2,391 research outputs found

    The challenge of the performance-based approach for the design of reinforced concrete structures in chloride bearing environment

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    The performance-based approach, published by the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), was applied for the design of a RC element in a marine environment, with corrosion resistant reinforcement, to analyse the potentiality of the model as well as the possible reasons which limit its use. Results showed that the fib model allows to compare different solutions and to consider the benefits connected with the use of preventative measures. However the definition of reliable values for some input parameters, as the critical chloride threshold for corrosion resistant reinforcement, is demanded to the designer and this aspect clearly limits a widespread use

    Corrosion of Steel in Concrete and Its Prevention in Aggressive Chloride-Bearing Environments

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    This keynote paper deals with the durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures exposed to aggressive environments characterized by high concentration of chloride ions, namely, marine environments or the use of de-icing salts. The mechanism of chloride-induced corrosion of steel in concrete is introduced, and its influence on the service life of RC structures is analyzed. Factors affecting the time to corrosion initiation are described with regard to both concrete properties and environmental exposure conditions. Design approaches available for achieving durability targets associated with the design service life are analyzed, focusing on studies carried out by the authors in recent years at the mCD Concrete Durability lab of Politecnico di Milano, which were aimed at improving the protection provided to the steel bars by the concrete cover, investigating the advantages of using corrosion-resistant stainless steel bars and developing the electrochemical technique of cathodic prevention

    Sustainable Concrete with Seawater and Corrosion Resistant Reinforcement: Results of Monitoring of Corrosion Behaviour

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    The use of seawater for mixing concrete for reinforced concrete structures is prohibited, since it can promote steel corrosion. However, the use of seawater would contribute to decrease the environmental impact of concrete, in particular in those regions of the world where potable water is a precious resource. The project SEACON-INFRAVATION between University of Miami and Politecnico di Milano, with various industrial partners, aims at investigating the use of seawater for the construction of sustainable and durable reinforced concrete structures and infrastructures. Within the project, that included a vast campaign of laboratory tests, also two demo projects – one in Italy and another one in the US – were designed and executed with the aim of testing the technology on-site and allowing long-term monitoring of the durability behavior. In Italy, a reinforced concrete culvert was built next to A1 motorway, close to Piacenza. The culvert collects the waters coming from the roadway that, during winter season, is subjected to de-icing salts; in addition, it is unsheltered from the rain and exposed to wetting and drying cycles. The culvert is divided into different segments, and each segment is representative of a given scenario in terms of type of concrete and type of reinforcement. Besides a reference segment, with carbon steel and chloride-free concrete, some segments were built using seawater concrete in combination with corrosion-resistant reinforcement. Three types of corrosion-resistant reinforcement were considered: an austenitic grade of stainless steel (1.4311), a duplex grade of stainless steel (1.4362) and GFRP. The corrosion conditions of the metallic reinforcements are monitored by means of potential measurements. The electrical resistivity of concrete is also measured in time, and the evolution of carbonation and chloride penetration are periodically analysed on concrete cores taken from the culvert. This note presents the results that have been obtained during more than one year of monitoring of the corrosion conditions of the various types of reinforcement embedded in seawater concrete and compares them with results obtained in the laboratory

    Dynamic and quantitative evaluation of degenerative mitral valve disease: A dedicated framework based on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Accurate quantification of mitral valve (MV) morphology and dynamic behavior over the cardiac cycle is crucial to understand the mechanisms of degenerative MV dysfunction and to guide the surgical intervention. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has progressively been adopted to evaluate MV pathophysiology, although a dedicated framework is required to perform a quantitative assessment of the functional MV anatomy. Methods: We investigated MV dynamic behavior in subjects with normal MV anatomy (n=10) and patients referred to surgery due to degenerative MV prolapse, classified as fibro-elastic deficiency (FED, n=9) and Barlow's disease (BD, n=10). A CMR-dedicated framework was adopted to evaluate prolapse height and volume and quantitatively assess valvular morphology and papillary muscles (PAPs) function over the cardiac cycle. Multiple comparison was used to investigate the hallmarks associated to MV degenerative prolapse and evaluate the feasibility of anatomical and functional distinction between FED and BD phenotypes. Results: On average, annular dimensions were significantly (P < 0.05) larger in BD than in FED and normal subjects while no significant differences were noticed between FED and normal. MV eccentricity progressively decreased passing from normal to FED and BD, with the latter exhibiting a rounder annulus shape. Over the cardiac cycle, we noticed significant differences for BD during systole with an abnormal annular enlargement between mid and late systole (LS) (P < 0.001 vs. normal); the PAPs dynamics remained comparable in the three groups. Prolapse height and volume highlighted significant differences among normal, FED and BD valves. Conclusions: Our CMR-dedicated framework allows for the quantitative and dynamic evaluation of MV apparatus, with quantifiable annular alterations representing the primary hallmark of severe MV degeneration. This may aid surgeons in the evaluation of the severity of MV dysfunction and the selection of the appropriate MV treatment

    Impact of a dry granular flow against a rigid wall: MPM simulations with a new constitutive approach

