297 research outputs found

    Politique institutionnelle de toponymie du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme

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    Breeding and cultivation of new apple cultivars are among the most attractive and important issues for apple researchers. As almost all apple cultivars exhibit gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI), cross-pollination between genetically different cultivars and species is essential not only for stable fruit production, but also for breeding of new cultivars. For cross-pollination by insect or hand pollination, pollen viability and pistil fertility are key factors, but also the mechanism of GSI has to be taken into account. This paper reviews the germination rate of pollen after storage in different conditions, at different periods of flowering, and in combination with pistil fertility and cross-compatibility among wild-, crab-, and cultivated apples. Furthermore, suitable cultivar combinations for new attractive apple cultivars based on GSI are explored. Especially, details about S-genotypes of apple cultivars, which are present in recent cultivar catalogues, are introduced together with a newly established on-line searchable database of S-genotypes of cultivars, wild apples and crab apples that shows incompatibility, semicompatibility, and full-compatibility

    Construction of an in vivo System for Functional Analysis of the Genes Involved in Sex Pheromone Production in the Silkmoth, Bombyx mori

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    Moths produce species-specific sex pheromones to attract conspecific mates. The biochemical processes that comprise sex pheromone biosynthesis are precisely regulated and a number of gene products are involved in this biosynthesis and regulation. In recent years, at least 300 EST clones have been isolated from Bombyx mori pheromone gland (PG) specific cDNA libraries with some of those clones [i.e., B. mori PG-specific desaturase 1 (Bmpgdesat1), PG-specific fatty acyl reductase, PG-specific acyl-CoA-binding protein, B. mori fatty acid transport protein, B. mori lipid storage droplet protein-1] characterized and demonstrated to play a role in sex pheromone production. However, most of the EST clones have yet to be fully characterized and identified. To develop an efficient system for analyzing sex pheromone production-related genes, we investigated the feasibility of a novel gene analysis system using the upstream region of Bmpgdesat1 that should contain a PG-specific gene promoter in conjunction with piggyBac vector-mediated germ line transformation. As a result, we have been able to obtain expression of our reporter gene (enhanced green fluorescent protein) in the PG but not in other tissues of transgenic B. mori. Current results indicate that we have successfully constructed a novel in vivo gene analysis system for sex pheromone production in B. mori

    Efficient Rooting System for Apple “M.9” Rootstock Using Rice Seed Coat and Smocked Rice Seed Coat

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    “M.9” rootstock is considered as one of the most useful apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) rootstocks; it produces dwarfing trees efficiently. As “M.9” rootstock shows a poor, brittle, and shallow roots system, we grafted “M.9” rootstocks onto “Marubakaidou” (M. prunifolia Borkh. var. ringo Asami Mo 84-A). We then propagated them by mound layering to establish a high-density root system. It was found that covering the roots with rice seed coat (RSC), RSC + smoked rice seed coat (SRSC), and vermiculite during mound layering was effective for the initiation of rooting. Utilizing RSC and SRSC seemed especially effective for producing “M.9” roots efficiently

    Phenotype and genotype characterization of Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Orchid Transformant Harboring Construct UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3

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    Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume is an Indonesian national “Flower of Charm” (“Puspa Pesona”), an ornamental plant that by using genetic engineering we could improve the flower quality. In this study, Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system was used to edit the orchid genome more specific and precisely. Twelve months old putative transgenic plants originated from protocorm like bodies (PLBs) transformation harboring the T-DNA construct UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3/plasmid pRGEB32. Proofing for the putative transformant plants were stably harboring the T-DNA constructs were conducted by genotype and phenotype characterization. The purpose of this study was to characterize genotypically and phenotypically the putative transformant of P. amabilis harboring T-DNA constructs UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3 compared to non-transformant. Genotype characterization was carried out by detecting the integration of T-DNA harboring UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3 on the P. amabilis genome using several primers for HPT, Cas9, PDS3 and trnL-F (internal control primers). Phenotype analysis was carried out by observing and analyzing chlorophyll content using spectrophotometric methods. The results showed that genome of putative P. amabilis transformant age 12 months could be amplified by the primers. Phenotypic analysis of P. amabilis transformant showed a change in plant color from green to pale (albino) with lower chlorophyll content compared to non-transformant. This indicates that the CRISPR/Cas9 technology is able to edit the genome of orchids. Keywords: Chlorophyll, CRISPR/Cas9, orchid, Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume, PHYTOENE DESATURASE 3 (PDS3), Transformant.Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume adalah tanaman hias “Puspa Pesona Indonesia” yang dapat ditingkatkan kualitasnya dengan teknik rekayasa genetika. Transformasi genetik dengan perantara Agrobacterium tumefaciens dan CRISPR/Cas9 digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk pengeditan genom secara lebih spesifik dan presisi pada target sekuen gen PHYTOENE DESATURASE3 (PDS3) yaitu gen yang berperan penting pada biosintesis kloroplas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan tanaman transforman umur 12 bulan yang ditumbuhkan dari protokorm yang telah diintegrasi dengan T-DNA pembawa konstruksi UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3/plasmid pRGEB32. Pembuktian tanaman transforman tersebut masih mengandung konstruksi T-DNA tersebut perlu dilakukan, yaitu dengan karakterisasi secara genotipe dan fenotipe. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkarakterisasi P. amabilis transforman pembawa T-DNA dengan konstruksi UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3 secara genotip dan fenotip dibandingkan dengan P. amabilis non-transforman. Karakterisasi genotipe dilakukan dengan mendeteksi integrasi T-DNA pembawa konstruksi UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3 pada genom anggrek P. amabilis menggunakan beberapa primer yaitu HPT, Cas9, PDS3 dan trnL-F (primer kontrol internal). Analisis karakter fenotipe dilakukan dengan pengamatan morfologi dan analisis kadar klorofil menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genom anggrek P. amabilis transforman pembawa konstruksi UBI::Cas9::U3::PDS3 umur 12 bulan dapat teramplifikasi oleh semua primer. Analisis fenotipe P. amabilis transforman menunjukkan adanya perubahan warna tanaman dari hijau menjadi albino dengan kadar klorofil lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan P. amabilis non-transforman. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa teknologi CRISPR/Cas9 dapat digunakan untuk mengedit genom tanaman anggrek. Kata kunci: Anggrek, CRISPR/Cas9, klorofil, Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume, PHYTOENE DESATURASE 3 (PDS3), Transforma

