34 research outputs found

    Research Trends in Janusz Korczak’s German Works: Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke (1996‒2010)

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    A Polish doctor, author of juvenile literature, and an orphanage director, Janusz Korczak lived with children until his death in the Treblinka concentration camp. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child is said to be based on his ideas of the rights of a child. Korczak’s rights of a child are famous as the Magna Carta Libertatis, i.e., the right of a child to his/her own death, the rights of a child to the present day, and the right of a child to be what he/she is. Korczak’s thought and his life are vigorously studied in Poland. Likewis, Korczak’s thought and praxis are also widely appreciated in Germany. The collected works, Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke, were published in 18 volumes between 1996 and 2010, including supplementary volumes, while Deutschen Korczak-Gesellschaft e.V. has been publishing information and trends in Korczak research in Germany since 1997. Particularly in the field of pedagogy, Germany is the center of Korczak studies and many papers and dissertations have been published in academic research. This study clarifies the characteristics of the acceptance and development of Janusz Korczak’s thought in Germany, with a focus on the turning point of the publication of the collected works Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke (1996‒2010)

    Strukturierung des Unterrichts anhand der Lehrer:innenfragen. Perspektiven der Jugyo Kenkyu

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    Analog zum Leipziger Ansatz der qualitativen Unterrichtsforschung stellt das Team der Hiroshima Universität sein spezifisches Vorgehen der Lesson Study vor. Auf der Basis der normativen Lesson Study mit Fokus auf die Gruppenbildung im Klassenzimmer zeigt die Analyse ihre Praxisnähe und moniert ein gewisses Defizit der Untersuchungsmaterialien, die aus dem Kontext der qualitativen Unterrichtsforschung bereitgestellt wurden. Die forschungsmethodologische Differenz zeigt sich darin, dass der Fokus auf die Lehrer:innenfrage im qualitativen Zugang Prozesse der Offenheit und Lenkung und in der Jugyo Kenkyu Strukturen der Gruppenbildung in den Blick rückt. (DIPF/Orig.

    ドイツにおけるコルチャック教育学の展開と独自性 : szacunek概念の受容を中心に

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Entwicklung und Einzigartigkeit der Pädagogik in Deutschland zu klären, die auf den Denken und Praxis des polnischstämmigen Janusz Korczak basiert. Zu diesem Zweck wird sich diese Studie auf die Rezeption von Korczaks szacunek-Konzept im Nachkriegsdeutschland konzentrieren. In Deutschland wurde Korczaks szacunek-Konzept in der Nachkriegszeit mit „Achtung“ übersetzt, als Korczaks Schriften mit dem Schwerpunkt auf pädagogischen Elementen übersetzt und veröff entlicht wurden. In Anlehnung an diese Übersetzung wurde das Konzept vertieft und weiterentwickelt in dem Versuch, eine systematische Pädagogik in Korczaks Denken und Praxis zu fi nden, während es gleichzeitig durch den deutschen historischen und sozialen Hintergrund beeinfl usst wurde. Dabei wurde der Fokus auf das gelegt, was Korczak zu Lebzeiten gedacht und praktisch getan hat, und die innere Wirklichkeit wurde allmählich klarer

    A Bayesian Approach for Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Alcohol in Japanese Individuals

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    Background: Blood alcohol concentration data that were previously obtained from 34 healthy Japanese subjects with limited sampling times were reanalyzed. Characteristics of the data were that the concentrations were obtained from only the early part of the time-concentration curve. Objective: To explore significant covariates for the population pharmacokinetic analysis of alcohol by incorporating external data using a Bayesian method, and to estimate effects of the covariates. Methods: The data were analyzed using a Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian estimation with NONMEM 7.3 (ICON Clinical Research LLC, North Wales, Pennsylvania). Informative priors were obtained from the external study. Results: A 1-compartment model with Michaelis-Menten elimination was used. The typical value for the apparent volume of distribution was 49.3 L at the age of 29.4 years. Volume of distribution was estimated to be 20.4 L smaller in subjects with the ALDH2*1/*2 genotype than in subjects with the ALDH2*1/*1 genotype. Conclusions: A population pharmacokinetic model for alcohol was updated. A Bayesian approach allowed interpretation of significant covariate relationships, even if the current dataset is not informative about all parameters. This is the first study reporting an estimate of the effect of the ALDH2 genotype in a PPK model

