1,509 research outputs found

    Ouabain-induced cytoplasmic vesicles and their role in cell volume maintenance

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    Cellular swelling is controlled by an active mechanism of cell volume regulation driven by a Na+/K+-dependent ATPase and by aquaporins which translocate water along the osmotic gradient. Na+/K+-pump may be blocked by ouabain, a digitalic derivative, by inhibition of ATP, or by drastic ion alterations of extracellular fluid. However, it has been observed that some tissues are still able to control their volume despite the presence of ouabain, suggesting the existence of other mechanisms of cell volume control. In 1977, by correlating electron microscopy observation with ion and water composition of liver slices incubated in differentmetabolic conditions in the presence or absence of ouabain, we observed that hepatocytes were able to control their volume extruding water and recovering ion composition in the presence of ouabain. In particular, hepatocytes were able to sequester ions and water in intracellular vesicles and then secrete themat the bile canaliculus pole.We named this “vesicularmechanismof cell volume control.” Afterward, thismechanism has been confirmed by us and other laboratories in several mammalian tissues.This review summarizes evidences regarding this mechanism, problems that are still pending, and questions that need to be answered. Finally, we shortly review the importance of cell volume control in some human pathological conditions

    Reprogramming cancer stem cells

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    One special question to start with: can HIF/NFkB be a target in inflammation?

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    Hypoxia and Inflammation are strictly interconnected with important consequences at clinical and therapeutic level. While cell and tissue damage due to acute hypoxia mostly leads to cell necrosis, in chronic hypoxia, cells that are located closer to vessels are able to survive adapting their phenotype through the expression of a number of genes, including proinflammatory receptors for alarmins. These receptors are activated by alarmins released by necrotic cells and generate signals for master transcription factors such as NFkB, AP1, etc. which control hundreds of genes for innate immunity and damage repair. Clinical consequences of chronic inflammatory reparative response activation include cell and tissue remodeling, damage in the primary site and, the systemic involvement of distant organs and tissues. Thus every time a tissue environment becomes stably hypoxic, inflammation can be activated followed by chronic damage and cell death or repair with vessel proliferation and fibrosis. This pathway can occur in cancer, myocardial infarction and stroke, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic and autoimmune diseases and age-related diseases. Interestingly, proinflammatory gene expression can be observed earlier in hypoxic tissue cells and, in addition, in activated resident or recruited leukocytes. Herewith, the reciprocal relationships between hypoxia and inflammation will be shortly reviewed to underline the possible therapeutic targets to control hypoxia-related inflammation in a number of epidemiologically important human diseases and conditions

    Numerical simulation of droplet impact on wettability-patterned surfaces

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    © 2020 American Physical Society. Numerical simulations have unexplored potential in the study of droplet impact on nonuniform wettability surfaces. In this paper, we compare numerical and experimental results to investigate the application potential of a volume-of-fluid method utilized in OpenFOAM. The approach implements the Kistler model for the dynamic contact angle of impacting droplets. We begin with an investigation into the influence of the most important solver parameters to optimize the computational setup and reach the best compromise between computational cost and solution errors, as assessed in comparison to experimental results. Next, we verify the accuracy of the predictions for droplet impact on uniformly hydrophilic or superhydrophobic surfaces. Benchmarking the maximal spreading factor, contact, and spreading times, as well as contact-line behavior, we show strong agreement between the present numerical results and the models of Pasandideh-Fard, Phys. Fluids 8, 650 (1996)PHFLE61070-663110.1063/1.868850 and Clanét, J. Fluid Mech. 517, 199 (2004)JFLSA70022-112010.1017/S0022112004000904. Lastly, we demonstrate the capability of the model to accurately predict outcome behaviors of droplets striking distributed-wettability surfaces, which introduce 3D outcome characteristics, even in orthogonal impact. The model successfully predicts droplet splitting and vectoring, as reported in the experiments of Schutzius, Sci. Rep. 4, 7029 (2014)2045-232210.1038/srep07029. Finally, we demonstrate a configuration wherein a droplet centrally strikes a circular disk of different wettability than its surrounding domain. The main contribution of the present paper is a numerical model capable of accurately simulating droplet impact on spatially nonuniform wettability patterns of any foreseeable design

    Prevalence of Viral Hepatitis in Unselected, Consecutively Enrolled Patients Hospitalised for SARS-CoV-2