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    The dynamic interaction between granular flowing masses and obstacles is a very complex phenomenon involving large displacements and high strain rates. To simulate the event in a continuum-based framework both advanced numerical tools and constitutive relationships are required. In this work, the impact of a dry granular mass against a rigid wall is numerically simulated using the open-source Material Point Method code ANURA3D, while the constitutive model proposed by Marveggio et al., 2021 is adopted for the granular mass. The model accounts for rate and grain packing dependence, which have been shown to be crucial to reproduce the propagation of compression and rarefaction waves inside the mass. The model is capable of reproducing “solidification” and “liquefaction” phenomena observed in the DEM impact tests results already available in the literature

    Mathematical models for the diffusion magnetic resonance signal abnormality in patients with prion diseases

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    AbstractIn clinical practice signal hyperintensity in the cortex and/or in the striatum on magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion-weighted images (DWIs) is a marker of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (sCJD). MR diagnostic accuracy is greater than 90%, but the biophysical mechanisms underpinning the signal abnormality are unknown. The aim of this prospective study is to combine an advanced DWI protocol with new mathematical models of the microstructural changes occurring in prion disease patients to investigate the cause of MR signal alterations. This underpins the later development of more sensitive and specific image-based biomarkers. DWI data with a wide a range of echo times and diffusion weightings were acquired in 15 patients with suspected diagnosis of prion disease and in 4 healthy age-matched subjects. Clinical diagnosis of sCJD was made in nine patients, genetic CJD in one, rapidly progressive encephalopathy in three, and Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome in two. Data were analysed with two bi-compartment models that represent different hypotheses about the histopathological alterations responsible for the DWI signal hyperintensity. A ROI-based analysis was performed in 13 grey matter areas located in affected and apparently unaffected regions from patients and healthy subjects. We provide for the first time non-invasive estimate of the restricted compartment radius, designed to reflect vacuole size, which is a key discriminator of sCJD subtypes. The estimated vacuole size in DWI hyperintense cortex was in the range between 3 and 10 µm that is compatible with neuropathology measurements. In DWI hyperintense grey matter of sCJD patients the two bi-compartment models outperform the classic mono-exponential ADC model. Both new models show that T2 relaxation times significantly increase, fast and slow diffusivities reduce, and the fraction of the compartment with slow/restricted diffusion increases compared to unaffected grey matter of patients and healthy subjects. Analysis of the raw DWI signal allows us to suggest the following acquisition parameters for optimized detection of CJD lesions: b = 3000 s/mm2 and TE = 103 ms. In conclusion, these results provide the first in vivo estimate of mean vacuole size, new insight on the mechanisms of DWI signal changes in prionopathies and open the way to designing an optimized acquisition protocol to improve early clinical diagnosis and subtyping of sCJD

    Can seawater be used as mixing water for durable and sustainable RC structures?

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    Nowadays the use of chloride-contaminated raw materials is prohibited for reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Beside possible effects on the early stages of cement hydration and the long-term development of strength, the primary reason is corrosion of black steel reinforcement. In fact, it is well known that chlorides, destroying the passivation film, make steel susceptible to pitting corrosion. Thus, design standards worldwide aim at limiting the use of chloride-contaminated materials. However, the use of chloride-contaminated raw materials for the production of concrete would be advantageous since it would allow saving natural resources, such as fresh water, leading to enhanced environmental sustainability. In the framework of a research project financed by the Infravation Program (Advanced systems, materials and techniques for next generation infrastructure), an experimental study is undertaken aiming at demonstrating the safe utilization of seawater and salt-contaminated aggregates (natural or recycled) for a sustainable concrete production when combined with non-corrosive reinforcement to construct durable and economical concrete infrastructures. This paper focuses on a preliminary evaluation of the possibility of replacing fresh water with seawater when combined with different types of stainless steel reinforcement. Through a performance-based approach, RC elements made with fresh water and seawater, different constituents and stainless steel bars were simulated under exposure to different marine environments to define possible materials combinations able to guarantee a target design service life

    Advanced glycation end-products: Mechanics of aged collagen from molecule to tissue

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    Concurrent with a progressive loss of regenerative capacity, connective tissue aging is characterized by a progressive accumulation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). Besides being part of the typical aging process, type II diabetics are particularly affected by AGE accumulation due to abnormally high levels of systemic glucose that increases the glycation rate of long-lived proteins such as collagen. Although AGEs are associated with a wide range of clinical disorders, the mechanisms by which AGEs contribute to connective tissue disease in aging and diabetes are still poorly understood. The present study harnesses advanced multiscale imaging techniques to characterize a widely employed . in vitro model of ribose induced collagen aging and further benchmarks these data against experiments on native human tissues from donors of different age. These efforts yield unprecedented insight into the mechanical changes in collagen tissues across hierarchical scales from molecular, to fiber, to tissue-levels. We observed a linear increase in molecular spacing (from 1.45. nm to 1.5. nm) and a decrease in the D-period length (from 67.5. nm to 67.1. nm) in aged tissues, both using the ribose model of . in vitro glycation and in native human probes. Multiscale mechanical analysis of . in vitro glycated tendons strongly suggests that AGEs reduce tissue viscoelasticity by severely limiting fiber-fiber and fibril-fibril sliding. This study lays an important foundation for interpreting the functional and biological effects of AGEs in collagen connective tissues, by exploiting experimental models of AGEs crosslinking and benchmarking them for the first time against endogenous AGEs in native tissue
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