749 research outputs found

    Reprocessing of Soft X-ray Emission Lines in Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    By means of a Monte Carlo code that accounts for Compton scattering and photoabsorption followed by recombination, we have investigated the radiation transfer of Ly alpha, He alpha, and recombination continua photons of H- and He-like C, N, O, and Ne produced in the photoionized atmosphere of a relativistic black hole accretion disk. We find that photoelectric opacity causes significant attenuation of photons with energies above the O VIII K-edge; that the conversion efficiencies of these photons into lower-energy lines and recombination continua are high; and that accounting for this reprocessing significantly (by factors of 21% to 105%) increases the flux of the Ly alpha and He alpha emission lines of H- and He-like C and O escaping the disk atmosphere.Comment: 4 pages including 4 encapsulated postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aastex.cls and emulateapj5.sty; accepted on 2004 January 13 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Void Formation and Roughening in Slow Fracture

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    Slow crack propagation in ductile, and in certain brittle materials, appears to take place via the nucleation of voids ahead of the crack tip due to plastic yields, followed by the coalescence of these voids. Post mortem analysis of the resulting fracture surfaces of ductile and brittle materials on the ÎŒ\mum-mm and the nm scales respectively, reveals self-affine cracks with anomalous scaling exponent ζ≈0.8\zeta\approx 0.8 in 3-dimensions and ζ≈0.65\zeta\approx 0.65 in 2-dimensions. In this paper we present an analytic theory based on the method of iterated conformal maps aimed at modelling the void formation and the fracture growth, culminating in estimates of the roughening exponents in 2-dimensions. In the simplest realization of the model we allow one void ahead of the crack, and address the robustness of the roughening exponent. Next we develop the theory further, to include two voids ahead of the crack. This development necessitates generalizing the method of iterated conformal maps to include doubly connected regions (maps from the annulus rather than the unit circle). While mathematically and numerically feasible, we find that the employment of the stress field as computed from elasticity theory becomes questionable when more than one void is explicitly inserted into the material. Thus further progress in this line of research calls for improved treatment of the plastic dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Diffusion, Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes: Analytical and Numerical Results

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    We formulate dynamical rate equations for physical processes driven by a combination of diffusive growth, size fragmentation and fragment coagulation. Initially, we consider processes where coagulation is absent. In this case we solve the rate equation exactly leading to size distributions of Bessel type which fall off as exp⁡(−x3/2)\exp(-x^{3/2}) for large xx-values. Moreover, we provide explicit formulas for the expansion coefficients in terms of Airy functions. Introducing the coagulation term, the full non-linear model is mapped exactly onto a Riccati equation that enables us to derive various asymptotic solutions for the distribution function. In particular, we find a standard exponential decay, exp⁡(−x)\exp(-x), for large xx, and observe a crossover from the Bessel function for intermediate values of xx. These findings are checked by numerical simulations and we find perfect agreement between the theoretical predictions and numerical results.Comment: (28 pages, 6 figures, v2+v3 minor corrections

    Team Reasoning and Collective Intentionality

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    Different versions of the idea that individualism about agency is the root of standard game theoretical puzzles have been defended by Regan 1980, Bacharach (Research in Economics 53: 117–147, 1999), Hurley (Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26: 264–265, 2003), Sugden (Philosophical Explorations 6(3):165–181, 2003), and Tuomela 2013, among others. While collectivistic game theorists like Michael Bacharach provide formal frameworks designed to avert some of the standard dilemmas, philosophers of collective action like Raimo Tuomela aim at substantive accounts of collective action that may explain how agents overcoming such social dilemmas would be motivated. This paper focuses on the conditions on collective action and intention that need to be fulfilled for Bacharach’s “team reasoning” to occur. Two influential approaches to collective action are related to the idea of team reasoning: Michael Bratman’s theory of shared intention and Raimo Tuomela’s theory of a we-mode of intending. I argue that neither captures the “agency transformation” that team reasoning requires. That might be an acceptable conclusion for Bratman but more problematic for Tuomela, who claims that Bacharach’s results support his theory. I sketch an alternative framework in which the perspectival element that is required for team reasoning - the ‘we-perspective’ - can be understood and functionally characterized in relation to the traditional distinction between mode and content of intentional states. I claim that the latter understanding of a collective perspective provides the right kind of philosophical background for team reasoning, and I discuss some implications in relation to Tuomela’s assumption that switching between individual and collective perspectives can be a matter of rational choice

    Variable pulmonary manifestations in Chitayat syndrome: Six additional affected individuals

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    Hand hyperphalangism leading to shortened index fingers with ulnar deviation, hallux valgus, mild facial dysmorphism and respiratory compromise requiring assisted ventilation are the key features of Chitayat syndrome. This condition results from the recurrent heterozygous missense variant NM_006494.2:c.266A>G; p.(Tyr89Cys) in ERF on chromosome 19q13.2, encoding the ETS2 repressor factor (ERF) protein. The pathomechanism of Chitayat syndrome is unknown. To date, seven individuals with Chitayat syndrome and the recurrent pathogenic ERF variant have been reported in the literature. Here, we describe six additional individuals, among them only one presenting with a history of assisted ventilation, and the remaining presenting with variable pulmonary phenotypes, including one individual without any obvious pulmonary manifestations. Our findings widen the phenotype spectrum caused by the recurrent pathogenic variant in ERF, underline Chitayat syndrome as a cause of isolated skeletal malformations and therefore contribute to the improvement of diagnostic strategies in individuals with hand hyperphalangism
