4 research outputs found

    Функціоналізм в цивільному праві: онтологічний аспект

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    Матійко М. В. Функціоналізм в цивільному праві: онтологічний аспект / М. В. Матійко // Часопис цивілістики. – 2017. – Вип. 24. – С. 6-10.Стаття присвячена дослідженню проявів функціоналізму в цивільному праві. Розглянуті погляди вчених щодо напрямків впливу цивільного права на суспільні відносини, його ролі та соціального значення. Досліджено використання філософських та соціологічних знань у зазначеній сфері в історичному аспекті та сучасній цивілістиці. Охарактеризовано прояви функціоналізму в цивільному праві. Підкреслено значущість та перспективність зазначеного підходу на рівні цивільного права, його галузей та окремих інститутів. Зазначається про важливість функціоналізму в сфері юридичної практики. Сформульовано пропозиції щодо подальшого розвитку функціоналізму в цивільному праві.Статья посвящена исследованию проявлений функционализма в гражданском праве. Рассмотрены взгляды ученых относительно направлений влияния гражданского права на общественные отношения, его роли и соціального значения. Исследовано использование философских и социологических знаний в отмеченной сфере в историческом аспекте и современной цивилистике. Охарактеризованы проявления функционализма в гражданском праве. Подчеркнуто значимость и перспективность отмеченного подхода на уровне гражданского права, его отраслей и отдельных институтов. Отмечается важность функционализма в сфере юридической практики. Сформулированы предложения относительно последующего развития функционализму в гражданском праве.The article is sanctified to research of displays of functionalism in a civil law. The looks of scientists are considered in relation to directions of influence of civil law on public relations, his role and social value. The use of philosophical and sociological knowledge is investigational in the marked sphere in a historical aspect and modern civil law science. The displays of functionalism are described in a civil law. Meaningfulness and perspective of the marked approach are underline at the level of civil law, his industries and separate institutes. Importance of functionalism is marked in the field of legal practice. Offering to of relatively subsequent development functionalismis set forth in a civil law

    Human rights in the context of gender and juvenile policy in different legal systems

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    The study aims to identify the features of gender and juvenile policy in different legal systems and the formation of women's and children's rights. At present, equal rights are one of the main tasks of the modern social and legal state, as equality of rights and non-discrimination have been proclaimed by many constitutions and enshrined at the international level. The implementation of an effective gender and juvenile policy will increase the state's reputation in the international arena and ensure a high degree of trust in the government. Given the differences in the development of this aspect of countries from different legal systems, the analysis of the specifics of ensuring rights within gender and juvenile policy will further improve existing ways of regulating gender and juvenile relations by borrowing the main promising ideas and provisions underlying public policy. To conduct a research the authors used different scientific methods. Among these methods are the analysis and synthesis, the formal-legal and the comparative law method. The result of this work is to identify specific features characteristic of gender and juvenile policy of different legal systems, determine the importance of human rights and non-discrimination, offer effective ways to improve the implementation of gender and juvenile policy on the example of progressive states

    Influência do direito privado romano nos princípios básicos da sucessão singular na lei de herança da Ucrânia, Polónia e Lituânia