    Vasodilation mechanism of cerebral microvessels induced by neural activation under high baseline CBF level results from hypercapnia in awake mice

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    Objective: We investigated the effects of the baseline CBF level at resting state on neurovascular coupling.Methods: Diameters of arterioles, capillaries, and venulas in awake mouse brain were measured by a two-photon microscope. Vasodilation in each of the cerebral vessels was caused by three experimental conditions: (1) sensory stimulation, (2) 5% CO2 inhalation (hypercapnia), (3) simultaneous exposure to sensory stimulation and 5% CO2 inhalation. CBF and CBV were also measured by a microscope and a CCD camera.Results: Increases in CBF and CBV were observed under all experimental conditions. After the increases in CBF and CBV due to hypercapnia, additional increases in CBF and CBV occurred during sensory stimulation. Diameter changes in arterioles were significantly larger than those in capillaries and venulas under both sensory stimulation and 5% CO2 inhalation. Additional vasodilation from sensory stimulation was observed under hypercapnia. The diameter change in each vessel type during sensory stimulation was maintained under simultaneous exposure to sensory stimulation and hypercapnia.Conclusions:The diameter change of cerebral vessels during neural activation is reproducible regardless of whether baseline CBF has increased or not. Our finding directly demonstrates the concept of uncoupling between energy consumption and energy supply during cortical activation  

    Development of new optical imaging systems of oxygen metabolism and simultaneous measurement in hemodynamic changes using awake mice.

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    Background:PET allows the measurement of CBF, CBV and CMRO2 in human and plays an important role in the diagnosis of pathologic conditions and clinical research. On the other hand, in animal studies, there is no optical imaging system for evaluating changes in CBF and CBV, and oxygen metabolism, from the same brain area under awake condition.New method:In the present study, we developed a simultaneous measurement system of LSI and IOSI, which was verified by LDF. Moreover, to evaluate oxygen metabolism, FAI was performed from the same brain area as LSI and IOSI measurements.Results:The change in CBF according to LSI was correlated with that by LDF. Similarly, the change in CBV obtained by IOSI was also correlated with RBC concentration change measured by LDF. The change in oxygen metabolism by FAI was associated with that in CBF obtained by LSI, although the change in CBF was greater than that in oxygen metabolism.Comparison with existing method(s): We revealed that the relationship between oxygen metabolism and CBF as measured by our system was in good agreement with the relationship between CMRO2 and CBF in human PET studies.Conclusions:Our measurement system of CBF, CBV and oxygen metabolism is not only useful for studying neurovascular coupling, but also easily corroborates human PET studies

    Inhibitory effects of caffeine on gustatory plasticity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    The effects of caffeine on salt chemotaxis learning were investigated using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To estimate the degree of salt chemotaxis learning, nematodes were placed in a mixed solution of NaCl and caffeine, and then the chemotaxis index of NaCl was obtained from the nematodes placed on agar medium after pre-exposure to caffeine concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0%. Locomotor activity and preference behavior for caffeine were also estimated under these caffeine conditions. Nematodes pre-exposed to 0.3% caffeine showed inhibition of salt chemotaxis learning. Additional experiments indicated that nematodes showed a preference response to the middle concentration of caffeine (0.1%), with preference behavior declining in the 0.3% caffeine condition. Stable locomotor activity was observed under 0.01-0.3% caffeine conditions. These results suggest that salt chemotaxis learning with 0.3% caffeine is useful for investigating the effects of caffeine on learning in nematodes