43 research outputs found

    Function of Monocytes in the Retired Workers of the Okunojima Poison Gas Factory

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    Monocyte function of poison gas workers was determined and the following results were obtained. 1) No difference in cytostatic activity could be observed between poison gas workers and their controls. 2) Phagocytic activity of poison gas workers was slightly depressed when compared with that of the controls, but the difference was not significant. By duration of work, it was observed that the group with duration of work exceeding five years had a significantly lower value when compared with the group with duration of work being less than two years. 3) Chemotactic activity of poison gas workers tended to be depressed when compared with that of the controls. The activity tended to be more depressed the longer the duration of work. 4) A significant positive correlation was observed between cytostatic activity and phagocytic activity

    Deciphering Elapsed Time and Predicting Action Timing from Neuronal Population Signals

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    The proper timing of actions is necessary for the survival of animals, whether in hunting prey or escaping predators. Researchers in the field of neuroscience have begun to explore neuronal signals correlated to behavioral interval timing. Here, we attempt to decode the lapse of time from neuronal population signals recorded from the frontal cortex of monkeys performing a multiple-interval timing task. We designed a Bayesian algorithm that deciphers temporal information hidden in noisy signals dispersed within the activity of individual neurons recorded from monkeys trained to determine the passage of time before initiating an action. With this decoder, we succeeded in estimating the elapsed time with a precision of approximately 1 s throughout the relevant behavioral period from firing rates of 25 neurons in the pre-supplementary motor area. Further, an extended algorithm makes it possible to determine the total length of the time-interval required to wait in each trial. This enables observers to predict the moment at which the subject will take action from the neuronal activity in the brain. A separate population analysis reveals that the neuronal ensemble represents the lapse of time in a manner scaled relative to the scheduled interval, rather than representing it as the real physical time

    Production of Interleukin 2 in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes: Optimal Condition for its Culture

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    For the assay of the production of Interleukin 2 (IL-2) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (human PBL), a study was made on the optimal condition for its culture. 1) The optimal condition for the production of IL-2 was considered to be incubation time of 24 hr, number of PBL of 1 x 106 cells/ml, and phytohemagglutinin-M (PHA-M) concentration of 1 — 5% 2) By one way mixed lymphocyte reaction (one way MLR), IL-2 activity similar in level to that by PHA-M stimulation could also be obtained. It was maximal at the 4th day of culture. 3) By PHA-P (0.06%) stimulation, IL-2 could also be produced similar to that by PHAM stimulation but it decreased in the order of Con A, PWM and PPD and hardly any production of IL-2 could be observed by LPS

    Detection of Lymphocyte Subsets by Monoclonal Antibodies in Aged and Young Humans

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    With the use of Leu-series monoclonal antibodies, peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in aged and young humans were determined. 1) In comparison with young individuals, Leu-1+ cells and Leu-2a+ cells were decreased, whereas Leu-7+ cells and Leu-3a/Leu-2a were increased in aged individuals. 2) No sex difference could be observed in lymphocyte subsets. 3) PHA response of lymphocytes showed a negative correlation with Leu-2a+ cells and a positive correlation with Leu-3a/Leu-2a in aged individuals

    Interleukin-2 Production and Lymphocyte Proliferation in Aged and Young Humans

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    A study was made on the effect of aging on the production of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and lymphocyte proliferation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. 1) In comparison with young individuals, IL-2 production tended to decrease in aged individuals, while lymphocyte proliferation showed a significant decrease. 2) A significant correlation was observed between IL-2 production and lymphocyte proliferation in both the aged and young human populations. 3) IL-2 production showed a negative correlation with Leu-2a positive rate and a positive correlation with Leu-3a/Leu-2a ratio in aged individuals

    Immune Functions of Former Poison Gas Workers I. Mitogenic response of lymphocytes and serum factors

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    The relation of depressed immune function to carcinogenesis has been estimated in the living body. The authors have measured the immunological parameters in former poison gas workers, a group having a high risk of carcinogenesis, for comparison with age matched normal controls and the following results were obtained. 1) With regard to serum factors, no significant difference could be demonstrated between normal controls and poison gas workers in such immunoglobulins as IgG, IgA, and IgM, in acute phase reactants such as α1-AT, α1-AG, α2-HS and C3 and in such tumor markers as CEA, ferritin, and β2-microglobulin. Furthermore, no difference could be observed in the positive rate of immune complex and in complement activity. 2) No difference could be observed between the two groups with regard to tuberculin skin reaction and number of lymphocytes, but the longer the duration of work at the poison gas factory, the more significant was the increase in those who showed negative tuberculin skin reaction. 3) In comparison with normal controls, mitogenic response to PHA showed a significant decrease in poison gas workers, but no significant difference could be seen in mitogenic response to Con A and PPD and in mixed lymphocyte reaction. 4) No significant difference could be demonstrated between the two groups in the inhibitory effects of serum on mitogenic response to PHA and Con A and on mixed lymphocyte reaction

