8 research outputs found

    Symbolic Register Automata

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    Symbolic Finite Automata and Register Automata are two orthogonal extensions of finite automata motivated by real-world problems where data may have unbounded domains. These automata address a demand for a model over large or infinite alphabets, respectively. Both automata models have interesting applications and have been successful in their own right. In this paper, we introduce Symbolic Register Automata, a new model that combines features from both symbolic and register automata, with a view on applications that were previously out of reach. We study their properties and provide algorithms for emptiness, inclusion and equivalence checking, together with experimental results

    5th generation district heating and cooling systems: A review of existing cases in Europe

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    Abstract This article investigates 40 thermal networks in operation in Europe that are able to cover both the heating and cooling demands of buildings by means of distributed heat pumps installed at the customer substations. The technology of thermal networks that work at a temperature close to the ground, can strongly contribute to the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector and furthermore exploit a multitude of low temperature heat sources. Nevertheless, the nomenclature used in literature shows that misinterpretations could easily result when comparing the different concepts of thermal networks that operate at a temperature level lower than traditional district heating. The scope of this work is to revise the definitions encountered and to introduce an unambiguous definition of Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling networks. A drawback-benefit analysis is presented to identify the pros and cons of such technology. The survey on the current networks shows that on average three Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling systems per year have entered the heating and cooling market in the last decade. Pioneer countries in such technology are Germany and Switzerland. For some networks, the assessed Linear Heating Power Demand Density results are lower than the feasibility threshold adopted in traditional district heating. High performances and low non-renewable primary energy factors are achieved in systems that exploit a very high share of renewable or urban excess heat sources. With respect to traditional district heating, the surveyed pumping energy consumptions result one order of magnitude higher, whereas the implemented control strategies can be completely different, leading the network temperature to float freely

    On the development of a façade-integrated solar water storage

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    The integration of active solar thermal technologies into building envelopes has recently received a rising attention, promoted within international projects as IEA Task 56 or Cost Action 1403. Although the façade integration of solar thermal collectors is a long debated topic, less attention is paid to the building integration of solar water storages. The scope of the paper is to highlight the main barriers experienced in the development of a façade-integrated solar water storage. This activity is a part of the SunRise project that aims to develop new unitized curtain wall element for tertiary office buildings. The façade element integrates a complete solar thermal system consisting of a solar collector, a hot water storage, a radiant panel and all the required operation components. A mock-up of the solar facade is manufactured to identify practical constructive issues. The thermal behaviour of the tank is analysed through FEM simulations and laboratory tests

    Impiego di palmitoiletanolammide nel trattamento dell'endometriosi

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    Tra le cure farmacologiche impiegate nel trattamento del dolore pelvico cronico che l'endometriosi provoca emerge il palmitoiletanolammide. In questo lavoro ne viene valutata l'efficacia emersa da recenti studi


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    Poly-γ-glutamate (γ-PGA) is a natural polymer made of glutamic acid residues, synthesized by the pgs operon of Bacillus subtilis. γ-PGA has a wide range of applications as food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical additive. However, to increase its industrial attractiveness, it is necessary to cut production costs utilizing cost-competitive feedstocks for fermentation. Raw glycerol is a low-cost by-product of biodiesel plants (it accounts for 10% of the final product) that can be used as feedstock. To achieve cost-competitive γ-PGA production from glycerol a multifaceted approach has been set up that includes: 1) Characterization and optimization of pgs operon regulation: the strength of the pgs operon regulatory elements has been analysed both by a synthetic biology approach, exploiting the well-characterized expression operating unit (EOU) inserted in amyE, and by a classical in-locus transcriptional fusion. Results from the two settings will be compared. These data will now be used to finely tune pgs expression through an inducible promoter to optimize γ-PGA yield. 2) Accumulation of γ-PGA precursors by metabolic engineering: a genome-scale metabolic model was used to identify suitable targets for enhancing central carbon pathway flux toward γ-PGA synthesis. The first two B. subtilis strains, engineered according to this analysis, showed enhanced polymer production. Other target genes are under investigation. 3) Enhancement of glycerol metabolism: B. subtilis tolerance to raw glycerol obtained from a biodiesel plant (from both vegetable and animal origin) was verified. Further investigations are underway to improve glycerol uptake and consumption