3 research outputs found

    Analysis of zootechnic and economic indicators of dairy farms in Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais

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    Os objetivos do trabalho foram identificar e quantificar indicadores-referência em sistemas de produção de leite na região de Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais,e, com isso, regionalizar os principais indicadores da pecuária de leite, conforme sugerido por Oliveira et al. (2007) para o extremo sul da Bahia. Foram analisados o perfil tecnológico e os indicadores zootécnicos, econômicos e de tamanho em 16 fazendas. Em seguida, foram determinados os coeficientes de correlação dos indicadores com a taxa de remuneração do capital (TRC). Para cada indicador (13) que apresentou correlação com a TRC, foi gerada uma equação de regressão em função da TRC investida para quantificar indicadores-referência em cinco cenários de TRC previamente definidos (0, 6, 8, 10 e 12 % ao ano). Os indicadores que apresentaram correlação e seus respectivos valores nos cinco cenários de TRC foram: área utilizada para atividade leiteira (126, 99, 90, 81 e 73 ha); relação de vacas em lactação por total de vacas (67, 74, 77, 79 e 82 %); número de vacas em lactação por área (0,55, 0,89, 0,99, 1,11 e 1,22 vacas/ha); produção de leite por vaca em lactação (9,16, 12,04, 13,00, 13,96 e 14,92 litros/vaca/ dia); produção de leite por total de vacas (6,07, 9,19, 10,23, 11,27 e 12,31 litros/vaca/dia); produtividade da mão-de-obra (243, 322, 349, 375 e 402 litros/d/); produtividade da terra (1.97, 4.51, 5.36, 6.20 e 7.04 litros/ha/ano); relação do custo operacional efetivo do leite por preço do leite (77, 69, 66, 63 e 60 %); relação do custo operacional total do leite por preço do leite (91, 80, 76, 72 e 69 %); relação do custo total do leite por preço do leite (107, 93, 88, 82 e 77 %); relação do gasto com mão-de-obra contratada por renda bruta da atividade (20, 15, 13, 11 e 9 %); relação da margem líquida da atividade por renda bruta da atividade lucratividade (2, 15, 19, 23 e 28 %); e relação do capital investido na atividade por leite produzido ao dia (1.200, 922, 829, 736 e 644 R/litro/dia).TheobjectivesofthisworkweretoidentifyandquantifyreferenceindicatorsindairyproductionsystemsintheregionofItuiutaba,MinasGerais,andthus,regionalizethemajordairyfarmingindicators,assuggestedbyOliveiraetal.(2007)forsouthernBahia.Thetechnologicalprofileandthezootechnic,economicandsizeindicatorswereanalyzedin16farms.Thecoefficientsofcorrelationwiththecapitalremunerationrate(CRR)indicatorswerealsodetermined.Toeachindicator(13)presentingcorrelationwiththeCRR,aregressionequationwasgeneratedinfunctionoftheCRRinvestedtoquantifythereferenceindicatorsin5CRRscenariospreviouslydefined(0,6,8,10and12/litro/dia).The objectives of this work were to identify and quantify reference-indicators in dairy production systems in the region of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais, and thus, regionalize the major dairy farming indicators, as suggested by Oliveira et al. (2007) for southern Bahia. The technological profile and the zootechnic, economic and size indicators were analyzed in 16 farms. The coefficients of correlation with the capital remuneration rate (CRR) indicators were also determined. To each indicator (13) presenting correlation with the CRR, a regression equation was generated in function of the CRR invested to quantify the reference-indicators in 5 CRR scenarios previously defined (0, 6, 8, 10 and 12 % per year). The indicators presenting correlation and their respective values in the five CRR scenarios were: area utilized for dairy activity (126, 99, 90, 81 and 73 ha); lactating cows per total cows ratio (67, 74, 77, 79 and 82 %); number of lactating cows per area (0.55, 0.89, 0.99, 1.11 and 1.22 cows/ha); milk production per lactating cow (9.16, 12.04, 13.00, 13.96 and 14.92 liters/cow/day); milk production per cow total (6.07, 9.19, 10.23, 11.27 and 12.31 liters/cow/day); labor productivity (243, 322, 349, 375 and 402 liters/d/); land productivity (1.97, 4.51, 5.36, 6.20 and 7.04 liters/ha/year); ratio between effective operational cost of milk and price of milk (77, 69, 66, 63 and 60 %); ratio between total operational cost of milk and price of milk (91, 80, 76, 72 and 69 %); ratio between total cost of milk and price of milk (107, 93, 88, 82 and 77 %); ratio between contracted labor cost and gross income (20, 15, 13, 11 and 9%); ratio between activity net and activity gross income margin-profitability (2, 15, 19, 23 and 28 %); and ratio between capital invested in an activity and milk produced per day (1,200, 922, 829, 736 and 644 R/liter/day)

    Identification and quantification of benchmarks of milk production systems in Minas Gerais

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    The objective of this study was to identify and quantify benchmarks of milk production systems. The technological profile and size, livestock and economic indicators of sixteen farms in the region of Triângulo Mineiro were analyzed. Indicators correlated with rate of return on capital (RRC) were identified and quantified in four scenarios of RRC (6, 8, 10 and 12% per year). The correlated indicators and their respective values in the four scenarios were: land (99, 90, 81 and 73 ha); relation of total cows in lactation (74, 77, 79 and 82%); lactating cows per area (0.89; 0.99; 1.11 and 1.22 cows/ha); milk production per lactating cow (12.04; 13.00; 13.96 and 14.92 liters/cow/day); milk production per total cows (9.19; 10.23; 11.27 and 12.31 liters/cow/day); labor productivity (322, 349, 375 and 402 liters/day/man); land productivity (4351, 5236, 6120 and 7004 liters/ha/year); participation of total effective operational cost of activity in the gross revenue of the activity (69, 66, 63 and 60%); participation of total operational cost of activity in the gross revenue of the activity (80, 76, 72 and 69%); participation of total cost of activity in the gross revenue of the activity (93, 88, 82 and 77%); labor cost in relation to milk gross revenue (15, 13, 11 and 9%); profitability (15, 19, 23 and 28%); and capital investment in the activity in relation to daily milk production (922, 829, 736 and 644 R$/liter-day). The productivity of the factors land and animals present more correlation with profitability than labor productivity, regardless of the production size