467 research outputs found

    Measurement of coefficient of friction under bulk plastic deformation by using plane strain extrusion apparatus with plane plate tool and taper die

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    A series of experiment to measure coefficient of friction under bulk plastic deformation in plane strain extrusion was carried out by using the apparatus in which a taper die and a plane plate tool were arranged in facing each other. The plane plate tool had detection part of the normal and frictional forces acting on the tool surface so that coefficient of friction could be measured. Conditions of frictional constraint on the surface of plane plate tool were changed by applying the lubricant with high viscosity or lubricant with low viscosity. While, lubricant applied to the other contact surfaces with billet such as the surfaces of taper die and sidewall was fixed to one kind. Billet was made of Aluminum (A1050-JIS) and the extrusion apparatus was made of SKD-11-JIS. Then, the values of coefficient of friction were measured and surface conditions of a billet were investigated on the plane plate tool side. Differences of the conditions of material flow and effective strain in whole area of deformation zone of a billet, which were affected with different frictional constraint on the surface of plane plate, were also investigated by carrying out the visioplasticy analysis

    A Novel Inhibitor of N

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    Involvement of adiponectin in age-related increases in tear production in mice

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    Common age-related changes in the human eye contribute to the development of dry eye, including decreases in aqueous tear production. Although the infiltration of lymphocytes into the lacrimal glands occurs with age, age-related increases in tear production have also been observed in mice; however, the mechanisms underlying this increase remain unclear. We herein demonstrated that increases in tear production were not dependent on body weight gain or systemic conditions, such as insulin resistance, using aged mice and high-fat diet-fed mice. The results obtained also showed that senescence-associated T (SA-T) cells accumulated in the lacrimal glands of aged mice, particularly females. Expression levels of the nuclear transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) in whole lacrimal glands and epithelial cells isolated from lacrimal glands were significantly higher in aged mice than in young mice. The expression levels of adiponectin and one of its receptors, AdipoR2, also increased in the lacrimal glands of aged mice, but not in those of high-fat diet-fed mice. Collectively, the present results indicate that PPARγ and adiponectin-mediated signaling contribute to age-related increases in tear production in mice and have potential as therapeutic targets for the treatment of dry eye in humans

    Bayesian inference to identify crystalline structures for XRD

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    Crystalline phase structure is essential for understanding the performance and properties of a material. Therefore, this study identified and quantified the crystalline phase structure of a sample based on the diffraction pattern observed when the crystalline sample was irradiated with electromagnetic waves such as X-rays. Conventional analysis necessitates experienced and knowledgeable researchers to shorten the list from many candidate crystalline phase structures. However, the Conventional diffraction pattern analysis is highly analyst-dependent and not objective. Additionally, there is no established method for discussing the confidence intervals of the analysis results. Thus, this study aimed to establish a method for automatically inferring crystalline phase structures from diffraction patterns using Bayesian inference. Our method successfully identified true crystalline phase structures with a high probability from 50 candidate crystalline phase structures. Further, the mixing ratios of selected crystalline phase structures were estimated with a high degree of accuracy. This study provided reasonable results for well-crystallized samples that clearly identified the crystalline phase structures

    Hyperhomocysteinemia induced by excessive methionine intake promotes rupture of cerebral aneurysms in ovariectomized rats.

