for over 91% (N=240) of all detections.  Detections associated with audio survey techniques were almost always associated with survey points where at least one owl was detected during visual survey.  Nearly three-quarters of visual detections (N=220) occurred between 30 and 70 min before the end of civil twilight.  Over 75% of visual detections and 90% of nocturnal detections occurred in areas where vegetation was uncut and ungrazed and most frequently associated with vegetation heights greater than approximately 60cm.  Short-eared Owls were never detected in areas where livestock was present.  We recommend visual surveys during the courtship to identify potential breeding areas prior to the onset of incubation

    Seamless tiled display system

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    A modular and scalable seamless tiled display apparatus includes multiple display devices, a screen, and multiple lens assemblies. Each display device is subdivided into multiple sections, and each section is configured to display a sectional image. One of the lens assemblies is optically coupled to each of the sections of each of the display devices to project the sectional image displayed on that section onto the screen. The multiple lens assemblies are configured to merge the projected sectional images to form a single tiled image. The projected sectional images may be merged on the screen by magnifying and shifting the images in an appropriate manner. The magnification and shifting of these images eliminates any visual effect on the tiled display that may result from dead-band regions defined between each pair of adjacent sections on each display device, and due to gaps between multiple display devices

    Following microscopic motion in a two dimensional glass-forming binary fluid

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    The dynamics of a binary mixture of large and small discs are studied at temperatures approaching the glass transition using an analysis based on the topology of the Voronoi polygon surrounding each atom. At higher temperatures we find that dynamics is dominated by fluid-like motion that involves particles entering and exiting the nearest-neighbour shells of nearby particles. As the temperature is lowered, the rate of topological moves decreases and motion becomes localised to regions of mixed pentagons and heptagons. In addition we find that in the low temperature state particles may translate significant distances without undergoing changes in their nearest neig hbour shell. These results have implications for dynamical heterogeneities in glass forming liquids.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Uncovering chromatin’s contribution to the mitotic spindle: Applications of computational and polymer models

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    The mitotic spindle is a structure that forms during mitosis to help ensure that each daughter cell receives a full complement of genetic material. In metaphase, the spindle contains microtubules that nucleate inward from two opposing poles. Chromosomes are attached to plus-ends of these microtubules via protein structures called kinetochores. The centromere is the specific region of kinetochore attachment on the chromosome. Chromatin surrounding the centromere (pericentric chromatin) is subject to microtubule-based forces and is commonly modeled as a linear spring, where the force that it exerts is proportional to the distance that it is stretched. We have incorporated physically based models of chromatin to create more accurate and predictive models of the spindle. In addition, using fluorescence microscopy and motion analysis of fluorescently labeled chromatin spots we discovered that pericentric chromatin is restrained relative to free diffusive motion. The characterization of chromatin is crucial to understand mitotic spindle stability and to understand the cell cycle checkpoint regulating anaphase onset

    Observational Constraints on the Ages of Molecular Clouds and the Star-Formation Timescale: Ambipolar-Diffusion--Controlled or Turbulence-Induced Star Formation?

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    We revisit the problem of the star formation timescale and the ages of molecular clouds. The apparent overabundance of star-forming molecular clouds over clouds without active star formation has been thought to indicate that molecular clouds are "short-lived" and that star formation is "rapid". We show that this statistical argument lacks self-consistency and, even within the rapid star-formation scenario, implies cloud lifetimes of approximately 10 Myr. We discuss additional observational evidence from external galaxies that indicate lifetimes of molecular clouds and a timescale of star formation of approximately 10 Myr . These long cloud lifetimes in conjunction with the rapid (approximately 1 Myr) decay of supersonic turbulence present severe difficulties for the scenario of turbulence-controlled star formation. By contrast, we show that all 31 existing observations of objects for which the linewidth, the size, and the magnetic field strength have been reliably measured are in excellent quantitative agreement with the predictions of the ambipolar-diffusion theory. Within the ambipolar-diffusion-controlled star formation theory the linewidths may be attributed to large-scale non-radial cloud oscillations (essentially standing large-amplitude, long-wavelength Alfven waves), and the predicted relation between the linewidth, the size, and the magnetic field is a natural consequence of magnetic support of self-gravitating clouds.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, uses emulateapj; accepted for publication in Ap

    The effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation

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    We examine the effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation by performing simulations following the self-gravitating collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud to form stars in ideal MHD. The collapse of the cloud is computed for global mass-to-flux ratios of infinity, 20, 10, 5 and 3, that is using both weak and strong magnetic fields. Whilst even at very low strengths the magnetic field is able to significantly influence the star formation process, for magnetic fields with plasma beta < 1 the results are substantially different to the hydrodynamic case. In these cases we find large-scale magnetically-supported voids imprinted in the cloud structure; anisotropic turbulent motions and column density structure aligned with the magnetic field lines, both of which have recently been observed in the Taurus molecular cloud. We also find strongly suppressed accretion in the magnetised runs, leading to up to a 75% reduction in the amount of mass converted into stars over the course of the calculations and a more quiescent mode of star formation. There is also some indication that the relative formation efficiency of brown dwarfs is lower in the strongly magnetised runs due to the reduction in the importance of protostellar ejections.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 8 very pretty movies, MNRAS, accepted. Version with high-res figures + movies available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/dprice/pubs/mcluster/index.htm

    Scanning Angle Raman Spectroscopy of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-Based Films on Indium Tin Oxide, Gold, and Sapphire Surfaces

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    Interest in realizing conjugated polymer-based films with controlled morphology for efficient electronic devices, including photovoltaics, requires a parallel effort to characterize these films. Scanning angle (SA) Raman spectroscopy is applied to measure poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT):phenyl–C61–butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM)-blend morphology on sapphire, gold, and indium tin oxide interfaces, including functional organic photovoltaic devices. Nonresonant SA Raman spectra are collected in seconds with signal-to-noise ratios that exceed 80, which is possible due to the reproducible SA signal enhancement. Raman spectra are collected as the incident angle of the 785 nm excitation laser is precisely varied upon a prism/sample interface from approximately 35 to 70°. The width of the ∼1447 cm–1 thiophene C═C stretch is sensitive to P3HT order, and polymer order varied depending on the underlying substrate. This demonstrates the importance of performing the spectroscopic measurements on substrates and configurations used in the functioning devices, which is not a common practice. The experimental measurements are modeled with calculations of the interfacial mean square electric field to determine the distance dependence of the SA Raman signal. SA Raman spectroscopy is a versatile method applicable whenever the chemical composition, structure, and thickness of interfacial polymer layers need to be simultaneously measured