133 research outputs found

    Effects of an aldose reductase inhibitor, SNK-860, on the histopathological changes of retinal tissues in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model.

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    In order to clarify the mechanism of retinal tissue damage in diabetes mellitus, the effects of the inhibition of aldose reductase on the pathologic changes in the retina of streptozotocin-induced diabetic (STZ-diabetic) rats were examined histologically and histochemically. The STZ-diabetic animals were maintained with and without peroral administration of an aldose reductase inhibitor, SNK-860, and their retinas were examined microscopically after 12 months. Several abnormal changes observed; folding and edema in the retina, loss of pericytes in the retinal capillary walls, and thickening of basement membranes in the retinal capillaries, were significantly inhibited by SNK-860. Some of these changes were similar to those that had been previously noted in diabetic and galactosemic rats. These data suggest that the enhanced polyol metabolism may be involved in the diabetic changes of the retina.</p

    Method of Quantifying Size of Retinal Hemorrhages in Eyes with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Using 14-Square Grid: Interrater and Intrarater Reliability

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    Purpose. To describe a method of quantifying the size of the retinal hemorrhages in branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and to determine the interrater and intrarater reliabilities of these measurements. Methods. Thirty-five fundus photographs from 35 consecutive eyes with BRVO were studied. The fundus images were analyzed with Power-Point® software, and a grid of 14 squares was laid over the fundus image. Raters were asked to judge the percentage of each of the 14 squares that was covered by the hemorrhages, and the average of the 14 squares was taken to be the relative size of the retinal hemorrhage. Results. Interrater reliability between three raters was higher when a grid with 14 squares was used (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), 0.96) than that when a box with no grid was used (ICC, 0.78). Intrarater reliability, which was calculated by the retinal hemorrhage area measured on two different days, was also higher (ICC, 0.97) than that with no grid (ICC, 0.86). Interrater reliability for five fundus pictures with poor image quality was also good when a grid with 14 squares was used (ICC, 0.88). Conclusions. Although our method is subjective, excellent interrater and intrarater reliabilities indicate that this method can be adapted for clinical use

    Classification and characterisation of brain network changes in chronic back pain: A multicenter study [version 2; referees: 3 approved]

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    Background. Chronic pain is a common, often disabling condition thought to involve a combination of peripheral and central neurobiological factors. However, the extent and nature of changes in the brain is poorly understood. Methods. We investigated brain network architecture using resting-state fMRI data in chronic back pain patients in the UK and Japan (41 patients, 56 controls), as well as open data from USA. We applied machine learning and deep learning (conditional variational autoencoder architecture) methods to explore classification of patients/controls based on network connectivity. We then studied the network topology of the data, and developed a multislice modularity method to look for consensus evidence of modular reorganisation in chronic back pain. Results. Machine learning and deep learning allowed reliable classification of patients in a third, independent open data set with an accuracy of 63%, with 68% in cross validation of all data. We identified robust evidence of network hub disruption in chronic pain, most consistently with respect to clustering coefficient and betweenness centrality. We found a consensus pattern of modular reorganisation involving extensive, bilateral regions of sensorimotor cortex, and characterised primarily by negative reorganisation - a tendency for sensorimotor cortex nodes to be less inclined to form pairwise modular links with other brain nodes. Furthermore, these regions were found to display increased connectivity with the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex, a region known to be involved in endogenous pain control. In contrast, intraparietal sulcus displayed a propensity towards positive modular reorganisation, suggesting that it might have a role in forming modules associated with the chronic pain state. Conclusion. The results provide evidence of consistent and characteristic brain network changes in chronic pain, characterised primarily by extensive reorganisation of the network architecture of the sensorimotor cortex

    Mineral oil certified reference materials for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls from the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ)

