266 research outputs found

    Interactive Extraction of High-Frequency Aesthetically-Coherent Colormaps

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    Color transfer functions (i.e. colormaps) exhibiting a high frequency luminosity component have proven to be useful in the visualization of data where feature detection or iso-contours recognition is essential. Having these colormaps also display a wide range of color and an aesthetically pleasing composition holds the potential to further aid image understanding and analysis. However producing such colormaps in an efficient manner with current colormap creation tools is difficult. We hereby demonstrate an interactive technique for extracting colormaps from artwork and pictures. We show how the rich and careful color design and dynamic luminance range of an existing image can be gracefully captured in a colormap and be utilized effectively in the exploration of complex datasets

    R-adaptive multisymplectic and variational integrators

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    Moving mesh methods (also called r-adaptive methods) are space-adaptive strategies used for the numerical simulation of time-dependent partial differential equations. These methods keep the total number of mesh points fixed during the simulation, but redistribute them over time to follow the areas where a higher mesh point density is required. There are a very limited number of moving mesh methods designed for solving field-theoretic partial differential equations, and the numerical analysis of the resulting schemes is challenging. In this paper we present two ways to construct r-adaptive variational and multisymplectic integrators for (1+1)-dimensional Lagrangian field theories. The first method uses a variational discretization of the physical equations and the mesh equations are then coupled in a way typical of the existing r-adaptive schemes. The second method treats the mesh points as pseudo-particles and incorporates their dynamics directly into the variational principle. A user-specified adaptation strategy is then enforced through Lagrange multipliers as a constraint on the dynamics of both the physical field and the mesh points. We discuss the advantages and limitations of our methods. Numerical results for the Sine-Gordon equation are also presented.Comment: 65 pages, 13 figure

    Discrete Poincaré Lemma

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    This paper proves a discrete analogue of the Poincar®e lemma in the context of a discrete exterior calculus based on simplicial cochains. The proof requires the construction of a generalized cone operator, p : Ck(K) -> Ck+1(K), as the geometric cone of a simplex cannot, in general, be interpreted as a chain in the simplicial complex. The corresponding cocone operator H : Ck(K) -> Ck−1(K) can be shown to be a homotopy operator, and this yields the discrete Poincar®e lemma. The generalized cone operator is a combinatorial operator that can be constructed for any simplicial complex that can be grown by a process of local augmentation. In particular, regular triangulations and tetrahedralizations of R2 and R3 are presented, for which the discrete Poincar®e lemma is globally valid

    Discrete Geometric Structures in Homogenization and Inverse Homogenization with application to EIT

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    We introduce a new geometric approach for the homogenization and inverse homogenization of the divergence form elliptic operator with rough conductivity coefficients σ(x)\sigma(x) in dimension two. We show that conductivity coefficients are in one-to-one correspondence with divergence-free matrices and convex functions s(x)s(x) over the domain Ω\Omega. Although homogenization is a non-linear and non-injective operator when applied directly to conductivity coefficients, homogenization becomes a linear interpolation operator over triangulations of Ω\Omega when re-expressed using convex functions, and is a volume averaging operator when re-expressed with divergence-free matrices. Using optimal weighted Delaunay triangulations for linearly interpolating convex functions, we obtain an optimally robust homogenization algorithm for arbitrary rough coefficients. Next, we consider inverse homogenization and show how to decompose it into a linear ill-posed problem and a well-posed non-linear problem. We apply this new geometric approach to Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). It is known that the EIT problem admits at most one isotropic solution. If an isotropic solution exists, we show how to compute it from any conductivity having the same boundary Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. It is known that the EIT problem admits a unique (stable with respect to GG-convergence) solution in the space of divergence-free matrices. As such we suggest that the space of convex functions is the natural space in which to parameterize solutions of the EIT problem

    On the coupling between an ideal fluid and immersed particles

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    In this paper we use Lagrange-Poincare reduction to understand the coupling between a fluid and a set of Lagrangian particles that are supposed to simulate it. In particular, we reinterpret the work of Cendra et al. by substituting velocity interpolation from particle velocities for their principal connection. The consequence of writing evolution equations in terms of interpolation is two-fold. First, it gives estimates on the error incurred when interpolation is used to derive the evolution of the system. Second, this form of the equations of motion can inspire a family of particle and hybrid particle-spectral methods where the error analysis is "built-in". We also discuss the influence of other parameters attached to the particles, such as shape, orientation, or higher-order deformations, and how they can help with conservation of momenta in the sense of Kelvin's circulation theorem.Comment: to appear in Physica D, comments and questions welcom

    Variational Partitioned Runge–Kutta Methods for Lagrangians Linear in Velocities

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    In this paper, we construct higher-order variational integrators for a class of degenerate systems described by Lagrangians that are linear in velocities. We analyze the geometry underlying such systems and develop the appropriate theory for variational integration. Our main observation is that the evolution takes place on the primary constraint and the “Hamiltonian” equations of motion can be formulated as an index-1 differential-algebraic system. We also construct variational Runge–Kutta methods and analyze their properties. The general properties of Runge–Kutta methods depend on the “velocity” part of the Lagrangian. If the “velocity” part is also linear in the position coordinate, then we show that non-partitioned variational Runge–Kutta methods are equivalent to integration of the corresponding first-order Euler–Lagrange equations, which have the form of a Poisson system with a constant structure matrix, and the classical properties of the Runge–Kutta method are retained. If the “velocity” part is nonlinear in the position coordinate, we observe a reduction of the order of convergence, which is typical of numerical integration of DAEs. We verified our results through numerical experiments for various dynamical systems

    A Discrete Geometric Optimal Control Framework for Systems with Symmetries

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    This paper studies the optimal motion control of mechanical systems through a discrete geometric approach. At the core of our formulation is a discrete Lagrange-d’Alembert- Pontryagin variational principle, from which are derived discrete equations of motion that serve as constraints in our optimization framework. We apply this discrete mechanical approach to holonomic systems with symmetries and, as a result, geometric structure and motion invariants are preserved. We illustrate our method by computing optimal trajectories for a simple model of an air vehicle flying through a digital terrain elevation map, and point out some of the numerical benefits that ensue