    Current Status of the Development of a Transportable and Compact VLBI System by NICT and GSI

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    MARBLE (Multiple Antenna Radio-interferometer for Baseline Length Evaluation) is under development by NICT and GSI. The main part of MARBLE is a transportable VLBI system with a compact antenna. The aim of this system is to provide precise baseline length over about 10 km for calibrating baselines. The calibration baselines are used to check and validate surveying instruments such as GPS receiver and EDM (Electro-optical Distance Meter). It is necessary to examine the calibration baselines regularly to keep the quality of the validation. The VLBI technique can examine and evaluate the calibration baselines. On the other hand, the following roles are expected of a compact VLBI antenna in the VLBI2010 project. In order to achieve the challenging measurement precision of VLBI2010, it is well known that it is necessary to deal with the problem of thermal and gravitational deformation of the antenna. One promising approach may be connected-element interferometry between a compact antenna and a VLBI2010 antenna. By measuring repeatedly the baseline between the small stable antenna and the VLBI2010 antenna, the deformation of the primary antenna can be measured and the thermal and gravitational models of the primary antenna will be able to be constructed. We made two prototypes of a transportable and compact VLBI system from 2007 to 2009. We performed VLBI experiments using theses prototypes and got a baseline length between the two prototypes. The formal error of the measured baseline length was 2.7 mm. We expect that the baseline length error will be reduced by using a high-speed A/D sampler

    Selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α modulator K-877 efficiently activates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α pathway and improves lipid metabolism in mice

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    Aims/IntroductionPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) is a therapeutic target for hyperlipidemia. K-877 is a new selective PPARα modulator (SPPARMα) that activates PPARα transcriptional activity. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of K-877 on lipid metabolism in vitro and in vivo compared with those of classical PPARα agonists.Materials and MethodsTo compare the effects of K-877 on PPARα transcriptional activity with those of the classical PPARα agonists Wy14643 (Wy) and fenofibrate (Feno), the cell-based PPARα transactivation luciferase assay was carried out. WT and Ppara−/− mice were fed with a moderate-fat (MF) diet for 6 days, and methionine–choline-deficient (MCD) diet for 4 weeks containing Feno or K-877.ResultsIn luciferase assays, K-877 activated PPARα transcriptional activity more efficiently than the classical PPARα agonists Feno and Wy. After being fed MF diet containing 0.001% K-877 or 0.2% Feno for 6 days, mice in the K-877 group showed significant increases in the expression of Ppara and its target genes, leading to marked reductions in plasma triglyceride levels compared with those observed in Feno-treated animals. These K-877 effects were blunted in Ppara−/− mice, confirming that K-877 activates PPARα. In further experiments, K-877 (0.00025%) and Feno (0.1%) equally improved the pathology of MCD diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, with increased expression of hepatic fatty acid oxidation genes.ConclusionsThe present data show that K-877 is an attractive PPARα-modulating drug and can efficiently reduce plasma triglyceride levels, thereby alleviating the dysregulation of lipid metabolism

    Octacosanol and policosanol prevent high-fat diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders by activating brown adipose tissue and improving liver metabolism

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an attractive therapeutic target for treating obesity and metabolic diseases. Octacosanol is the main component of policosanol, a mixture of very long chain aliphatic alcohols obtained from plants. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of octacosanol and policosanol on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity. Mice were fed on chow, or HFD, with or without octacosanol or policosanol treatment for four weeks. HFD-fed mice showed significantly higher body weight and body fat compared with chow-fed mice. However, mice fed on HFD treated with octacosanol or policosanol (HFDo/p) showed lower body weight gain, body fat gain, insulin resistance and hepatic lipid content. Lower body fat gain after octacosanol or policosanol was associated with increased BAT activity, reduced expression of genes involved in lipogenesis and cholesterol uptake in the liver, and amelioration of white adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation. Moreover, octacosanol and policosanol significantly increased the expression of Ffar4, a gene encoding polyunsaturated fatty acid receptor, which activates BAT thermogenesis. Together, these results suggest that octacosanol and policosanol ameliorate diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders by increasing BAT activity and improving hepatic lipid metabolism. Thus, these lipids represent promising therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders