33 research outputs found
Supplementary Pension Funds in Hungary
Hungary has about ten years history of pension privatization process and the Hungarian experience could be really instructive. This paper is focused on the supplementary pensions trying to prove that no kind of reform of state pension system is able to solve all the problems of insufficient pensions. The paper highlights the main factors what could exetr an influence on the level of supplementary pensions. Some basic characteristics of the Hungarian private pension market are presented by means of empirical data and a complex measure of efficiency of pension fund operations is calculated.Pension Funds, Other Private Financial Institutions
AlapnyugdĂj Ă©s pontrendszer
Ez a tanulmĂĄny a NyugdĂj Ă©s IdĆskor Kerekasztal (NYIKA) keretĂ©ben vĂ©gzett közös kutatĂĄsunk eredmĂ©nyeinek összefoglalĂĄsa, Augusztinovics MĂĄria legutolsĂł munkĂĄinak egyike. A NYIKA 2007 Ă©s 2009 közötti idĆszakban azt vizsgĂĄlta, hogy milyen vĂĄltozatokat tart lehetsĂ©gesnek a mƱködĆ nyugdĂjrendszer elkerĂŒlhetetlen reformjĂĄnak megvalĂłsĂtĂĄsĂĄra. Ezek között mi egy olyan rendszer kidolgozĂĄsĂĄt javasoltuk, amelyben a tĂĄrsadalombiztosĂtĂĄsi nyugdĂj egy rĂ©sze alapnyugdĂj, mĂg a mĂĄsik rĂ©sz egy szigorĂșan jĂĄrulĂ©kfĂŒggĆ nyugdĂj lenne. Az alapnyugdĂj bevezetĂ©se mindenekelĆtt a vĂ©gletes idĆskori szegĂ©nysĂ©g elkerĂŒlĂ©sĂ©t szolgĂĄlnĂĄ, de egyĂșttal lehetĆvĂ© tennĂ© a munkĂĄt terhelĆ jĂĄrulĂ©kok jelentĆs mĂ©rtĂ©kƱ csökkentĂ©sĂ©t is. A jĂĄrulĂ©kfĂŒggĆ nyugdĂjat pontrendszerben terveztĂŒk, aminek cĂ©lja a jĂĄrulĂ©kok Ă©s a nyugdĂjak közötti közvetlen kapcsolat megteremtĂ©se, valamint az automatikus indexĂĄlĂĄs megvalĂłsĂtĂĄsa. Emellett fontosnak tekintettĂŒk azt is, hogy egy ilyen rendszerben a biztosĂtottak minden Ă©letszakaszban felmĂ©rhetik, hogy mekkora az ĂĄltaluk mĂĄr megszolgĂĄlt vĂĄrhatĂł nyugdĂj mĂ©rtĂ©ke. A szĂĄmĂtĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyek mutatjĂĄk, hogy ez a rendszer megvalĂłsĂthatĂł Ă©s fenntarthatĂł lenne.*
Journal of Economics Literature (JEL) kĂłd: H55, J21, J26
Atypical maternal interaction is associated with elevated levels of hair cortisol in children
The quality of maternal caregiving is an important factor in the healthy development of a child. One consequence of prolonged insensitive and atypical maternal interaction behavior (e.g., withdrawing from interactions with the child and role-reversal, i.e., the takeover of the parental role or parts of it by the child) in mother-child-dyads can cause alteration of the child's stress response system. Higher salivary cortisol concentrations were reported in infants and toddlers directly after negative interactions with their parents. However, no study to date has examined the association between atypical maternal interaction behavior and hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in infants. Here, we studied the association of maternal interaction behavior with HCC of the child. Mother-child dyads (Nâ=â112) participated in the longitudinal study My ChildhoodâYour Childhood. The AMBIANCE scale and its subscales were used to assess atypical maternal interaction behavior during the Strange Situation Procedure. Chronic stress levels in the child were assessed by HCC of 3â
