48 research outputs found

    Energy transfer in reconnection and turbulence

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    Reconnection and turbulence are two of the most commonly observed dynamical processes in plasmas, but their relationship is still not fully understood. Using 2.5D kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of both strong turbulence and reconnection, we compare the cross-scale transfer of energy in the two systems by analyzing the generalization of the von Kármán Howarth equations for Hall magnetohydrodynamics, a formulation that subsumes the third-order law for steady energy transfer rates. Even though the large scale features are quite different, the finding is that the decomposition of the energy transfer is structurally very similar in the two cases. In the reconnection case, the time evolution of the energy transfer also exhibits a correlation with the reconnection rate. These results provide explicit evidence that reconnection dynamics fundamentally involves turbulence-like energy transfer

    Switchbacks in the Near-Sun Magnetic Field: Long Memory and Impact on the Turbulence Cascade

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    International audienceOne of the most striking observations made by Parker Solar Probe during its first solar encounter is the omnipresence of rapid polarity reversals in a magnetic field that is otherwise mostly radial. These so-called switchbacks strongly affect the dynamics of the magnetic field. We concentrate here on their macroscopic properties. First, we find that these structures are self-similar, and have neither a characteristic magnitude, nor a characteristic duration. Their waiting time statistics show evidence of aggregation. The associated long memory resides in their occurrence rate, and is not inherent to the background fluctuations. Interestingly, the spectral properties of inertial range turbulence differ inside and outside of switchback structures; in the latter the 1/f range extends to higher frequencies. These results suggest that outside of these structures we are in the presence of lower-amplitude fluctuations with a shorter turbulent inertial range. We conjecture that these correspond to a pristine solar wind

    MagneToRE: Mapping the 3-D Magnetic Structure of the Solar Wind Using a Large Constellation of Nanosatellites

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    Unlike the vast majority of astrophysical plasmas, the solar wind is accessible to spacecraft, which for decades have carried in-situ instruments for directly measuring its particles and fields. Though such measurements provide precise and detailed information, a single spacecraft on its own cannot disentangle spatial and temporal fluctuations. Even a modest constellation of in-situ spacecraft, though capable of characterizing fluctuations at one or more scales, cannot fully determine the plasma’s 3-D structure. We describe here a concept for a new mission, the Magnetic Topology Reconstruction Explorer (MagneToRE), that would comprise a large constellation of in-situ spacecraft and would, for the first time, enable 3-D maps to be reconstructed of the solar wind’s dynamic magnetic structure. Each of these nanosatellites would be based on the CubeSat form-factor and carry a compact fluxgate magnetometer. A larger spacecraft would deploy these smaller ones and also serve as their telemetry link to the ground and as a host for ancillary scientific instruments. Such an ambitious mission would be feasible under typical funding constraints thanks to advances in the miniaturization of spacecraft and instruments and breakthroughs in data science and machine learning

    Solar Orbiter observations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the solar wind

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    Context. The Kelvin-HeImholtz (KH) instability is a nonlinear shear-driven instability that develops at the interface between shear flows in plasmas. KH waves have been inferred in various astrophysical plasmas, and have been observed in situ at the magnetospheric boundaries of solar-system planets and through remote sensing at the boundaries of coronal mass ejections. // Aims. KH waves are also expected to develop at flow shear interfaces in the solar wind. While they were hypothesized to play an important role in the mixing of plasmas and in triggering solar wind fluctuations, their direct and unambiguous observation in the solar wind was still lacking. // Methods. We report in-situ observations of quasi-periodic magnetic and velocity field variations plausibly associated with KH waves using Solar Orbiter during its cruise phase. They are found in a shear layer in the slow solar wind in the close vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet. Analysis is performed to derive the local configuration of the waves. A 2-D MHD simulation is also set up with approximate empirical values to test the stability of the shear layer. In addition, magnetic spectra of the event are analyzed. Results. We find that the observed conditions satisfy the KH instability onset criterion from the linear theory analysis, and its de- velopment is further confirmed by the simulation. The current sheet geometry analyses are found to be consistent with KH wave development, albeit with some limitations likely owing to the complex 3D nature of the event and solar wind propagation. Addition- ally, we report observations of an ion jet consistent with magnetic reconnection at a compressed current sheet within the KH wave interval. The KH activity is found to excite magnetic and velocity fluctuations with power law scalings that approximately follow k−5/3 and k−2.8 in the inertial and dissipation ranges, respectively. Finally, we discuss reasons for the lack of in-situ KH wave detection in past data. // Conclusions. These observations provide robust evidence of KH wave development in the solar wind. This sheds new light on the process of shear-driven turbulence as mediated by the KH waves with implications for the driving of solar wind fluctuations

    [Plasma 2020 Decadal] Disentangling the Spatiotemporal Structure of Turbulence Using Multi-Spacecraft Data

