6 research outputs found

    広島原爆被爆者における脳血管疾患死亡率の高い初期線量依存性が被爆時年齢10歳代の女性で検出された : コホート研究 1970-2010

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    内容の要旨 , 審査の要旨広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    High Initial-dose Dependency of Cerebrovascular Disease Mortality among Female Survivors of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Exposed in Teens : A Cohort Study, 1970-2010

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    Several studies have been conducted on cerebrovascular disease mortality in Atomic bomb survivors. Previous studies have investigated the relationship between mortality and initial radiation dose after adjusting for the effects of sex and age at the time of the bombing (ATB), and detected a weak (but statistically significant) dose-response relationship was detected. The objective of the present study was to examine whether the sex- and age ATB-specific cerebrovascular disease mortality among Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors can be explained by the initial radiation dose. At Hiroshima University, a cohort study has been conducted with Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivors (ABS) since 1970. We selected 30,378 subjects from the ABS who were exposed at 3.5 km or less from the hypocenter and still alive on January 1, 1970. These subjects were followed up until December 31, 2010. The cohort data were stratified with respect to sex and age ATB into 10-year age groups. For each stratum, using Cox regression, we performed survival analyses of the risk of cerebrovascular mortality using the initial radiation dose and the exposure distance (the ground distance between the exposure location and the hypocenter) as explanatory variables. The results indicated that the risks to females exposed at 10 to 19 years old were highly dependent on the initial radiation dose (hazard ratio: 1.51, p < 0.001), while the risks to males were not. There might exist some radiation exposure effects limited to women who were in their teens at the time of exposure. However, the background mechanisms remain unclear, necessitating further study.This study was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 24249039, Young Scientists (B) 23790694, and 23700337 from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    Molecular Interdiffusion between Stacked Layers by Solution and Thermal Annealing Processes in Organic Light Emitting Devices

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    In organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), interfacial structures between multilayers have large impacts on the characteristics of OLEDs. Herein, we succeeded in revealing the interdiffusion in solution processed and thermal annealed OLEDs by neutron reflectometry. We investigated interfaces between a polymer under layer and small molecules upper layer. The small molecules diffused into the swollen polymer layer during the interfacial formation by the solution process, but the polymer did not diffuse into the small molecules layer. At temperatures close to the glass transition temperatures of the materials, asymmetric molecular diffusion was observed. We elucidated the effects of the interdiffusion on the characteristics of OLEDs. Partially mixing the interface improved the current efficiencies due to suppressed triplet-polaron quenching at the interface. Controlling and understanding the interfacial structures of the miultilayers will be more important to improve the OLED characteristics