182 research outputs found

    Effect of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Added at the Dosage Stage on the Foamability of a Bottle-Fermented Sparkling Wine

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    Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is used in winemaking to prevent potassium bitartrate or potassium hydrogen tartrate deposits from forming. These deposits are particularly detrimental when occurring in bottle-fermented sparkling wine ahead of disgorging or in the finished product as they can cause gushing of the wine when bottles are opened. Despite CMC being used by several sparkling winemaking producers both on the base wine and after disgorging, its effect on the behavior of foam, a key indicator of sparkling wine quality, has not been systematically tested. In this work the effect on wine composition and foam attributes of CMC additions to an English sparkling wine at the dosage stage was assessed. Results showed that CMC did not cause major changes on wine parameters, with the exception of wine viscosity, and did not result in major modification of the foamability of a wine, especially when analyzed in real serving conditions. These results suggest that, at least for the wine analyzed in this work, CMC could be added at the dosage stage without compromising its foam quality attributes

    Wine Fining with Plant Proteins

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    : Fining treatments involve the addition of a substance or a mixture to wine, and are generally carried out in order to clarify, stabilize or modify the wine\u2019s organoleptic characteristics. Usually these fining agents will bind the target compound(s) to form insoluble aggregates that are subsequently removed from the wine. The main reasons to perform wine fining treatments are to carry out wine clarification, stabilization and to remove phenolic compounds imparting unwanted sensory characteristics on the wine, which is an operation that often relies on the use of animal proteins, such as casein, gelatin, egg and fish proteins. However, due to the allergenic potential of these animal proteins, there is an increasing interest in developing alternative solutions including the use of fining proteins extracted from plants (e.g., proteins from cereals, grape seeds, potatoes, legumes, etc.), and non-proteinaceous plant-based substances (e.g., cell wall polysaccharides and pomace materials). In this article, the state of the art alternative fining agents of plant origins are reviewed for the first time, including considerations of their organoleptic and technological effects on wine, and of the allergenic risks that they can pose for consumer

    A Novel Method for the Quantification of White Wine Mannoproteins by a Competitive Indirect Enzyme-Linked Lectin Sorbent Assay (CI-ELLSA)

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    Mannoproteins (MPs) are cell wall proteoglycans released in wine by yeast during fermentation and ageing on lees, a procedure used for the production of several wines to enrich them in these components with consequences from both a technological and sensory point of view. Given the significance that wine MPs have for wine quality, winemakers would welcome a simple and accurate method for their quantification, as this would allow them to have a better control of this aspect at different winemaking stages. This study develops and validates a novel, simple and accurate method for MPs quantification in white wines based on a competitive indirect enzyme-linked lectin sorbent assay (CI-ELLSA), using the highly mannosylated yeast invertase as the standard. The method utilizes the lectin concanavalin A (ConA) as the immobilized ligand for MPs, and peroxidase, an enzyme rich in mannose, as the competitor for ConA. After addition of the peroxidase substrate, the intensity of the signal produced by the activity of this enzyme (absorbance at 450 nm) is inversely proportional to the amount of mannosylated proteins in the sample. Results have been validated on several wine styles including still, sparkling and sweet wines

    Zirconia for protein stabilisation of wines

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    Backgrounds and Aims:  White wines are stabilised by removing the heat unstable proteins through adsorption by bentonite. Bentonite fining is not an efficient wine processing step and can also remove other wine components. Alternative absorbents are thus sought; zirconium dioxide (zirconia) is recognised as a promising candidate. The aim of this work was to assess the viability of zirconia treatments to stabilise white wines, with particular attention on process development. Methods and Results:  Effective treatment was achieved by enclosing zirconia pellets into a metallic cage submerged in the wine. With this method, the wine could be treated with the adsorbent for the time required for protein stabilisation, and then removed without further manipulation. Zirconia treatments of three unstable wines partially or fully stabilised them without detectable modifications of their physicochemical parameters and colours, apart from the removal of metals and some acids, particularly when wines were treated for long times and with high dosages of the adsorbent. A simple and inexpensive zirconia regeneration method was also developed. Conclusions:  The zirconia application to wine was very effective in removing proteins, and the proposed regeneration procedure could facilitate the uptake and development of zirconia-based solutions for the wine industry. Significance of the Study:  This study confirmed the effectiveness of zirconia in removing wine proteins and demonstrated that the proposed method of application has the potential to become a viable alternative to bentonite

