Research Trends in Janusz Korczak’s German Works: Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke (1996‒2010)


A Polish doctor, author of juvenile literature, and an orphanage director, Janusz Korczak lived with children until his death in the Treblinka concentration camp. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child is said to be based on his ideas of the rights of a child. Korczak’s rights of a child are famous as the Magna Carta Libertatis, i.e., the right of a child to his/her own death, the rights of a child to the present day, and the right of a child to be what he/she is. Korczak’s thought and his life are vigorously studied in Poland. Likewis, Korczak’s thought and praxis are also widely appreciated in Germany. The collected works, Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke, were published in 18 volumes between 1996 and 2010, including supplementary volumes, while Deutschen Korczak-Gesellschaft e.V. has been publishing information and trends in Korczak research in Germany since 1997. Particularly in the field of pedagogy, Germany is the center of Korczak studies and many papers and dissertations have been published in academic research. This study clarifies the characteristics of the acceptance and development of Janusz Korczak’s thought in Germany, with a focus on the turning point of the publication of the collected works Janusz Korczak Sämtliche Werke (1996‒2010)

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