19 research outputs found

    Ecological characteristics of mollusks in the Utlyukskij Liman

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    Phylum Mollusca is represented in the Utlyukskij liman by 63 species, of which 43 belong to class Gastropoda and 20 species to class Bivalvia. Main groups of mollusks within the Utlyukskij Liman are irregularly distributed, and each part has a some slightly peculiarities. Data obtained show a weak correlation between the composition of mollusk communities and the type of the bottom. It was noted the presence of sufficiently stable "core" of malacofauna of entire estuary; while the composition of mollusk communities in certain areas reflects the specifics of the local hydrological conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative characters of mollusk communities are extremely inconstant in the the Utlyukskij Liman within the same area and even within the same sampling station. The structure and the proportion of mollusk groups is changing in a very short time. Key words: Mollusca; fauna; distribution; ecology; Utlyukskij Liman; the Sea of Azov

    Distress symptoms development after a single episode of ultrasound exposure

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    Aim. To study the influence of a single 24-hour episode of exposure to ultrasound waves propagating in air on microcirculation and parameters of hemostasis in rats. Methods. The study was performed on 28 Wistar male rats. The experimental group was exposed to ultrasound for 24 hours. Geometric mean frequency was 25 kHz, acoustic pressure was 84.3 dB. Parameters of microcirculation of experimental rats received by laser Doppler flowmetry were compared with those of intact animals. Also comparative analysis of platelet and coagulation hemostasis, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic plasma activity was performed in rats from both groups. Results. In experimental rats in response to 24-hour exposure to ultrasound, significant decrease of the studied active and passive factors of blood flow modulation occurred compared to those of intact animals: parameters of microcirculation, flax, endothelial and vasomotor wave amplitude, respiratory and pulse wave amplitude. When studying the parameters of hemostasis, significant hypercoagulation of extrinsic pathway and at the latest stages of coagulation which worsened with anticoagulant plasma activity inhibition along with decrease of fibrinolytic activity. The character of changes of hemostatic parameters confirmed the development of stress-reaction in rats registered during the study of microcirculation. Conclusion. 24-hour ultrasound exposure causes significant disorders of microcirculation and unfavorable shifts in hemostasis - the signs of distress

    Pre-migratory congregations of Red-crowned (Grus japonensis), White-naped (G. vipio) and Hooded (G. monacha) cranes in the Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use in 1992

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    The autumn pre-migratory concentrations of Red-crowned, White-naped and Hooded Cranes were studied in the Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use and Environmentla Education (Tambov District, Amur Region, Russian Federation) during 23.08–29.09.1992. We counted 292 Hooded Cranes, 34 White-naped Cranes, and 17 Red-crowned Cranes during the study period. We also marked specific differences in the behaviour of the birds connected with their readiness for migration. The Hooded Cranes showed the greatest readiness for migration. We observed mutual flights, overnight stays, and feeding of adult birds and family groups in their flocks. This was not the same in the flocks of White-naped Cranes. However, the average number of birds in the flocks of White-naped Cranes had increased by the end of our observations due to new families joining the general flock. The family parties of the Red-crowned Crane and adult birds without young individuals stayed apart from each other and from other crane species during the whole observation period. We registered the autumn departure of Hooded Cranes in late September, the migratory departure of White-naped Cranes in the middle of October, and the Red-crowned Cranes left the area in the first half of November. The breeding period for all crane species starts at the same time: the third decade of April – the beginning of May. The young of the studied crane species differ significantly in the period of time before fledging: Hooded Cranes – 55–60 days, White-naped Cranes – 65–70 days, and Red-crowned Cranes – 70–75 days because of their specific differences in the ratio of size to weight (1 : 1.3 : 1.7). Thus, the time difference between the Hooded and Red-crowned Cranes is about 2–3 weeks. We suggest that this is the main reason that determines the differences between these species in the timing of the the start of autumn migration

    Симптом кашлю в практиці лікаря-педіатра: сучасні аспекти вибору муколітичної терапії

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    The basic approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of cough in children are shown. The importance of rational choice of medical tactics depending on the nature of the pathology, child's age, and individual characteristics of its body is underlined.Key words: cough, therapy, ambroxol.Показаны основные подходы к диагностике и лечению кашля у детей. Подчеркивается важность рационального выбора лечебной тактики в зависимости от характера патологии, возраста ребенка, индивидуальных особенностей его организма.Ключевые слова: кашель, терапия, амброксол.Показано основні підходи до діагностики і лікування кашлю у дітей. Наголошується на важливості раціонального вибору лікувальної тактики залежно від характеру патології, віку дитини, індивідуальних особливостей її організму.Ключові слова: кашель, терапія, Амброксол


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    The aim of this report was to to build phylogenies using bird egg data, because egg data are available for a larger range of species than molecular data, it is cheaper to collect egg data than molecular data, moreover, building trees using egg data provide verification of molecular phylogenies. We used egg morphological data from the collections of zoological museums in Ukraine and Russia. Two models of egg geometry were used: composite ovoid and polynomial. For the first model we used seven indices of description of eggs, including the traditional elongation index as well as six original indices: index of infundibular (blunt) area, index of lateral area, index of local area, index of asymmetry, Equatorial index, and index of complimentary. All the necessary parameters were obtained from the digital pictures of eggs, processed by original computer software in accordance with suggested schemes. Using Falconiformes species as a case study, we found that measures of egg geometry gave important phylogenetic information: egg parameters clearly separated Falconiformes species from Gaviiformes, Pelicanidae, and Podicepediformes. We proposed usage of the morphological parameters of eggs as additional information in bird systematics. Key words: birds, eggs, systematic, geometrical parameters

    Кашель у дітей: діагностичні підходи та лікувальна тактика

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    It was showed the mechanisms of the origin and the physiological role of the cough. The main focus was on the need for a balanced campaign to diagnosis and treatment of cough among children.Key words: cough, diagnosis, treatment.Показаны механизмы возникновения и физиологическая роль кашля. Акцентируется внимание на необходимости взвешенного походак диагностике и лечению кашля у детей.Ключевые слова: кашель, диагностика, лечение.Показано механізми виникнення та фізіологічну роль кашлю. Наголошується на необхідності зваженого підходудо діагностики і лікування кашлю у дітей.Ключові слова: кашель, діагностика, лікування