2,851 research outputs found

    Physical Simulation of Inarticulate Robots

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    In this note we study the structure and the behavior of inarticulate robots. We introduce a robot that moves by successive revolvings. The robot's structure is analyzed, simulated and discussed in detail

    Robust classification via MOM minimization

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    We present an extension of Vapnik's classical empirical risk minimizer (ERM) where the empirical risk is replaced by a median-of-means (MOM) estimator, the new estimators are called MOM minimizers. While ERM is sensitive to corruption of the dataset for many classical loss functions used in classification, we show that MOM minimizers behave well in theory, in the sense that it achieves Vapnik's (slow) rates of convergence under weak assumptions: data are only required to have a finite second moment and some outliers may also have corrupted the dataset. We propose an algorithm inspired by MOM minimizers. These algorithms can be analyzed using arguments quite similar to those used for Stochastic Block Gradient descent. As a proof of concept, we show how to modify a proof of consistency for a descent algorithm to prove consistency of its MOM version. As MOM algorithms perform a smart subsampling, our procedure can also help to reduce substantially time computations and memory ressources when applied to non linear algorithms. These empirical performances are illustrated on both simulated and real datasets

    Directional Dynamics along Arbitrary Curves in Cellular Automata

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    This paper studies directional dynamics in cellular automata, a formalism previously introduced by the third author. The central idea is to study the dynamical behaviour of a cellular automaton through the conjoint action of its global rule (temporal action) and the shift map (spacial action): qualitative behaviours inherited from topological dynamics (equicontinuity, sensitivity, expansivity) are thus considered along arbitrary curves in space-time. The main contributions of the paper concern equicontinuous dynamics which can be connected to the notion of consequences of a word. We show that there is a cellular automaton with an equicontinuous dynamics along a parabola, but which is sensitive along any linear direction. We also show that real numbers that occur as the slope of a limit linear direction with equicontinuous dynamics in some cellular automaton are exactly the computably enumerable numbers

    Constraining short-range spin-dependent forces with polarized 3^3He

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    We have searched for a short-range spin-dependent interaction using the spin relaxation of hyperpolarized 3^3He. Such a new interaction would be mediated by a hypothetical light scalar boson with \CP-violating couplings to the neutron. The walls of the 3^3He cell would generate a pseudomagnetic field and induce an extra depolarization channel. We did not see any anomalous spin relaxation and we report the limit for interaction ranges λ\lambda between 11 and 100 μm100~\rm{\mu m}: gsgpλ22.6×1028 m2(95 %C.L.)g_sg_p \lambda ^2 \leq 2.6\times 10^{-28}~\mathrm{m^2}\, ( 95~\%\, \mathrm{C.L.}), where gsg_s(gpg_p) are the (pseudo)scalar coupling constant, improving the previous best limit by 1 order of magnitude

    Search for a new short-range spin-dependent force with polarized Helium 3

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    Measuring the depolarization rate of a 3^3He hyperpolarized gas is a sensitive method to probe hypothetical short-range spin-dependent forces. A dedicated experiment is being set up at the Institute Laue Langevin in Grenoble to improve the sensitivity. We presented the status of the experiment at the 10th PATRAS Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs.Comment: Presented at the 10th PATRAS Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISP

    Évaluation de la croissance et de l'activité antagoniste de pseudozyma SPP. en conditions in situ

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2008-2009Dans cette étude, nous avons comparé le potentiel de lutte biologique et le développement de quatre espèces du genre Pseudozyma {P. antárctica, P. flocculosa, P. fusiformata et P. rugulosa), reconnues pour leur production de glycolipides aux propriétés antifongiques in vitro. Pour ce faire, nous avons d'abord généré des transformants GFP et conçu des amorces spécifiques pour chacune des espèces testées. Par la suite, nous avons pu observer ces espèces en conditions naturelles et quantifier leurs populations en temps réel, sur des feuilles saines et infectées par le blanc. Bien que Pseudozyma spp. présentent plusieurs caractéristiques similaires, seulement P. flocculosa a été en mesure de contrôler efficacement le blanc et de croître en sa présence, comme en témoigne l'augmentation constante de sa population, tel qu'observée en qRT-PCR. De tels résultats suggèrent ainsi que la production de glycolipides n'est pas le seul facteur définissant l'activité antagoniste de Pseudozyma spp. en conditions naturelles. De plus, ces résultats soulignent également la nécessité d'avoir recours à des tests in situ pour une juste évaluation du potentiel de lutte biologique d'un champignon ainsi qu'une compréhension exhaustive de son écologie, et ce toujours dans le but d'optimiser l'efficacité d'un agent de lutte biologique potentie

    When dunes move together, structure of deserts emerges

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    Crescent shaped barchan dunes are highly mobile dunes that are usually presented as a prototypical model of sand dunes. Although they have been theoretically shown to be unstable when considered separately, it is well known that they form large assemblies in desert. Collisions of dunes have been proposed as a mechanism to redistribute sand between dunes and prevent the formation of heavily large dunes, resulting in a stabilizing effect in the context of a dense barchan field. Yet, no models are able to explain the spatial structures of dunes observed in deserts. Here, we use an agent-based model with elementary rules of sand redistribution during collisions to access the full dynamics of very large barchan dune fields. Consequently, stationnary, out of equilibrium states emerge. Trigging the dune field density by a sand load/lost ratio, we show that large dune fields exhibit two assymtotic regimes: a dilute regime, where sand dune nucleation is needed to maintain a dune field, and a dense regime, where dune collisions allow to stabilize the whole dune field. In this dense regime, spatial structures form: the dune field is structured in narrow corridors of dunes extending in the wind direction, as observed in dense barchan deserts

    Description of the unsteady flow pattern from peak efficiency to near surge in subsonic centrifugal compressor stage

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    This paper aims to describe the flow structure modifications when the operating point moves from peak efficiency to near stall condition in a moderate pressure ratio centrifugal compressor stage consisted of a splittered unshrouded impeller and a vaned diffuser. The investigations are based on three-dimensional U-RANS simulation results. The flow is described in the impeller and in the vaned diffuser through time-averaged flow quantities and unsteady fluctuations. Results show that at low mass flow rate, the effects of secondary flow in the impeller are more pronounced, inducing both, high time-averaged values and temporal fluctuations of the flow angle near the shroud at the diffuser inlet, leading to vane suction side boundary layer separation. Pressure waves due to impeller diffuser interaction spread through the vaned diffuser generating unsteadiness which intensifies at near surge condition

    μ\mu-Limit Sets of Cellular Automata from a Computational Complexity Perspective

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    This paper concerns μ\mu-limit sets of cellular automata: sets of configurations made of words whose probability to appear does not vanish with time, starting from an initial μ\mu-random configuration. More precisely, we investigate the computational complexity of these sets and of related decision problems. Main results: first, μ\mu-limit sets can have a Σ_30\Sigma\_3^0-hard language, second, they can contain only α\alpha-complex configurations, third, any non-trivial property concerning them is at least Π_30\Pi\_3^0-hard. We prove complexity upper bounds, study restrictions of these questions to particular classes of CA, and different types of (non-)convergence of the measure of a word during the evolution.Comment: 41 page