cm hair strands at the age of 12 months. Maternal educational level (operationalized in highest education level) served as a control variable. Robust multiple linear regression analyses revealed that role/boundary confusion was associated with HCC, i.e., the higher atypical interaction behavior of the mother the higher the HCC in the children. By measuring hair cortisol in this study, it is possible to determine the average long-term activity of the child's stress response system.Thus, atypical maternal interaction behavior could be a risk factor for persistent stress in children, contributing to a higher risk for negative health outcomes in later life. The results of this study highlight the importance of early intervention programs that focus on the relationship between mother and child
NyugdĂj Ă©s gyermekvĂĄllalĂĄs 2.0 NyugdĂjreform elkĂ©pzelĂ©sek Konferencia kötet
A kötet a 2019. jĂșnius 13-ĂĄn, a Corvinus Egyetemen tartott hasonlĂł cĂmƱ konferenciaelĆadĂĄsait,
illetve az azok alapjĂĄn kĂ©szĂŒlt tanulmĂĄnyokat tartalmazza. A cĂmben talĂĄlhatĂł â2.0" arra
utal, hogy 2012-ben, hasonlĂł cĂmmel, ugyancsak a Corvinus Egyetemen mĂĄr tartottunk egy
konferenciĂĄt, Ăgy az Ă©rdeklĆdĆ olvasĂł összehasonlĂthatja, hogy a tĂ©ma kutatĂĄsa mennyit fejlĆdött 6
Ă©ve alatt. Az itt talĂĄlhatĂł nyugdĂjreform elkĂ©pzelĂ©sek között sok a hasonlĂłsĂĄg, de jelentĆsek a kĂŒlönbsĂ©gek
is, Ăgy azok alapos tanulmĂĄnyozĂĄsa Ă©s összehasonlĂtĂĄsa javasolt, hiszen a szerzĆk sok helyen -
expliciten vagy impliciten - egymĂĄssal is vitatkoznak. Fontosnak tartottuk bemutatni a tĂ©mĂĄval kapcsolatos szkeptikus hangokat is, bĂĄr a szerkesztĆk maguk Ășgy vĂ©lik, hogy a gyermeknevelĂ©st Ă©s a nyugdĂjrendszert össze kell kapcsolni - ahogy az itt szereplĆ szerzĆk döntĆ hĂĄnyada javasolja
NĂ©hĂĄny Ă©szrevĂ©tel a PEPP szabĂĄlyozĂĄsra vonatkozĂł elĆterjesztĂ©srĆl
Ez a hozzåszólås a PEPP lehetséges magyarorszågi hatåsairól fogalmaz meg néhåny gondolatot.
A fĆbb ĂŒzenetek az alĂĄbbiakban foglalhatĂłk össze: 1. A magyar nyugdĂjpĂ©nztĂĄrak alapĂtĂĄsakor
pontosan ugyanazok az indokok hangoztak el, mint a PEPP indoklåsa kapcsån, nem valamiféle
vadonatĂșj gondolatrĂłl van tehĂĄt szĂł. 2. A fejletlenebb tĆkepiacĂș orszĂĄgoknak, Ăgy MagyarorszĂĄgnak sem egyĂ©rtelmƱen kedvezĆ a PEPP termĂ©kek elterjesztĂ©se. Nagy valĂłszĂnƱsĂ©ggel a hazai
nyugdĂj-megtakarĂtĂĄsok egy rĂ©szĂ©nek a kiĂĄramlĂĄsĂĄt fogja eredmĂ©nyezni. 3. Nem a nyugdĂjcĂ©lĂș
megtakarĂtĂĄsok adĂłzĂĄsĂĄt kell harmonizĂĄlni, hanem elsĆsorban a nyugdĂjalapok hordozhatĂłsĂĄgĂĄt
kellene megoldani. 4. Lehetne a PEPP egy követelmĂ©nyrendszer, Ăgy bĂĄrmely mĂĄr lĂ©tezĆ nyugdĂjalap
is elnyerhetnĂ© a PEPP minĆsĂtĂ©st, ha megfelel a követelmĂ©nyeknek. Ez valĂłdi versenyhelyzetet
teremthetne a nyugdĂjbiztosĂtĂĄsi termĂ©kek piacĂĄn. | This paper gives some thoughts on the possible consequences of the PEPP concepts in
Hungary. The messages are as follow: 1. The concept itself is not really new. The reasons
for PEPP listed in the proposal are similar for those what were pointed out in the time of
establishment of Hungarian voluntary pension funds 2. The PEPP concept is not really
prefers countries with underdeveloped capital markets. Probably the major part of domestic
pension savings is going to leave these countries. 3.The harmonisation of taxation of pension
savings is not essentials. The most important is to warrant the portability of personal pension
funds. 4. It would be desirable to define the requirements for pension products to become
a PEPP. All existing pension funds what fulfils these requirements could be classified as a
PEPP. It would create a real competitive market for pension products