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    Diagnosing people living with chronic viral hepatitis is challenging due to the absence of symptoms as long as liver decompensated cirrhosis come out. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the prevalence of HBV and/or HCV infections in a non-selected population, hospitalised for SARS-CoV-2 infection in a tertiary care hospital in Northern Italy. During the study period 1,429 patients were admitted to hospital for SARS-CoV-2 infection, serologic tests for HBV and/or HCV were available for 382 (27%) patients and 3 were excluded due to their previous known serologic status. Among 379 patients, 235 (62%) were male, median age was 70 years (range 21-103), 360 (95%) were Caucasian. Among them, 372/379 (98%) were screened for HBsAg, 320/379 (84%) for HBcAb. HBsAg was positive in 2/372 (0.5%, 95% CI 0.0006-0.02) patients (only in one HBV-DNA was performed that was negative), while HBcAb was found positive in 55/320 (17%, 95% CI 0.13-0.22). Among 370/379 (98%) patients screened for HCV, 11/370 (3%, 95% CI 0.02-0.05) had positive HCV-Ab. Five out of 11 (45%) were tested for HCV-RNA that resulted positive in two patients (0.5%, 95% CI 0.0006-0.02). Considering this data, even though the screening was performed in only 27% of study population, a tailored screening in people with known risk factors for hepatitis might be preferable to universal screening in low prevalence areas. Also a prompt diagnostic workout should begin in case of clinical or laboratory suspicion of hepatitis and in those starting immunosuppressive treatments

    Removal of cardiac AL-amyloid with positive remodeling of cardiomyocytes and of restrictive cardiomyopathy

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    Herein, we describe histological mobilization of light chain cardiac amyloid documented by sequential left ventricular endomyocardial biopsies. These findings were associated with positive remodelling of cardiomyocytes and of restrictive cardiomyopathy resulting from 14 courses of chemotherapy over 17 years of time. Histological and ultrastructural findings of light chain cardiac amyloid removal led to increase in cardiomyocyte dimension and electrocardiogram voltages, reduction of biventricular wall thickness with improvement of left ventricular diastolic function, and NYHA class shifting from III to I

    The course of etoposide-induced apoptosis from damage to DNA and p53 activation to mitochondrial release of cytochrome c.

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    Treatment of L929 fibroblasts by the topoisomerase II inhibitor etoposide killed 50% of the cells within 72 h. The cell killing was preceded by the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria. Simultaneous treatment of the cells with wortmannin, cycloheximide, furosemide, cyclosporin A, or decylubiquinone prevented the release of cytochrome c and significantly reduced the loss of viability. Etoposide caused the phosphorylation of p53 within 6 h, an effect prevented by wortmannin, an inhibitor of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). The activation of p53 by etoposide resulted in the up-regulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax, a result that was prevented by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. The increase in the content of Bax was followed by the translocation of this protein from the cytosol to the mitochondria, an event that was inhibited by furosemide, a chloride channel inhibitor. Stably transfected L929 fibroblasts that overexpress Akt were resistant to etoposide and did not translocate Bax to the mitochondria or release cytochrome c. Bax levels in these transfected cells were comparable with the wild-type cells. The release of cytochrome c upon translocation of Bax has been attributed to induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). Cyclosporin A and decylubiquinone, inhibitors of MPT, prevented the release of cytochrome c without affecting Bax translocation. These data define a sequence of biochemical events that mediates the apoptosis induced by etoposide. This cascade proceeds by coupling DNA damage to p53 phosphorylation through the action of DNA-PK. The activation of p53 increases Bax synthesis. The translocation of Bax to the mitochondria induces the MPT, the event that releases cytochrome c and culminates in the death of the cells

    Infiltration of conduction tissue is a major cause of electrical instability in cardiac amyloidosis

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    Abstract: Background: Pathology of conduction tissue (CT) and relative arrhythmias in living subjects with cardiac amyloid have never been reported. Aims: Reporting CT pathology and its arrhythmic correlations in human cardiac amyloidosis. Methods and Results: In 17 out of 45 cardiac amyloid patients, a left ventricular endomyocardial biopsy included conduction tissue sections. It was identified by Aschoff-Monckeberg histologic criteria and positive immunostaining for HCN4. The degree of conduction tissue infiltration was defined as mild when ≤ 30%, moderate when 30-70% and severe when > 70% cell area was replaced. Conduction tissue infiltration was correlated with ventricular arrhythmias, maximal wall thickness and type of amyloid protein. Mild involvement was observed in 5 cases, moderate in 3 and severe in 9. Involvement was associated with a parallel infiltration of conduction tissue artery. Conduction infiltration correlated with severity of arrhythmias (Spearman rho=0.8, p <0.001). In particular, major ventricular tachyarrhythmias requiring pharmacologic treatment or ICD implantation occurred in 7 patients with severe, 1 patient with moderate and none with mild conduction tissue infiltration. Pacemaker implantation was required in 3 patients with complete conduction section replacement. No significant correlation was observed between the degree of conduction infiltration and age, cardiac wall thickness or type of amyloid protein. Conclusion: Amyloid-associated cardiac arrhythmias correlate with extent of conduction tissue infiltration. Its involvement is independent from type and severity of amyloidosis, suggesting a variable affinity of amyloid protein to conduction tissue
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