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    This white paper submitted for 2020 Decadal Assessment of Plasma Science concerns the importance of multi-spacecraft missions to address fundamental questions concerning plasma turbulence. Plasma turbulence is ubiquitous in the universe, and it is responsible for the transport of mass, momentum, and energy in such diverse systems as the solar corona and wind, accretion discs, planet formation, and laboratory fusion devices. Turbulence is an inherently multi-scale and multi-process phenomenon, coupling the largest scales of a system to sub-electron scales via a cascade of energy, while simultaneously generating reconnecting current layers, shocks, and a myriad of instabilities and waves. The solar wind is humankind's best resource for studying the naturally occurring turbulent plasmas that permeate the universe. Since launching our first major scientific spacecraft mission, Explorer 1, in 1958, we have made significant progress characterizing solar wind turbulence. Yet, due to the severe limitations imposed by single point measurements, we are unable to characterize sufficiently the spatial and temporal properties of the solar wind, leaving many fundamental questions about plasma turbulence unanswered. Therefore, the time has now come wherein making significant additional progress to determine the dynamical nature of solar wind turbulence requires multi-spacecraft missions spanning a wide range of scales simultaneously. A dedicated multi-spacecraft mission concurrently covering a wide range of scales in the solar wind would not only allow us to directly determine the spatial and temporal structure of plasma turbulence, but it would also mitigate the limitations that current multi-spacecraft missions face, such as non-ideal orbits for observing solar wind turbulence. Some of the fundamentally important questions that can only be addressed by in situ multipoint measurements are discussed

    In situ observation of hall magnetohydrodynamic cascade in space plasma

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    We present estimates of the turbulent energy-cascade rate derived from a Hall-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) third-order law. We compute the contribution from the Hall term and the MHD term to the energy flux. Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data accumulated in the magnetosheath and the solar wind are compared with previously established simulation results. Consistent with the simulations, we find that at large (MHD) scales, the MMS observations exhibit a clear inertial range dominated by the MHD flux. In the subion range, the cascade continues at a diminished level via the Hall term, and the change becomes more pronounced as the plasma beta increases. Additionally, the MHD contribution to interscale energy transfer remains important at smaller scales than previously thought. Possible reasons are offered for this unanticipated result

    [Plasma 2020 Decadal] The essential role of multi-point measurements in turbulence investigations: the solar wind beyond single scale and beyond the Taylor Hypothesis

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    This paper briefly reviews a number of fundamental measurements that need to be made in order to characterize turbulence in space plasmas such as the solar wind. It has long been known that many of these quantities require simultaneous multipoint measurements to attain a proper characterization that would reveal the fundamental physics of plasma turbulence. The solar wind is an ideal plasma for such an investigation, and it now appears to be technologically feasible to carry out such an investigation, following the pioneering Cluster and MMS missions. Quantities that need to be measured using multipoint measurements include the two-point, two-time second correlation function of velocity, magnetic field and density, and higher order statistical objects such as third and fourth order structure functions. Some details of these requirements are given here, with a eye towards achieving closure on fundamental questions regarding the cascade rate, spectral anisotropy, characteristic coherent structures, intermittency, and dissipation mechanisms that describe plasma turbuelence, as well as its variability with plasma parameters in the solar wind. The motivation for this discussion is the current planning for a proposed Helioswarm mission that would be designed to make these measurements,leading to breakthrough understanding of the physics of space and astrophysical turbulence

    Parker solar probe: four years of discoveries at solar cycle minimum

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    Launched on 12 Aug. 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe had completed 13 of its scheduled 24 orbits around the Sun by Nov. 2022. The mission’s primary science goal is to determine the structure and dynamics of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field, understand how the solar corona and wind are heated and accelerated, and determine what processes accelerate energetic particles. Parker Solar Probe returned a treasure trove of science data that far exceeded quality, significance, and quantity expectations, leading to a significant number of discoveries reported in nearly 700 peer-reviewed publications. The first four years of the 7-year primary mission duration have been mostly during solar minimum conditions with few major solar events. Starting with orbit 8 (i.e., 28 Apr. 2021), Parker flew through the magnetically dominated corona, i.e., sub-Alfvénic solar wind, which is one of the mission’s primary objectives. In this paper, we present an overview of the scientific advances made mainly during the first four years of the Parker Solar Probe mission, which go well beyond the three science objectives that are: (1) Trace the flow of energy that heats and accelerates the solar corona and solar wind; (2) Determine the structure and dynamics of the plasma and magnetic fields at the sources of the solar wind; and (3) Explore mechanisms that accelerate and transport energetic particles

    Did smokefree legislation in England reduce exposure to secondhand smoke among nonsmoking adults? Cotinine analysis from the Health Survey for England.

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    Background: On 1 July 2007, smokefree legislation was implemented in England, which made virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces smokefree. Objectives: We examined trends in and predictors of secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmoking adults to determine whether exposure changed after the introduction of smokefree legislation and whether these changes varied by socioeconomic status (SES) and by household smoking status. Methods: We analyzed salivary cotinine data from the Health Survey for England that were collected in 7 of 11 annual surveys undertaken between 1998 and 2008. We conducted multivariate regression analyses to examine secondhand smoke exposure as measured by the proportion of nonsmokers with undetectable levels of cotinine and by geometric mean cotinine. Results: Secondhand smoke exposure was higher among those exposed at home and among lower-SES groups. Exposure declined markedly from 1998 to 2008 (the proportion of participants with undetectable cotinine was 2.9 times higher in the last 6 months of 2008 compared with the first 6 months of 1998 and geometric mean cotinine declined by 80%). We observed a significant fall in exposure after legislation was introduced—the odds of having undetectable cotinine were 1.5 times higher [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3, 1.8] and geometric mean cotinine fell by 27% (95% CI: 17%, 36%) after adjusting for the prelegislative trend and potential confounders. Significant reductions were not, however, seen in those living in lower-social class households or homes where smoking occurs inside on most days. Conclusions: We found that the impact of England’s smokefree legislation on secondhand smoke exposure was above and beyond the underlying long-term decline in secondhand smoke exposure and demonstrates the positive effect of the legislation. Nevertheless, some population subgroups appear not to have benefitted significantly from the legislation. This finding suggests that these groups should receive more support to reduce their exposure