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    BackgroundHyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is associated with inflammation and a rise in the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in the vascular wall. However, the role of HHcy in the growth and rupture of cerebral aneurysms remains unclear.MethodsThirteen-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were subject to bilateral ovariectomy and ligation of the right common carotid artery and fed an 8 % high-salt diet to induce cerebral aneurysms. Two weeks later, they underwent ligation of the bilateral posterior renal arteries. They were divided into two groups and methionine (MET) was or was not added to their drinking water. In another set of experiments, the role of folic acid (FA) against cerebral aneurysms was assessed.ResultsDuring a 12-week observation period, subarachnoid hemorrhage due to aneurysm rupture was observed at the anterior communicating artery (AcomA) or the posterior half of the circle of Willis. HHcy induced by excessive MET intake significantly increased the incidence of ruptured aneurysms at 6-8 weeks. At the AcomA of rats treated with MET, we observed the promotion of aneurysmal growth and infiltration by M1 macrophages. Furthermore, the mRNA level of MMP-9, the ratio of MMP-9 to the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2, and the level of interleukin-6 were higher in these rats. Treatment with FA abolished the effect of MET, suggesting that the inflammatory response and vascular degradation at the AcomA is attributable to HHcy due to excessive MET intake.ConclusionsWe first demonstrate that in hypertensive ovariectomized rats, HHcy induced by excessive MET intake may be associated with the propensity of the aneurysm wall to rupture

    Role of a non-ionic surfactant in direct electron transfer-type bioelectrocatalysis by fructose dehydrogenase

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    A heterotrimeric membrane-bound fructose dehydrogenase (FDH) from Gluconobacter japonicus NBRC3260 contains FAD in subunit I and three heme C moieties in subunit II as the redox centers, and is one of the direct electron transfer (DET)-type redox enzymes. FDH-catalyzed current density of fructose oxidation at hydrophilic mercaptoethanol (MEtOH)-modified Au electrode is much larger than that at hydrophobic mercaptoethane (MEtn)-modified Au electrode. Addition of a non-ionic surfactant Triton® X-100 (1%) completely quenches the catalytic current at the MEtn-modified Au electrode, while only small competitive effect is observed at the MEtOH-modified Au electrode. Quartz crystal microbalance measurements support the adsorption of FDH and Triton® X-100 on both of the modified electrodes. We propose a model to explain the phenomenon as follows. The surfactant forms a monolayer on the hydrophobic MEtn-modified electrode with strong hydrophobic interaction, and FDH adsorbs on the surface of the surfactant monolayer. The monolayer inhibits the electron transfer from FDH to the electrode. On the other hand, the surfactant forms a bilayer on the hydrophilic MEtOH-modified electrode. The interaction between the surfactant bilayer and the hydrophilic electrode is relatively weak so that FDH replaces the surfactant and is embedded in the bilayer to communicate electrochemically with the hydrophilic electrode

    Chemokines Up-Regulated in Epithelial Cells Control Senescence-Associated T Cell Accumulation in Salivary Glands of Aged and Sjögren’s Syndrome Model Mice

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    Immunosenescence is characterized by age-associated changes in immunological functions. Although age- and autoimmune-related sialadenitis cause dry mouth (xerostomia), the roles of immunosenescence and cellular senescence in the pathogenesis of sialadenitis remain unknown. We demonstrated that acquired immune cells rather than innate immune cells infiltrated the salivary glands (SG) of aged mice. An analysis of isolated epithelial cells from SG revealed that the expression levels of the chemokine CXCL13 were elevated in aged mice. Senescence-associated T cells (SA-Ts), which secrete large amounts of atypical pro-inflammatory cytokines, are involved in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders and autoimmune diseases. The present results showed that SA-Ts and B cells, which express the CXCL13 receptor CXCR5, accumulated in the SG of aged mice, particularly females. CD4+ T cells derived from aged mice exhibited stronger in vitro migratory activity toward CXCL13 than those from young mice. In a mouse model of Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), SA-Ts also accumulated in SG, presumably via CXCL12-CXCR4 signaling. Collectively, the present results indicate that SA-Ts accumulate in SG, contribute to the pathogenesis of age- and SS-related sialadenitis by up-regulating chemokines in epithelial cells, and have potential as therapeutic targets for the treatment of xerostomia caused by these types of sialadenitis

