1,862 research outputs found

    Influent Wastewater Microbiota and Temperature Influence Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Microbial Community

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    Sustainable municipal wastewater recovery scenarios highlight benefits of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs). However, influences of continuous seeding by influent wastewater and temperature on attached-growth AnMBRs are not well understood. In this study, four bench-scale AnMBR operated at 10 and 25 °C were fed synthetic (SPE) and then real (PE) primary effluent municipal wastewater. Illumina sequencing revealed different bacterial communities in each AnMBR in response to temperature and bioreactor configuration, whereas differences were not observed in archaeal communities. Activity assays revealed hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was the dominant methanogenic pathway at 10 °C. The significant relative abundance of Methanosaeta at 10 °C concomitant with low acetoclastic methanogenic activity may indicate possible Methanosaeta-Geobacter direct interspecies electron transfer. When AnMBR feed was changed to PE, continual seeding with wastewater microbiota caused AnMBR microbial communities to shift, becoming more similar to PE microbiota. Therefore, influent wastewater microbiota, temperature and reactor configuration influenced the AnMBR microbial community

    Earning, Taxing, Spending, Saving: Tracking South Dakota Incomes

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    When tracking the flow of personal incomes, four groupings of expenditures emerge: taxes, fixed expenses, saving, and consumption. This cross-sectional study of 2016 data highlights the differences in these areas across the sixty-six South Dakota counties and between various levels of income to illustrate the income flows among South Dakota residents. Using data primarily from the Internal Revenue Service, several important patterns and statistics arise. In South Dakota, the average statewide income per capita was about 32,127.Individualsinmetropolitancountiesreceivedthehighestaverageincomespercapita,andindividualsincountieswiththelowestpopulationdensitieshadthelowest.Onaverage,about3.8432,127. Individuals in metropolitan counties received the highest average incomes per capita, and individuals in counties with the lowest population densities had the lowest. On average, about 3.84% of the population of each South Dakota county owned a farm, and about 7.74% of individuals in each county owned a business in 2016. Farm ownership is predictably skewed towards rural counties, and entrepreneurship is relatively more prevalent in metropolitan counties. Out of the average statewide income per capita, about 8,000 went toward state and federal taxes, resulting in an average effective tax rate of about 24.9%. Tax burdens tend to be proportional to the incomes received, so South Dakota counties with relatively high populations paid the most in taxes on a per-capita basis. This leaves $24,127 on average for personal expenditures, the allocation of which is crucial for financial security. In the area of savings and investment, people in relatively more urban counties tend to invest with a higher tolerance for risk than those in comparatively less populated counties. On average, individuals in the state invested with a moderately aggressive level of risk, meaning that they invested in stocks slightly more often than they invested in bonds or notes. This information delineates the current status of monetary behavior in the Midwest and can be used to inform policymakers about how recent economic incentives and fiscal policies are affecting the lives of South Dakota residents

    Efficacy of Morphological Characters for Distinguishing Nymphs of \u3ci\u3eEpitheca Cynosura\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eEpitheca Spinigera\u3c/i\u3e (Odonata: Corduliidae) in Wisconsin

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    Attempts to distinguish exuviae and last-instar nymphs of Epitheca cynosura (Say) and Epitheca spinigera (Selys) (Odonata: Corduliidae) using lateral spine characters have proven to be unreliable, and recent use of setae counts on only one side of the prementum or one labial palp have led to confusion because these structures often hold unequal numbers of setae on the two sides of the same specimen. Based on exuviae of 67 reared E. cynosura and 55 reared E. spinigera from lakes throughout Wisconsin, we tested the efficacy of previously used character states for distinguishing these species and searched for new characters to improve the reliability of regional keys. The most reliable diagnostic character was the combined number of setae on both sides of the prementum and on both labial palps (≤ 35 – E. cynosura; ≥ 36 – E. spinigera), which correctly determined 96% of our specimens. For the small percentage of specimens that lie in the region of overlap in total setae number, we found that total exuviae length, cerci ÷ epiproct ratios of females, tubercle distance ÷ epiproct ratios of males, and the shape of the dorsal hook on segment 8 could be used to strengthen determinations

    Independent- Sep. 13, 1993

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    Review of Pan-Germanism and the Austrofascist State, 1933-1938

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    Refocusing the Critical Gaze from Sixty Years’ Distance: Austrians’ Experiences of the Nazi Past in Recent Historical Studies

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    Compared to the late 1970s, when the Austrian voting behavior was characterized by extraordinary stability, low electoral volatility, and high turnout rates, the 1980s and 1990s stand for exceptional changes and ruptures elicited primarily by the rise of the right wing populist FPĂŤ (Freedom Party of Austria). This volume of collected papers investigates the permanent changes of Austrian voting behavior over the past forty years and analyzes causes and consequences for party competition and the electoral process in Austria during the first decade of the twenty-first century

    Independent- Dec. 6, 1993

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    Independent- Oct. 11, 1993

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