    Preparation of Ba1-xLnxFeO3-δ and BaFe1-xLnxO3-δ (Ln: trivalent ion) with cubic perovskite structure and random distribution of oxide ion vacancy

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    Oxides with perovskite structure and random arrangement of oxide ion, such as Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.2Co0.8O3-δ, attract much interest as oxygen permeation material. For wide spread of oxygen permeation devices, development of new material without Co is highly desired because of high cost of Co. Recently, we reported that arrangement of oxide ion vacancy in monoclinic BaFeO2.5-δ changes from ordered to random by partial La3+ substitution for Ba2+ site, resulting in cubic perovskite structure and improvement of electrical conductivity [1, 2]. Fujishiro reported preparation of BaFe1-xInxO3-δ with cubic perovskite structure and enhancement of electrical conductivity with In substitution [3]. It is expected that material with higher property may be developed by substitution of other trivalent ion, such as lanthanoid or Y, for Ba- or Fe- site in BaFeO2.5-δ. In this work, preparation of various Ba1-xLnxFeO3-δ and BaFe1-xLnxO3-δ (Ln: trivalent ion) was examined and factors determining substitution site and crystal structure were investigated. The samples of Ba1-xLnxFeO3-δ and BaFe1-xLnxO3-δ were prepared with Pechini method. Each solution of Ba2+, Ln3+ and Fe3+ was mixed with nominal cation composition. After addition of citric acid and ethylene glycol, the solution was heated at about 450 ºC, resulting in precursor. The precursor was calcined at 700 ºC for 24 h in air, followed by 1300 ºC for 10 h in air twice. The crystal structure and lattice constants of the specimens were investigated with X-ray diffraction. The chemical state of Fe and oxygen content of the specimens were evaluated with iodometric titration. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    The Arginine Residue within the C-Terminal Active Core of Bombyx mori Pheromone Biosynthesis-Activating Neuropeptide is Essential for Receptor Binding and Activation

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    In most lepidopteran insects, the biosynthesis of sex pheromones is regulated by pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN). Bombyx mori PBAN (BomPBAN) consists of 33 amino acid residues and contains a C-terminus FSPRLamide motif as the active core. Among neuropeptides containing the FXPRLamide motif, the arginine (Arg, R) residue at the second position from the C-terminus is highly conserved across several neuropeptides, which can be designated as RXamide peptides. The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of the Arg residue in the BomPBAN active core. We synthesized 10-residue peptides corresponding to the C-terminal part of BomPBAN with a series of replacements at the second position from the C-terminus, termed the C2 position, and measured their efficacy in stimulating Ca2+ influx in insect cells expressing a fluorescent PBAN receptor chimera (PBANR–EGFP) using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, Fura Red–AM. The PBAN analogs with the C2 position replaced with alanine (Ala, A), aspartic acid (Asp, D), serine (Ser, S), or l-2-aminooctanoic acid (Aoc) decreased PBAN-like activity. RC2A (SKTRYFSPALamide) and RC2D (SKTRYFSPDLamide) had the lowest activity and could not inhibit the activity of PBAN C10 (SKTRYFSPRLamide). We also prepared Rhodamine Red-labeled peptides of the PBAN analogs and examined their ability to bind PBANR. In contrast to Rhodamine Red-PBAN C10 at 100 nM, none of the synthetic analogs exhibited PBANR binding at the same concentration. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the C2 Arg residue in BomPBAN is essential for PBANR binding and activation

    High-throughput analysis of anthocyanins in horticultural crops using probe electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (PESI/MS/MS)

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    農作物に含まれる成分を簡便・迅速に分析する技術を確立 --煩雑な抽出や分離操作が不要、わずか3分間で81種類のアントシアニンを分析可能--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-30.Plant secondary metabolites exhibit various horticultural traits. Simple and rapid analysis methods for evaluating these metabolites are in demand in breeding and consumer markets dealing with horticultural crops. We applied probe electrospray ionization (PESI) to evaluate secondary metabolite levels in horticultural crops. PESI does not require pre-treatment and separation of samples, which makes it suitable for high-throughput analysis. In this study, we targeted anthocyanins, one of the primary pigments in horticultural crops. Eighty-one anthocyanins were detected in approximately 3 minutes in the selected reaction-monitoring mode. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) could adequately distinguish between the fragments of anthocyanins and flavonols. Probe sampling, an intuitive method of sticking a probe directly to the sample, could detect anthocyanins qualitatively on a micro-area scale, such as achenes and receptacles in strawberry fruit. Our results suggest that PESI/MS/MS can be a powerful tool to characterize the profile of anthocyanins and compare their content among cultivars