484 research outputs found
Degeneracy Relations in QCD and the Equivalence of Two Systematic All-Orders Methods for Setting the Renormalization Scale
The Principle of Maximum Conformality (PMC) eliminates QCD renormalization
scale-setting uncertainties using fundamental renormalization group methods.
The resulting scale-fixed pQCD predictions are independent of the choice of
renormalization scheme and show rapid convergence. The coefficients of the
scale-fixed couplings are identical to the corresponding conformal series with
zero -function. Two all-orders methods for systematically implementing
the PMC-scale setting procedure for existing high order calculations are
discussed in this article. One implementation is based on the PMC-BLM
correspondence \mbox{(PMC-I)}; the other, more recent, method \mbox{(PMC-II)}
uses the -scheme, a systematic generalization of the minimal
subtraction renormalization scheme. Both approaches satisfy all of the
principles of the renormalization group and lead to scale-fixed and
scheme-independent predictions at each finite order. In this work, we show that
PMC-I and PMC-II scale-setting methods are in practice equivalent to each
other. We illustrate this equivalence for the four-loop calculations of the
annihilation ratio and the Higgs partial width . Both methods lead to the same resummed (`conformal') series up to
all orders. The small scale differences between the two approaches are reduced
as additional renormalization group -terms in the pQCD expansion
are taken into account. We also show that {\it special degeneracy relations},
which underly the equivalence of the two PMC approaches and the resulting
conformal features of the pQCD series, are in fact general properties of
non-Abelian gauge theory.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
Características de la hoja que influyen en la incidencia de Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) en variedades de peral
Se estudia la influencia del pH, del contenido en azúcares y del contenido en agua
de las hojas de diferentes variedades de peral sobre la incidencia de la psylla del peral, Cacopsylla pyri (L.). El estudio se realizó en 2000 y 2001 en la Estación Experimental de Lleida. Se han estudiado las variedades "Harow Sweet", "William's Infel-415", "William's", "Delbard Delice", "Delbard Exquise", "Abate Fetel", "Super Cornice", "Cornice", "Sublimel", "William's Bovey", "Delferco" y "William's B.C." que en estudios anteriores presentaron diferencias en cuanto a la incidencia de C. pyri. Se han observado diferencias significativas en las características de las hojas para las distintas variedades. Las hojas de las variedades en las que la incidencia de la psylla fue mayor, presentaron mayor pH, mayor contenido en agua y menor contenido en azúcares. En conclusión, el pH y el contenido en agua y azúcares, pueden ser utilizados como indicadores de la preferencia de C. pyri en variedades de peral.The influence of leaf pH, leaf sugar content and leaf water content of differents pear
varieties on pear psylla {Cacopsylla pyri (Homoptera: Psyllidae) incidence has been studied. The study was carried out in 2000 and 2001 in a collection of varities located at the "Estació Experimental de Lleida" (NE Spain). The pear cultivars monitored were "Harow Sweet", "William's Infel-415", "William's", "Delbard Delice", "Delbard Exquise", "Abate Fetel", "Super Cornice", "Cornice", "Sublimei", "William's Bovey", "Delferco" y "William's B.C.". These varieties has showed showed differences in C. pyri incidence in previous studies.
There were significant differences in the leaf characteristics, related to the differences in the psylla incidence. The varieties whose leaves had higher pH and water content and lower sugar content, were the pear cultivars with a higher incidence of psylla populations. We conclude that the pH and the water and sugar contents can be used as indicators for C. pyri preference on pear cultivars
Relación Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) - Peral. Influencia de la variedad
Se estudian algunas de las características morfológicas y fisiológicas de diferentes variedades de peral que pueden influir sobre la instalación y desarrollo de las poblaciones de Cacopsylla pyri. Se realizaron recuentos de puesta, ninfas, adultos y enemigos naturales de C. pyri en lamburdas y posteriormente en hojas de brotes del año en una colección de selección de variedades de peral de la "Estació Experimental de Lleida".
El año 1997 se muestrearon 40 variedades. Los resultados obtenidos pusieron de manifiesto que existian diferencias significativas debidas a la variedad en los niveles de ocupación por el fitófago. Las variedades se agruparon en 3 categorias en función de la presencia de psylla: elevada, media y baja. De las plantadas los años 1994 y 1995 se muestrearon las 16 variedades correspondientes a los grupos anteriores.
Las características de la planta estudiadas fueron: altura, diámetro del tronco, peso de la madera de poda, contenido en clorofila, macro y micronutrientes. Se han observado diferencias significativas entre las distintas variedades en las características de la planta estudiadas, relacionadas con las diferencias en los niveles de ocupación.Some morphological and physiological characteristics of different pear cultivars that can influence the setting and development of the populations of Cacopsylla pyri are studied. Visual sampling of eggs, nymphs, adults and natural enemies of C. pyri on fruit spur and later on leaves of young shuts were done in a collection for varieties selection at the "Estació Experimental de Lleida" (NE Spain). In 1997, forty cultivars were monitored, founding significant differences between cultivars in the presence levels of the insect. The cultivars were divided in three groups according to the level of presence, high, medium and low. In 1998 and 1999, sixteen cultivars from the three groups from those planted in 1994 and 1995 were monitored.
The plant characteristics studied were: heigh, diameter of the trunk, weight of thinning wood and chlorophyl, macronutrient and micronutrient contents of the leaves. There are significant differences in the plant characteristics studied related to the differences in presence levels of C. pyri
Ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density in multifragmentation of Au + Au
The ratio of the shear viscosity () to entropy density () for the
intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions has been calculated by using the
Green-Kubo method in the framework of the quantum molecular dynamics model. The
theoretical curve of as a function of the incident energy for the
head-on Au+Au collisions displays that a minimum region of has been
approached at higher incident energies, where the minimum value is
about 7 times Kovtun-Son- Starinets (KSS) bound (1/4). We argue that the
onset of minimum region at higher incident energies corresponds to the
nuclear liquid gas phase transition in nuclear multifragmentation.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure
Significance of lobular intraepithelial neoplasia at margins of breast conservation specimens: a report of 38 cases and literature review
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Presence of lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN) is not routinely reported as part of margin assessment in breast conservation therapy (BCT) as in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). With new emerging evidence of LIN as possible precursor lesion, the hypothesis is that LIN at the margin may increase the risk of local recurrence with BCT. The aim is to determine whether there is an increase incidence of recurrence when LIN is found at surgical margins on BCT.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively reviewed a total of 1,334 BCT at a single institution in a 10 year period. Inclusion criteria are positive margin with LIN from primary BCT containing invasive and/or in situ carcinoma with comparison to the negative control group who had similar diseases with negative margin for LIN.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 38 cases (2.8%) with LIN either lobular carcinoma in situ/atypical lobular hyperplasia (LCIS/ALH) at a margin on initial BCT with 36% recurrence rate. Of the 38 cases: 5 (13%) were lost to follow-up, 12 (32%) had no further procedures performed and 21 (55%) had re-excision. Out of 21 patients who had re-excisions, 12 (57%) had residual invasive carcinoma or DCIS, three (14%) had pleomorphic LCIS and 4 (19%) showed residual classic type LCIS. 71% had significant residual disease (local recurrence) and 29% had no residual disease. A negative control group consisted of 38 cases. We found two patients with bone or brain metastasis and one local recurrence. Clinical follow up periods range from 1 to 109 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>LIN found at a margin on BCT showed a significant recurrent ipsilateral disease. Our study supports the view that LIN seen at the margin may play a role in recurrence.</p
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