8,189 research outputs found

    Convex sets strict separation in the minimax theorem

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    The convex sets strict separation is very useful to obtain mathematical optimization results. The minimax theorem, a key result in Game Theory is an example. It will be outlined in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Why a new representation model for games: the code form

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    The aim of this work is to present a representation model of games which will establish the characteristics of each game with complete rigour. This model is presented emphasizing applications of theory, as much or more than the theory itself due to thinking, on the one hand, that applications help understand theory, and on the other, that applications illustrate the process of model building. Thus, this model is intended to illustrate the full rigour games both in terms of information, and in terms of real time structure of the gamesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Game theory, the science of strategy

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    This paper makes a simple presentation of strategy games emphasizing their application to management in general. The language used is very straight forward and mathematical symbols are avoided.Mathematical reasoning is presented descriptively. The dominant perspective is critical in that game theory has promised so much but to a certain extent has failed to fulfill its promises, mainly in real world practice.However, recent developments envisage a brighter future for game theory in both from a practical and theoretical aspect

    A Note on the Local Cosmological Constant and the Dark Energy Coincidence Problem

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    It has been suggested that the Dark Energy Coincidence Problem could be interpreted as a possible link between the cosmological constant and a massive graviton. We show that by using that link and models for the graviton mass a dark energy density can be obtained that is indeed very close to measurements by WMAP. As a consequence of the models, the cosmological constant was found to depend on the density of matter. A brief outline of the cosmological consequences such as the effect on the black hole solution is given

    Let the games begin and go on

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    Real life is a bigger game in which what a player does early on can affect what others choose to do later on. In particular we can strive to explain how cooperative behaviour can be established as a result of rational behaviour. When engaged in a repeated situation, players must consider not only their short-term gains but also their long-term payoffs. The general idea of repeated games is that players may be able to deter another player from exploiting his short-term advantage by threatening a punishment that reduces his long-term payoff. The aim of the paper that supports this abstract is to present and discuss dynamic game theory. There are three basic kinds of reasons, which are not mutually exclusive, to study what happens in repeated games. First, it provides a pleasant and a very interesting theory and it has the advantage of making us become more humble in our predictions. Second, many of the most interesting economic interactions repeated often can incorporate phenomena which we believe are important but which are not captured when we restrict our attention to static games. Finally, economics, and equilibrium based theories more generally, do best when analysing routinized interactions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Deformation of quantum mechanics in fractional-dimensional space

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    A new kind of deformed calculus (the D-deformed calculus) that takes place in fractional-dimensional spaces is presented. The D-deformed calculus is shown to be an appropriate tool for treating fractional-dimensional systems in a simple way and quite analogous to their corresponding one-dimensional partners. Two simple systems, the free particle and the harmonic oscillator in fractional- dimensional spaces are reconsidered into the framework of the D-deformed quantum mechanics. Confined states in a D-deformed quantum well are studied. D-deformed coherent states are also found.Comment: 12 pages, some misprints have been corrected, two figures are adde

    Moderate deviations for random field Curie-Weiss models

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    The random field Curie-Weiss model is derived from the classical Curie-Weiss model by replacing the deterministic global magnetic field by random local magnetic fields. This opens up a new and interestingly rich phase structure. In this setting, we derive moderate deviations principles for the random total magnetization SnS_n, which is the partial sum of (dependent) spins. A typical result is that under appropriate assumptions on the distribution of the local external fields there exist a real number mm, a positive real number λ\lambda, and a positive integer kk such that (Snnm)/nα(S_n-nm)/n^{\alpha} satisfies a moderate deviations principle with speed n12k(1α)n^{1-2k(1-\alpha)} and rate function λx2k/(2k)!\lambda x^{2k}/(2k)!, where 11/(2(2k1))<α<11-1/(2(2k-1)) < \alpha < 1.Comment: 21 page

    Relações interpessoais dos agricultores parceiros do Projeto Tipitamba, da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.

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    Neste trabalho aplicou-se a sociometria moreniana para identificar a rede de comunicação interpessoal dos agricultores parceiros do projeto Tipitamba, da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, que trabalha a temática agricultura sem queima e estão localizados em comunidades rurais, nos municípios de Igarapé-Açu e Marapanim, no nordeste paraense. Foram coletados dados nas comunidades de São João, Novo Brasil, Nova Olinda, Aparecida e Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Utilizaram-se perguntas abertas por meio de um roteiro pré-estabelecido que oportunizasse a elaboração do sociograma dos agricultores entrevistados referente às interações política, afetiva e técnica, bem como, conhecer e identificar as razões que os levam a se comunicar na comunidade. Os resultados apontam que nas comunidades envolvidas no estudo, as pessoas mantêm baixo nível de interação/comunicação interpessoal o que certamente impede o surgimento de novas lideranças locais, à integração entre os grupos e o fortalecimento das atividades coletivas nas comunidades

    Quantum mechanical counterpart of nonlinear optics

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    Raman-type laser excitation of a trapped atom allows one to realize the quantum mechanical counterpart of phenomena of nonlinear optics, such as Kerr-type nonlinearities, parametric amplification, and multi-mode mixing. Additionally, huge nonlinearities emerge from the interference of the atomic wave function with the laser waves. They lead to a partitioning of the phase space accompanied by a significantly different action of the time evolution in neighboring phase-space zones. For example, a nonlinearly modified coherent "displacement" of the motional quantum state may induce strong amplitude squeezing and quantum interferences.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. A 55 (June

    A model to choose a management team for a tourism company

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    In Portugal, many tourism companies deal with a management problem regarding their low dimension and productivity. Therefore, an additional concern must be given to the management model, in order to increase their success. An innovating model is given for a situation in which a hotel aims to choose a management team according to a set of competences and skills to give the company the necessary ability to be competitive and to survive in a very competitive market. This paper aims at presenting, through game theory, a way to have the best choice that allows ordering the potential candidates that will constitute the co-leadership team. This requires a successful team with a renewed co-leadership model of co-leaders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio