3 research outputs found

    Present status of home health nursing in a Japanese hospital-based home health care agency

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    病院を基盤とした在宅看護提供機関における在宅看護の現状を調査し,在宅看護の現在の問題点を明らかにするとともに,在宅看護に携わる看護婦の役割について検討した。本調査の結果,一人暮らしの患者は,家族に介護者のいる患者に比べ明らかにADLが高い場合も訪問看護を受けていることが分かった。また,高齢者夫婦二人暮らしの患者と2世代以上家族の患者のADLに差はなく,このことは,高齢の介護者に相当の負担がかかっていると言える。訪問看護内容としては, 日常生活自立度の低い患者への日常生活援助の実施率は高く,精神的支援や指導的看護技術の実施率は低かった。在宅看護に携わる看護婦は, 日常生活援助に追われがちであるが,一次予防に焦点を当てたケア,患者や介護者の精神的支援,指導,ケアマネジメントを行うことは緊急の課題である。We investigated the present status of home health nursing in a Japanese hospital-based home health care agency, to clarify present problems in home health nursing and to assess the roles of home health nurses. Based on our results, ADL of care recipients who lived alone were clearly independent compared with care recipients who lived with family care-givers. The level of ADL of both care recipients who lived with their spouses and those who lived with more than 2 family members were not different. It indicates that aged family care-givers assume great responsibility. In cases of bedridden recipients,daily life care was performed at a high rate, but mental care or teaching care was performed at a low rate. Home health nurses should focus on primary preventive care, mental care for recipients and care-givers, and teaching care or management of a care plan

    An Advanced Training Program Development for School Teachers and Staff: Purposes and Activities of Okayama Center, National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development (NITS Okayama Center)

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    本論文では,これからの教師の学びの在り方を明らかにしたうえで,教師の学びを保障する場やその特質について考察する。具体的には,まず,近年の教員政策のなかで求められる教師像をもとに,教師の学びがどのように意味づけられるかを明らかにする。そのうえで,既存の教師の学びの場である教育委員会等が企画運営する研修,教職大学院,各学校で行われる校内研修等との比較により,(独)教職員支援機構岡山大学センターが構想する研修プログラムの特色を描出し,教職員の学びが深化するためのしくみを構築することの必要性と重要性を指摘したい。と同時に,教職員の学びの成果を可視化していくためには,研修プログラムに対するアウトカム重視の評価の開発が求められる。この点については今後の課題とする。This paper discusses the issues related to school teachers and staff development towards the future, including matters that how they gradually secure their learning opportunities in each stage of their careers and experiences and how university centers systematically ensure them professional development training programs. NITS Okayama Center has started to provide several training programs, in novelty and requirement distinguished from others: programs by local public bodies, local schools and teaching profession graduate schools. Through an inspection of our pilot programs, we basically point out that, first, the necessity to construct a system of making school teachers and staff’s learning process and outcome visible, and second, the importance to improve an evaluation method for training programs and to design that as an outcome model

    The Evidence-based Physical Assessment for headache by Yogo Teacher’s practices

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