12 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (Clahe) Pada Citra Digital Untuk Memperbaiki Gambar X-ray

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    Metode Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) bertujuan untuk mengurangi noise dengan cara menentukan kernel matriks dan bekerja dengan menggantikan nilai intensitas setiap pixel citra masukan dengan rata-rata dari nilai pembobotan kernel untuk setiap pixel-pixel tetangganya dan pixel itu sendiri. Pada proses pengurangan noise ukuran kernel sangat mempengaruhi dalam memperoleh hasil kualitas citra. Ukuran kernel yang digunakan penulis pada penelitian ini berukuran 5 x 5. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sebuah program aplikasi untuk mengurangi noise dengan metode Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). Citra x-ray uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan citra x-ray hasil scal thorax. Citra tersebut di masukan dan ditampilkan pada program. Kemudian dilakukan proses Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). Maka akan dihasilkan suatu citra sesuai yang diinginkan. Kata Kunci : Clahe, Noise, Clahe, Perbaikan citra, Matlab ABSTRAC The Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) method aims to reduce noise by determining the kernel matrix and work by replacing the intensity value of each input image pixel with an average of the kernel weighting value for each neighboring pixel and pixel itself. In the process of reducing noise the size of the kernel is very influential in obtaining the results of image quality. The size of the kernel used by the author in this study is 5 x 5. This research has produced an application program to reduce noise using the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) method. The test x-ray image used in this study uses x-ray images of thorax scal. The image is inputted and displayed on the program. Then the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) process is carried out. Then an image will be produced as desired. Keywords: Cheat, Noise, Cheat, Image Repair, Matla

    Modifikasi Algoritma Vigenere Cipher Untuk Pengamanan Pesan Rahasia

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    Kerahasiaan pesan atau data yang dimiliki oleh seseorang merupakan hal penting dalam pengiriman pesan agar pesan tersebut hanya dapat diberikan oleh orang tertentu saja yang dapat mengakses informasi tersebut. Kriptografi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari cara pengamanan data atau pesan dengan tujuan mencegah dari orang lain yang ingin mengetahui isinya, dengan menggunakan kode-kode dan aturan-aturan tertentu dan metode lainnya sehingga hanya orang yang berhak yang dapat mengetahui isi pesan sebenarnya. Pada algoritma Vigenere Cipher pengamanan pesan hanya menggunakan kunci tunggal dan abjad sebagai kunci penyandian untuk melakukan penggantian atau subtitusi karakter pesan yang membuat kekuatan dalam penyadian pesan hanya terbatas pada penggunaan abjad saja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi algoritma Vegenere Cipher dengan pengguaan kunci sebanyak 3 kunci dan modifikasi tabel vegenere cipher dengan menambahkan angka dan 10 simbol sehingga karakter penyusun tabel menjadi 46 karakter dari 26 karakter sebelumnya. Hasil percobaan algoritma ini mampu melakukan enkripsi pesan rahasia dan mendekripsi kembali menjadi pesan aslinya

    The Contribution of Fisheries Subsector Toward Gross Regional Domestic Product of Tanjungbalai Asahan City North Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on November 2017 in Tanjungbalai Asahan City North Sumatra Province. The location of the specified research by (purposive). The methods used in this research is survey method, data used in this research is the data set of the time of year 2011 until 2015. The aim of this study: 1) To analyze the fisheries subsector contribution toward Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) and employment in Tanjungbalai Asahan city in 2011-2015, 2) To analyze the base or non base fisheries subsector in the development of fisheries in Tanjungbalai Asahan based on Gross Regional Domestic Product and employment in the years 2011-2015.Based on the research, the contribution of the fisheries subsector Tanjungbalai Asahan toward Gross Regional Domestic Product in 2011-2015 are 17.10%, 16.63%, 16.23%, 16.18%, and 16.20%. While the contribution of the fisheries subsector in Tanjungbalai city based on indicators of labor from 2011-2015 are 23.50%, 22.82%, 21.35%, 20.60% and 19.80%. Fisheries subsector included base sector in Tanjungbalai Asahan during period 2011-2015 based on indicators of Gross Regional Domestic Product indicator with LQ value 7.53 - 7.86 and based on labor indicator LQ 9.05 - 10,57

    Sampul Belakang

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    Sampul Depan

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    Sampul Belakang

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    Graph colouring algorithm for validating labelled 2D line drawing objects

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    Line labelling has been used to determine whether a two -dimensional (2D) line drawing object is a possible or impossible representation of a three -dimensional (3D) solid object. However, the results are not sufficiently robust because the existing line lab elling methods do not have any validation method to verify their own result. In this research paper, the concept of graph colouring is applied to a validation technique for a labelled 2D line drawing. As a result, a graph colouring algorithm for validating labelled 2D line drawings is presented. A high -level programming language, MATLAB R2009a, and two primitive 2D line drawing classes, prism and pyramid are used to show how the algorithms can be implemented. The proposed algorithm also shows that the minimum number of colours needed to colour the labelled 2D line drawing object is equal to 3 for prisms and n−1 for pyramids, where n is the number of vertices (junctions) in the pyramid objects