    Protein evolution in white wine during winemaking

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    Background and Aims: Grape proteins are responsible for the appearance of haziness in white wines during storage after bottling. However, only a few studies have approached the analysis of the fate of must proteins throughout the alcoholic fermentation. This study aimed to systematically investigate the daily variations in protein type and content during the fermentation in order to understand its influence on hazing potential and to attain some basic information to improve the practical management of grape proteins involved in the hazing of white wines. Methods and Results: The evolution of total soluble protein and individual protein fractions was studied in samples taken before, during and after alcoholic fermentation of a white grape must. The results were then related to variations in protein instability as measured by the heat test. Both the quantity of soluble protein and the protein instability increased during fermentation and then decreased after 1-month storage of the wine. Protein composition did not vary during fermentation as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and anion exchange chromatography (AEC). However, variations in the relative proportions of the six protein fractions obtainable by AEC were noted in the different samples. The contribution of each AEC protein fraction to wine instability was determined by considering both the intrinsic instability and the relative quantity of each of the individual protein fractions in the wine. It was demonstrated that the grape thaumatin-like protein VVTL1, as identified by mass spectrometry, showed the largest increase during fermentation and accounted for almost 40% of the heat-induced haze of the final wine. Moreover, the decreased protein instability noted after one month storage of the wine could be attributed to the stabilizing effect of polysaccharides released by the yeast cells. Conclusions: The quantity and relative proportion of soluble proteins vary during and after the alcoholic fermentation, as does their heat instability in wine. Grape VVTL1, constituting a large proportion of the total proteins in wine, seems to play a major role in protein haze formation. The release of yeast polysaccharides is related to an increased heat stability of total wine protein, despite the increase in the relative proportion of their most unstable component VVTL1. Therefore, the hazing potential of a white wine seems to be affected by variations in the relative proportions of its macromolecular components occurring in the early stages of winemaking. Significance of the Study: This study addressed for the first time the issue of the protein changing during the fermentation of white wine. The results obtained here offer useful information to aid understanding of the contribution of individual proteins to white wine instability, which can be applied for the improvement of the winemaking process. Abbreviations AEC anion-exchange chromatography; KDS potassium dodecyl sulfate; MS mass spectrometry; MW molecular weight, PAS periodic acid-Schiff stain, PR-proteins pathogenesis-related proteins, RT retention time, SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, TL thaumatin-like, VVTL1 Vitis vinifera thaumatin-like protei

    Current and future strategies for wine yeast lees valorization

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    Wine lees is a sludge material mainly composed of dead yeast precipitated at the bottom of wine tanks. Along with grape pomace and grape stalks, it is one of the main by-products of the winemaking industry. Given that wine lees are considered a soil pollutant, their disposal represents a cost for wineries. Numerous wine lees recovery and valorization strategies have been proposed, with a particularly steep increase in published research in recent years. This attention is strictly linked to the concepts of circular economy and environmental sustainability that are attracting the interest of the scientific community. In this review, an overview on the available wine lees recovery and valorization strategies is reported. Additionally, the methods for the extraction and valorization of yeast's cell wall polysaccharides (\u3b2-glucans and mannoproteins) are discussed. Finally, current and future innovative applications in different sectors of yeast \u3b2-glucans and mannoproteins are described and critically discussed

    Designation and Certification Strategies for Fungus-Resistant Grape Wines: An Exploratory Study in Italy

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    Fungus-resistant grapes (FRGs), or pilzwiderstandfähig (PIWI) in German, are obtained through crossbreeding Vitis vinifera and other Vitis species. FRG adoption is among the most promising strategies to pursue and improve sustainability in the wine industry; however, actual spread and impact on sustainability will largely depend on designation and certification possibilities and procedures for FRG wines, in line with the framework set by the European Union (EU) Regulation 2021/2117. The aim of this study is to discuss the potential impact on consumers’ preferences of four hypothetical designation and certification settings for FRG wines: (I) new names without certification; (II) extended use of the original Vitis vinifera variety names without certification; (III) new names and ad-hoc designations (Protected Designation of Origin, PDO); (IV) extended use of the original Vitis vinifera variety names and existing PDOs. Participants’ reactivity to the alternatives was tested through market simulations on a non-probabilistic sample of 301 Italian university students. According to the results, extension of existing names and PDOs is the best option to enhance industry sustainability, preserve its quality paradigm, and fairly manage competition between traditional and new wines. Still, further investments are needed to promote FRG adoption and development

    Adaptive real time selection for quantum key distribution in lossy and turbulent free-space channels

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    The unconditional security in the creation of cryptographic keys obtained by quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols will induce a quantum leap in free-space communication privacy in the same way that we are beginning to realize secure optical fiber connections. However, free-space channels, in particular those with long links and the presence of atmospheric turbulence, are affected by losses, fluctuating transmissivity, and background light that impair the conditions for secure QKD. Here we introduce a method to contrast the atmospheric turbulence in QKD experiments. Our adaptive real time selection (ARTS) technique at the receiver is based on the selection of the intervals with higher channel transmissivity. We demonstrate, using data from the Canary Island 143-km free-space link, that conditions with unacceptable average quantum bit error rate which would prevent the generation of a secure key can be used once parsed according to the instantaneous scintillation using the ARTS technique
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