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    The authors of the article analyzed the hereditary laws of the present day based on the designs that were used during the time of ancient Rome. The object of the study of the article is the succession – universal and singular. Universal succession is characterized by the fact that civil rights and responsibilities pass directly to other persons directly, as a whole, in full, by a single act, at the same time. Singular succession is a legal succession of individual rights or duties. By singular succession to individuals, only certain property benefits passed without any burden on them. These were the so-called testamentary disposition, carried out in the form of a legate and fideicommissum. The authors concluded that in the modern civil law of Ukraine, with the help of a legate, the testator is given the opportunity to assign the heir to the will of execution of any property obligation in favor of the person - the legatee specified by the testator. Poland and Lithuania also have a singular succession. The comparative legal analysis made by the authors testifies that they differ only in certain details from the constructions contained in the legislation of Ukraine. Thus, on the example of the analysis of the rules of inheritance law of the above-mentioned states, one can be convinced that the influence of the rules of Roman law on the corresponding testamentary constructions is present and is decisive.Los autores del artículo analizaron las leyes hereditarias de la actualidad en función de los diseños que se utilizaron durante la época de la antigua Roma. El objeto del estudio del artículo es la sucesión - universal y singular. La sucesión universal se caracteriza por el hecho de que los derechos y responsabilidades civiles pasan directamente a otras personas directamente, en su totalidad, en su totalidad, mediante un solo acto, al mismo tiempo. La sucesión singular es una sucesión legal de derechos o deberes individuales. Por sucesión singular a individuos, solo ciertos beneficios de propiedad pasaron sin ninguna carga para ellos. Estas fueron las llamadas disposiciones testamentarias, realizadas en forma de legado y fideicomiso. Los autores concluyeron que en la ley civil moderna de Ucrania, con la ayuda de un legado, el testador tiene la oportunidad de asignar al heredero la voluntad de ejecución de cualquier obligación de propiedad a favor de la persona, el legatario especificado por el testador. . Polonia y Lituania también tienen una sucesión singular. El análisis jurídico comparativo realizado por los autores demuestra que difieren solo en ciertos detalles de las construcciones contenidas en la legislación de Ucrania. Por lo tanto, en el ejemplo del análisis de las reglas de la ley de herencia de los estados mencionados anteriormente, uno puede estar convencido de que la influencia de las reglas de la ley romana sobre las construcciones testamentarias correspondientes está presente y es decisiva.Os autores do artigo analisaram as leis hereditárias dos dias atuais com base nos desenhos que foram usados durante a época da Roma antiga. O objeto do estudo do artigo é a sucessão - universal e singular. A sucessão universal é caracterizada pelo fato de que os direitos e responsabilidades civis passam diretamente a outras pessoas diretamente, como um todo, por um único ato, ao mesmo tempo. A sucessão singular é uma sucessão legal de direitos ou deveres individuais. Por sucessão singular a indivíduos, apenas certos benefícios de propriedade passavam sem qualquer ônus para eles. Estas eram as chamadas disposições testamentárias, realizadas sob a forma de um legado e fideicomissum. Os autores concluíram que na lei civil moderna da Ucrânia, com a ajuda de um legado, o testador é dado a oportunidade de atribuir o herdeiro à vontade de execução de qualquer obrigação de propriedade em favor da pessoa - o legatário especificado pelo testador. A Polónia e a Lituânia também têm uma sucessão singular. A análise jurídica comparativa feita pelos autores atesta que eles diferem apenas em certos detalhes das construções contidas na legislação da Ucrânia. Assim, no exemplo da análise das regras da lei de herança dos estados acima mencionados, pode-se convencer que a influência das regras do direito romano nas construções testamentárias correspondentes está presente e é decisiva

    Public-private partnership: problems of contractual settlement

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    Given the benefits of public-private partnership (PPP), PPP relations, as well as the problems that arise in the contractual settlement of such relations are becoming increasingly important. Legislative requirements for the contractual form of partnership and an open list of contracts that can be concluded within the PPP do not differ in their clarity and clarity of interpretation, which results in the ambiguity of views on the rule of law when concluding agreements. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the problematic aspects of contractual regulation of relations in the field of PPP and suggest ways to solve them. The work aims to study the problems of contractual settlement of PPP. Research methodology such methods as the dialectical method, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, proof and refutation, comparison, generalization. As a result of the study, the problematic aspects of concluding agreements in the field of PPP were analyzed. In particular, it was concluded that today, despite the legal basis for the implementation of PPP, the implementation of such projects has some problems that are manifested in both legal and organizational areas. One of the problems is the greater role of the state partner in the implementation of PPP projects, which is manifested in the expanded scope of rights compared to the private partner (ownership of facilities created in the implementation of PPP projects), and, accordingly, lack of business interest in participation in projects not on mutually beneficial terms