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    Four mineral oil certified reference materials (CRMs), NMIJ CRM 7902-a, CRM 7903-a, CRM 7904-a, and CRM 7905-a, have been issued by the National Metrology Institute of Japan, which is part of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST), for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The raw materials for the CRMs were an insulation oil (CRM 7902-a and CRM 7903-a) and a fuel oil (CRM7904-a and CRM 7905-a). A solution of PCB3, PCB8, and technical PCB products, comprising four types of Kaneclor, was added to the oil matrices. The total PCB concentrations in the PCB-fortified oils (CRM 7902-a and CRM 7904-a) are approximately 6 mg kg−1. In addition, the mineral oils which were not fortified with PCBs were also distributed as CRMs (CRM 7903-a and CRM 7905-a). Characterization of these CRMs was conducted by the NMIJ/AIST, where the mineral oils and the PCB solution were analyzed using multiple analytical methods such as dimethylsulfoxide extraction, normal-phase liquid chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, reversed-phase liquid chromatography, and chromatography using sulfoxide-bonded silica; and/or various capillary columns for gas chromatography, and two ionization modes for mass spectrometry. The target compounds in the mineral oils and those in the PCB solution were determined by one of the primary methods of measurement, isotope dilution–mass spectrometry (ID-MS). Certified values have been provided for 11 PCB congeners (PCB3, 8, 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180, 194, and 206) in the CRMs. These CRMs have information values for PCB homologue concentrations determined by using a Japanese official method for determination of PCBs in wastes and densities determined with an oscillational density meter. Because oil samples having arbitrary PCB concentrations between respective property values of the PCB-fortified and nonfortified CRMs can be prepared by gravimetric mixing of the CRM pairs, these CRMs can be used for validation of PCB analyses using various instruments which have different sensitivities

    Impact on cell to plasma ratio of miR-92a in patients with acute leukemia: in vivo assessment of cell to plasma ratio of miR-92a

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plasma microRNA (miRNA) has become a promising biomarker for detecting cancer; however, it remains uncertain whether miRNA expression levels in plasma reflect those in tumor cells. Our aim was to determine the biological relevance of miR-92a, which has been implicated as an oncomiR in both plasma and leukemia cells in patients with acute leukemia and to evaluate whether it could be a novel biomarker for monitoring these patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We quantified the expression level of miR-92a in both cells and plasma by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in 91 patients with acute leukemia. We also determined miR-92a expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) from normal controls. We compared miR-92a expression in plasma with its expression in leukemia cells. Synthetic anti-miR-92a inhibitor was transfected into Raji and OM9;22 cells, and apoptosis was assessed. For in vivo assessment, 6-week-old female nude mice were injected with U937 cells, and miR-92a expression in plasma and tumors was measured. The level of miR-92a expression in fresh leukemia cells was highly variable compared with PBMNC, but significantly lower compared with CD34-positive cells obtained from healthy volunteers. We also noticed that miR-92a was preferentially expressed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells in comparison with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. More specifically, cellular miR-92a expression was significantly increased in a subset of ALL cells, and ALL patients with overexpressed miR-92a had poor prognoses. The anti-miR-92a inhibitor-treated Raji and OM9;22 cells revealed an increase of apoptotic cells. Notably, the cell to plasma ratio of miR-92a expression was significantly higher in both AML and ALL cells compared with PBMNC from healthy volunteers. In tumor-bearing mice, the plasma miR-92a level was significantly decreased in accordance with tumor growth, while tumor tissue was strongly positive for miR-92a.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The miR-92a expression in leukemia cells could be a prognostic factor in ALL patients. The inverse correlation of miR-92a expression between cells and plasma and the cell to plasma ratio may be important to understanding the clinical and biological relevance of miR-92a in acute leukemia.</p

    Down-Regulation of miR-92 in Human Plasma Is a Novel Marker for Acute Leukemia Patients

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs are a family of 19- to 25-nucleotides noncoding small RNAs that primarily function as gene regulators. Aberrant microRNA expression has been described for several human malignancies, and this new class of small regulatory RNAs has both oncogenic and tumor suppressor functions. Despite this knowledge, there is little information regarding microRNAs in plasma especially because microRNAs in plasma, if exist, were thought to be digested by RNase. Recent studies, however, have revealed that microRNAs exist and escape digestion in plasma. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed microRNA microaray to obtain insight into microRNA deregulation in the plasma of a leukemia patient. We have revealed that microRNA-638 (miR-638) is stably present in human plasmas, and microRNA-92a (miR-92a) dramatically decreased in the plasmas of acute leukemia patients. Especially, the ratio of miR-92a/miR-638 in plasma was very useful for distinguishing leukemia patients from healthy body. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The ratio of miR-92a/miR-638 in plasma has strong potential for clinical application as a novel biomarker for detection of leukemia