    シシガタニ ジケン ニオケル サイコウ ト ナリチカ

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    従来、鹿ヶ谷事件では、大納言藤原成親と西光法師のふたりが共謀して平氏討伐をくわだてたと考えられてきた。『尊卑分脉』によると、西光は成親の父家成の養子になっており、両者は義兄弟という縁戚関係から気脈を通じていたとされてきたのである。しかし、両者の政治的立場を検証してみると、二条親政の瓦解後、成親が八条院の権威を後ろ盾とする旧親政派に接近しているのに対し、西光は家成の長男藤原隆季や信西息の静賢、平時忠などとともに一貫して建春門院に近い立場にあったことがわかる。つまり、成親と西光は政敵とも呼べる関係にあり、ふたりが共謀していたという従来の説は成り立たないのである。成親と西光は、それぞれ別の要因によって処刑されたと考えられる。時子系統平氏との溝を深めていた成親は、朝廷や平氏一門における権力闘争が要因である。一方の西光は、目前に迫っていた延暦寺と後白河院との全面衝突を回避するために斬首に処されたのである。According to the common view, FUJIWARA no Narichika and Saiko had been thought to be the ringleaders of Shishigatani incident that happened in 1177. According to Sonnpi-bunnmyaku , Saiko was FUJIWARA no Ienari’s son-in-law. Ienari was the real father of Narichika. Because of their relationships, Narichika and Saiko had been thought to have conspired together. However, as a result of research, it has become clear that Narichika and Saiko differed in their political party membership. Narichika had belonged to Hachijouin’s party since about 1165. On the other hand, Saiko had belonged to Kenshunmonin’s party with FUJIWARA no Takasue, TAIRA no Tokitada and Joken who was a son of Sinzei. This means that Narichika and Saiko were political opponents. It is thought that Narichika and Saiko were killed for different reasons. Narichika was killed in a struggle for power between Hachijouin’s party and a Kenshunmonin’s party. Narichika was opposed to TAIRA no Tokitada and TAIRA no Munemori, who were close to TAIRA no Tokiko. On the other hand, Saiko was executed to evade a military collision of Goshirakawahouou and Hieizan Enryakuji. At the time of the case, a war was pressing

    イチギョウ アジャリ ワ ミョウウン ノ インユ カ エンギョウボン ヘイケ モノガタリ オ ヨミナオス

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    『平家物語』は天台座主明雲の配流を物語るにあたって、唐の一行阿闍梨の故事を引き合いに出す。この一行説話が、明雲流罪の悲劇を印象づけるためのアレゴリー(寓喩・諷喩)であり、「一行阿闍梨」が明雲の隠喩となっていることは、これまで自明のこととされてきた。しかし、延慶本を読むと、一行説話の登場人物の構図と明雲流罪事件の構図とのあいだには大きなずれがあり、もとの出来事とアレゴリーとの相似形が意図的に崩されていることがわかる。また、一行説話には、「三摩耶戒」や「九曜ノ曼荼羅」など、寺門や真言を連想させる記号が登場し、「一行阿闍梨」のイメージが延暦寺僧の明雲とは相容れないことが示されている。そうすることで、延慶本には、山門の創り出した西光を元凶とする明雲流罪事件像を相対化する余地が生まれているのである。 The Heike-monogatari quotes a historical tale about Ichigyou-ajari, describing the Myoun exile incident. It has been considered to be an allegory and Ichigyou-ajari is a metaphor of Myoun. However, in Engyoubon Heike-monogatari, there are differences in the character relationship between the Myoun exile incident and the historical tale. The difference enables us to speculate that the allegory is intentionally broken. In addition, Engyoubon Heike-monogatari uses the words “Sanmaya-kai” and “Kuyou-mandara”, which signify Onjou-ji and Singon-shu. Therefore, Myoun is not related to Ichigyou-ajari in Engyoubon, and Engyoubon Heike-monogatari possibly denies the conventional image of the Myoun exile incident made by the Enryaku-j

    ジョウケン ノ ショウガイ ジョウ

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